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IAIKUPers- Thursday (25 April 2024), Representatives of the Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Delegation attended a seminar commemorating the 64th Kartini and Harlah PMII Day at the Blora Regent's Hall. In his remarks, the Chairman of PC Kopri PMII Blora, S.muqhimatul Luluk would like to welcome and thank the audience for taking the time to attend this opportunity. Our aim in holding this seminar is none other than, wants to participate in advancing and empowering Indonesian women, In accordance with the theme we chose, it aims to empower women to create a safe Blora. I think this forum is suitable for all of us,berawal dari teman -teman atau Sahabat -sahabat'i yang memiliki keresahan di lingkungan desa khususnya yang mengakibatkan trauma bagi kaum perempuan.dengan kejadian itu memang perlu Kita bahas,to get directions from ladies and gentlemen, especially our seminar speakers on this occasion. Dalam acara seminar yang dipandu oleh sahabat'i Eka Fitri Sofianti selaku moderator, The three speakers conveyed several different topics. The seminar was opened by explaining the role of PMD in encouraging young women's empowerment by the Head of the Blora Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service, stated that women currently have many strategic roles and positions, At first it seemed impossible for women to do. This proves that women, when given the opportunity,able to improve the quality of life independently and able to become a driving force and motor of change (Agen Of Change). Mrs. Sasa Jaka Wahyudi (Head of Bhayangkari Blora Branch) said that it was based on the current situation and conditions in society, while the issue of violence against both men and women, The gap in women's economic access in decision making is still lagging behind that of men. However, on the other hand,There is a lot of evidence of the large role and contribution of women in contributing to development, It is hoped that female cadres can encourage each other, inspire and help each other. Now is the time for women to give their own color to the development of this nation, through roles and real work. Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I,IAI lecturer Khozinatul Ulum Blora or Deputy Chancellor I, revealed that in Blora district a comfortable environment must be created for the female generation in particular. Considering that in the current era women are considered less focused on careers because of the family, on the other hand, women are said to be more emotional. Therefore, collaboration is very important for women's empowerment by involving various parties, including organizations, Government,Non-government,The private sector and civil society. thus collaboration allows access to richer resources including funds of knowledge, skills and networks. The presentation of the material by the three resource persons was responded very enthusiastically by the audience who came from both school and college students, It can be seen from them asking questions to the sources. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers-  Thursday (25 April 2024), Representatives of the Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Delegation attended a seminar commemorating the 64th Kartini and Harlah PMII Day at the Blora Regent's Hall.    In his remarks, the Chairman of PC Kopri PMII Blora, S.muqhimatul Luluk mengucapkan selamat  datang dan terimakasih sebesar-besarnya kepada hadirin yang telah meluangkan waktunya untuk hadir pada kesempatan ini.tujuan kami mengadakan kegiatan seminar ini tidak lain, wants to participate in advancing and empowering Indonesian women, In accordance with the theme we chose, it aims to empower women to create a safe Blora. I think this forum is suitable for all of us,It started with friends or friends who had unrest in the village environment, especially which resulted in trauma for women. We really need to discuss this incident.,to get directions from ladies and gentlemen, especially our seminar speakers on this occasion.
   In the seminar hosted by friend Eka Fitri Sofianti as moderator, The three speakers conveyed several different topics.
   The seminar was opened by explaining the role of PMD in encouraging young women's empowerment by the Head of the Blora Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service, menyatakan bahwa kaum perempuan saat ini telah banyak memiliki  peran dan posisi yang strategis, At first it seemed impossible for women to do. This proves that women, when given the opportunity,able to improve the quality of life independently and able to become a driving force and motor of change (Agen Of Change).
    Mrs. Sasa Jaka Wahyudi (Head of Bhayangkari Blora Branch) said that it was based on the current situation and conditions in society, while the issue of violence against both men and women, The gap in women's economic access in decision making is still lagging behind that of men. However, on the other hand,There is a lot of evidence of the large role and contribution of women in contributing to development, It is hoped that female cadres can encourage each other, inspire and help each other. Now is the time for women to give their own color to the development of this nation, through roles and real work.
    Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I,IAI lecturer Khozinatul Ulum Blora or Deputy Chancellor I, revealed that in Blora district a comfortable environment must be created for the female generation in particular. Considering that in the current era women are considered less focused on careers because of the family, on the other hand, women are said to be more emotional.
   Maka dari itu sangat perlu pentingnya kolaborasi untuk  pemberdayaan perempuan dengan melibatkan berbagai pihak termasuk Organisasi, Government,Non-government,The private sector and civil society. thus collaboration allows access to richer resources including funds of knowledge, skills and networks.
   The presentation of the material by the three resource persons was responded very enthusiastically by the audience who came from both school and college students, terlihat dari mereka  mengajukan pertanyaan kepada para narasumber tersebut.

Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers- Thursday (25 April 2024), Representatives of the Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Delegation attended a seminar commemorating the 64th Kartini and Harlah PMII Day at the Blora Regent's Hall.

In his remarks, the Chairman of PC Kopri PMII Blora, S.muqhimatul Luluk would like to welcome and thank the audience for taking the time to attend this opportunity. Our aim in holding this seminar is none other than, wants to participate in advancing and empowering Indonesian women, In accordance with the theme we chose, it aims to empower women to create a safe Blora. I think this forum is suitable for all of us,berawal dari teman -teman atau Sahabat -sahabat’i yang memiliki keresahan di lingkungan desa khususnya yang mengakibatkan trauma bagi kaum perempuan.dengan kejadian itu memang perlu Kita bahas,to get directions from ladies and gentlemen, especially our seminar speakers on this occasion.

Dalam acara seminar yang dipandu oleh sahabat’i Eka Fitri Sofianti selaku moderator, The three speakers conveyed several different topics.

The seminar was opened by explaining the role of PMD in encouraging young women's empowerment by the Head of the Blora Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service, stated that women currently have many strategic roles and positions, At first it seemed impossible for women to do. This proves that women, when given the opportunity,able to improve the quality of life independently and able to become a driving force and motor of change (Agen Of Change).

Mrs. Sasa Jaka Wahyudi (Head of Bhayangkari Blora Branch) said that it was based on the current situation and conditions in society, while the issue of violence against both men and women, The gap in women's economic access in decision making is still lagging behind that of men. However, on the other hand,There is a lot of evidence of the large role and contribution of women in contributing to development, It is hoped that female cadres can encourage each other, inspire and help each other. Now is the time for women to give their own color to the development of this nation, through roles and real work.

Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I,IAI lecturer Khozinatul Ulum Blora or Deputy Chancellor I, revealed that in Blora district a comfortable environment must be created for the female generation in particular. Considering that in the current era women are considered less focused on careers because of the family, on the other hand, women are said to be more emotional.

Therefore, collaboration is very important for women's empowerment by involving various parties, including organizations, Government,Non-government,The private sector and civil society. thus collaboration allows access to richer resources including funds of knowledge, skills and networks.

The presentation of the material by the three resource persons was responded very enthusiastically by the audience who came from both school and college students, It can be seen from them asking questions to the sources.


Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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