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IAIKUPers- Tuesday (9 July 2024) Representatives of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Executive Board delegation attended the Sikep Sedulur Sikep Cultural Awareness event at the Blora Regent Pendopo Office. On this occasion, Regent's Expert Staff for Social and Cultural Affairs, Retno Kusumowati, S. Sos., M.Si, representing Blora Regent Arief Rohman, S.IP., M.Si., express appreciation and thanks to the Director General of Culture through the Director of Belief in Almighty God and Indigenous Peoples of the Ministry of Education and Culture for efforts to preserve regional culture, especially the Samin culture from Blora Regency. "Hopefully the series of Spiritual Cultural Festivals will be held 2024 This, the arts and culture that are developed always provide added value, and advancing the arts and cultural treasures in Blora Regency," said the Regent's expert staff for social and cultural affairs." Share and give each other advice, especially for students,It is hoped that students and the community will understand what Samin's teachings are like and the need for mutual respect, appreciate differences. Including noble values ​​that we must emulate and preserve. Blora Regent Arief Rohman, in his speech read by the Retno KusumowatiStaff for Social and Cultural Affairs, Retno Kusumowati, conveyed that efforts to preserve and develop regional culture must continue, because it is very important for the formation of national character. "I ask arts and culture practitioners, especially in Blora Regency, to continue to explore the relevance of Blora's unique arts and culture, so that this culture will continue to develop forever,” tegasnya. The Blora Regency Government really hopes for good cooperation from all parties, Together with mBangun Blora which is superior and competitive, to accelerate the realization of community development for the better. The millennial generation and generation Z are expected to disseminate local wisdom values, honesty, simplicity, ethics, courtesy of Samin's cultural potential through digital media. "Take advantage of this dissemination, both from strengthening the cultural spirit of society and settling into human identity, as well as economic benefits for society,” he concluded. In that discussion, Director of KMA Kemendikbudristek Sjamsul Hadi as the main speaker (keynote speaker) among other things said, after hearing what Samin residents said several months ago, They face several challenges and to this day there is still a negative stigma related to Sedulur Sikep. "Even though if we look closely, we absorb it together, In fact, they stick to their commitments, what is delivered according to his heart,” said Sjamsul Hadi. Besides that, understanding in terms of service, I hope you can understand the characteristics of Sedulur Sikep. He heard that Sedulur Sikep's traditional clothing was often reprimanded by public servants when dealing with administrative needs. "Therefore, through this discussion, it is hoped that there will be formulations that can later become a guide, Both from the government side can be present for the Sedulur Sikep sometimes, and later Sesulur Sikep will have their civil rights fulfilled,” tandasnyahe stresseda, Apart from that, it is in order to strengthen the local cultural identity of Sedulur Sikep. In this case, the teachings were conveyed by Samin Surosentiko at that time, remain sustainable and sustainable. As well as, in order to strengthen pride in their cultural heritage, Saminism adherents continue to take care. "Besides that, there is also a need for a holistic approach to life and balance in all things. One of them is a current Samin resident, The cultural shift is already being felt, how to grow crops, rice seeds that were originally passed down from ancestors, now it's more practical,he explained. Of course, not only dadi the government side is present, but how to restore , discover the potential wisdom that Sedulur Sikep has had so far. "Through this workshop I hope to produce recommendations from the sources regarding the agreement, input, from the workhe saidipants,” ucapnya. The speakers presented at this workshop included Sindhunata (cultural practitioner), Amrih Widodo (academy), Good job Widi (Sedulur Sikep) and Anggit Pertiwi (Brother Attitude).It seemed that hundreds of participants who attended were very enthusiastic about taking part in the workshop. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- Tuesday (9 July 2024) Representatives of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Executive Board delegation attended the Sikep Sedulur Sikep Cultural Awareness event at the Blora Regent Pendopo Office. On this occasion, Regent's Expert Staff for Social and Cultural Affairs, Retno Kusumowati, S. Sos., M.Si, representing Blora Regent Arief Rohman, S.IP., M.Si., express appreciation and thanks to the Director General of Culture through the Director of Belief in Almighty God and Indigenous Peoples of the Ministry of Education and Culture for efforts to preserve regional culture, especially the Samin culture from Blora Regency. "Hopefully the series of Spiritual Cultural Festivals will be held 2024 This, the arts and culture that are developed always provide added value, and advancing the arts and cultural treasures in Blora Regency," said the Regent's expert staff for social and cultural affairs." Share and give each other advice, especially for students,It is hoped that students and the community will understand what Samin's teachings are like and the need for mutual respect, appreciate differences. Including noble values ​​that we must emulate and preserve. Blora Regent Arief Rohman, in his speech read by the Retno KusumowatiStaff for Social and Cultural Affairs, Retno Kusumowati, conveyed that efforts to preserve and develop regional culture must continue, because it is very important for the formation of national character. "I ask arts and culture practitioners, especially in Blora Regency, to continue to explore the relevance of Blora's unique arts and culture, so that this culture will continue to develop forever,” tegasnya. The Blora Regency Government really hopes for good cooperation from all parties, Together with mBangun Blora which is superior and competitive, to accelerate the realization of community development for the better. The millennial generation and generation Z are expected to disseminate local wisdom values, honesty, simplicity, ethics, courtesy of Samin's cultural potential through digital media. "Take advantage of this dissemination, both from strengthening the cultural spirit of society and settling into human identity, as well as economic benefits for society,” he concluded. In that discussion, Director of KMA Kemendikbudristek Sjamsul Hadi as the main speaker (keynote speaker) among other things said, after hearing what Samin residents said several months ago, They face several challenges and to this day there is still a negative stigma related to Sedulur Sikep. "Even though if we look closely, we absorb it together, In fact, they stick to their commitments, what is delivered according to his heart,” said Sjamsul Hadi. Besides that, understanding in terms of service, I hope you can understand the characteristics of Sedulur Sikep. He heard that Sedulur Sikep's traditional clothing was often reprimanded by public servants when dealing with administrative needs. "Therefore, through this discussion, it is hoped that there will be formulations that can later become a guide, Both from the government side can be present for the Sedulur Sikep sometimes, and later Sesulur Sikep will have their civil rights fulfilled,” tandasnyahe stresseda, Apart from that, it is in order to strengthen the local cultural identity of Sedulur Sikep. In this case, the teachings were conveyed by Samin Surosentiko at that time, remain sustainable and sustainable. As well as, in order to strengthen pride in their cultural heritage, Saminism adherents continue to take care. "Besides that, there is also a need for a holistic approach to life and balance in all things. One of them is a current Samin resident, The cultural shift is already being felt, how to grow crops, rice seeds that were originally passed down from ancestors, now it's more practical,he explained. Of course, not only dadi the government side is present, but how to restore , discover the potential wisdom that Sedulur Sikep has had so far. "Through this workshop I hope to produce recommendations from the sources regarding the agreement, input, from the workhe saidipants,” ucapnya. The speakers presented at this workshop included Sindhunata (cultural practitioner), Amrih Widodo (academy), Good job Widi (Sedulur Sikep) and Anggit Pertiwi (Brother Attitude).It seemed that hundreds of participants who attended were very enthusiastic about taking part in the workshop. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers- Tuesday (9 July 2024) Representatives of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Executive Board delegation attended the Sikep Sedulur Sikep Cultural Awareness event at the Blora Regent Pendopo Office.

On this occasion, Regent's Expert Staff for Social and Cultural Affairs, Retno Kusumowati, S. Sos., M.Si, representing Blora Regent Arief Rohman, S.IP., M.Si., express appreciation and thanks to the Director General of Culture through the Director of Belief in Almighty God and Indigenous Peoples of the Ministry of Education and Culture for efforts to preserve regional culture, especially the Samin culture from Blora Regency.

“Hopefully the series of Spiritual Cultural Festivals will be held 2024 This, the arts and culture that are developed always provide added value, and advancing the arts and cultural treasures in Blora Regency," said the Regent's expert staff for social and cultural affairs.”

Share and give each other advice, especially for students,It is hoped that students and the community will understand what Samin's teachings are like and the need for mutual respect, appreciate differences. Including noble values ​​that we must emulate and preserve.

Blora Regent Arief Rohman, in his speech read by the Regent's Expert Staff for Social and Cultural Affairs, Retno Kusumowati, conveyed that efforts to preserve and develop regional culture must continue, because it is very important for the formation of national character.

"I ask arts and culture practitioners, especially in Blora Regency, to continue to explore the relevance of Blora's unique arts and culture, so that this culture will continue to develop forever,he stressed.

The Blora Regency Government really hopes for good cooperation from all parties, Together with mBangun Blora which is superior and competitive, to accelerate the realization of community development for the better.

The millennial generation and generation Z are expected to disseminate local wisdom values, honesty, simplicity, ethics, courtesy of Samin's cultural potential through digital media.

“Take advantage of this dissemination, both from strengthening the cultural spirit of society and settling into human identity, as well as economic benefits for society,” he concluded.

In that discussion, Director of KMA Kemendikbudristek Sjamsul Hadi as the main speaker (keynote speaker) among other things said, after hearing what Samin residents said several months ago, They face several challenges and to this day there is still a negative stigma related to Sedulur Sikep.

"Even though if we look closely, we absorb it together, In fact, they stick to their commitments, what is delivered according to his heart,” said Sjamsul Hadi.

Besides that, understanding in terms of service, I hope you can understand the characteristics of Sedulur Sikep. He heard that Sedulur Sikep's traditional clothing was often reprimanded by public servants when dealing with administrative needs.

“Therefore, through this discussion, it is hoped that there will be formulations that can later become a guide, Both from the government side can be present for the Sedulur Sikep sometimes, and later Sedulur Sikep will have his civil rights fulfilled,he stressed.

he said, Apart from that, it is in order to strengthen the local cultural identity of Sedulur Sikep. In this case, the teachings were conveyed by Samin Surosentiko at that time, remain sustainable and sustainable.

As well as, in order to strengthen pride in their cultural heritage, Saminism adherents continue to take care.

"Besides that, there is also a need for a holistic approach to life and balance in all things. One of them is a current Samin resident, The cultural shift is already being felt, how to grow crops, rice seeds that were originally passed down from ancestors, now it's more practical,he explained.

Of course, not only from the government side is present, but how to restore , discover the potential wisdom that Sedulur Sikep has so far.

"Through this workshop I hope to produce recommendations from the sources regarding the agreement, input, from the workshop participants,he said.

The speakers presented at this workshop included Sindhunata (cultural practitioner), Amrih Widodo (academy), Good job Widi (Brother Attitude) and Anggit Pertiwi (Brother Attitude).It seemed that hundreds of participants who attended were very enthusiastic about taking part in the workshop.


Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni



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