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IAIKu Press- Achmad Abdul Aziz M.Pd selaku DPL prodi Manajemen Bisnis Syari'ah menutup kegiatan praktek pengalaman lapangan. This PPL lasts approx 2 not start date 19 October - 15 November 2023 with location 4 places include the Al-Madina Hotel, Baznas Office, CV Beautiful galaxy and tower. Closing of PPL for IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students, Prodi Manajemen Bisnis Syari'ah ini dilaksanakan selama 3 days in between 15 November 2023 of Hotel Al-Madina, 16 November 2023 at the Baznas Office and CV Galaxy Mega November November 2023 di Menara".tutur Achmad Abdul Aziz yang menjadi Kaprodi Perekonomian Syari'ah ". Not only that, Mahasiswa PPL Prodi Manajemen Bisnis Syari'ah mendapat pesan dari lokasi tempat mereka praktik diantaranya " Students must dare to dream, dream for your goals because real success requires discipline and consistency. Hopefully the knowledge gained during practical field experience ( PPL) in our agency can be useful for the future" said Mr Rafi, the owner of the agency ". " Not only that, they can even be expected to become employees at this agency " said the agency owner." " and students themselves provide responses " God willing, when the thesis is finished, "We will be wide open for this offer," said one of the students. On the same occasion Achmad Abdul Aziz M,Pd.kaprodi perekonomian syari'ah juga menyatakan " That's because this year students are placed in moving locations at Partner agencies, I really agree and agree with the message from the PPL location for students. This will be the initial preparation for students in entering the world of Mitra, especially. I see that this year's PPL is very good and needs to be continued in order to make the Main Performance Indicators a success ( THAT) and at the same time increasing the Accreditation of PT and the Accreditation of Febi Environmental Study Programs in particular. Moreover, this internship/PPL activity is accompanied by an MOA / Cooperation agreement ( SPK) with partner agencies. " he closed. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKu Press- Achmad Abdul Aziz M.Pd as DPL of the Sharia Business Management study program closed the practical field experience activities. This PPL lasts approx 2 not start date 19 October - 15 November 2023 with location 4 places include the Al-Madina Hotel, Baznas Office, CV Beautiful galaxy and tower. Closing of PPL for IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students, The Sharia Business Management Study Program was implemented during 3 days in between 15 November 2023 of Hotel Al-Madina, 16 November 2023 at the Baznas Office and CV Novemberega Indah,19 November 2023 at the Tower," said Achmad Abdul Aziz, who is the Head of the Sharia Economics Study Program. ". Not only that, PPL students of the Sharia Business Management Study Program received messages from the location where they were practicing, including " Students must dare to dream, dream for your goals because real success requires discipline and consistency. Hopefully the knowledge gained during practical field experience ( PPL) in our agency can be useful for the future" said Mr Rafi, the owner of the agency ". " Not only that, they can even be expected to become employees at this agency " said the agency owner." " and students themselves provide responses " God willing, when the thesis is finished, "We will be wide open for this offer," said one of the students. On the same occasion Achmad Abdul Aziz M,Pd. Head of sharia economics study program also stated " That's because this year students are placed in moving locations at Partner agencies, I really agree and agree with the message from the PPL location for students. This will be the initial preparation for students in entering the world of Mitra, especially. I see that this year's PPL is very good and needs to be continued in order to make the Main Performance Indicators a success ( THAT) and at the same time increasing the Accreditation of PT and the Accreditation of Febi Environmental Study Programs in particular. Moreover, this internship/PPL activity is accompanied by an MOA / Cooperation agreement ( SPK) with partner agencies. " he closed. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKu Press- Achmad Abdul Aziz M.Pd as DPL of the Sharia Business Management study program closed the practical field experience activities. This PPL lasts approx 2 not start date 19 October – 15 November 2023 with location 5 places include the Al-Madina Hotel,Hotel Blora Indah,Baznas Office, CV Beautiful galaxy and tower.

Closing of PPL for IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students, The Sharia Business Management Study Program was implemented during 3 days in between 15 November 2023 di Hotel Blora Indah dan Hotel Al-Madina, 16 November 2023 at the Baznas Office and CV Galaxy Mega Indah,19 November 2023 in the Tower”.said Achmad Abdul Aziz who is the Head of the Sharia Economics Study Program “.

Known Field Experience Practices ( PPL) is an academic activity that must be carried out by FEBI students with the aim of providing experience in putting theory into practice in the field.

Not only that, PPL students of the Sharia Business Management Study Program received messages from the location where they were practicing, including ” Students must dare to dream, dream for your goals because real success requires discipline and consistency. Hopefully the knowledge gained during practical field experience ( PPL) in our agency can be useful for the future” said Mr. Rafi, the owner of the agency “.

” Not only that, they can even be expected to become employees at this agency ” said the agency owner.”

” and students themselves provide responses ” God willing, when the thesis is finished, We will be wide open for this offer “.said one student.

On the same occasion Achmad Abdul Aziz M,Pd. Head of sharia economics study program also stated ” That's because this year students are placed in moving locations at Partner agencies, I really agree and agree with the message from the PPL location for students. This will be the initial preparation for students in entering the world of Mitra, especially. I see that this year's PPL is very good and needs to be continued in order to make the Main Performance Indicators a success ( THAT) and at the same time increasing the Accreditation of PT and the Accreditation of Febi Environmental Study Programs in particular. Moreover, this internship/PPL activity is accompanied by an MOA / Cooperation agreement ( SPK) with partner agencies. ” he closed.


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni





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