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DemaPers - Thursday ( 12 October 2023) Representative of the IAI Student Executive Council Khozinatul Ulum Blora attended the national leadership deliberation event (MUSPIMN ) The National PTNU BEM at STAI Tanbihul Ghofilin Banjarnegara had the opportunity to host this time. By carrying a theme" Towards a Golden Indonesia: Joint Action for Peaceful Elections". On this occasion attended 65 representatives from BEM PTNU throughout Indonesia as well 131 representatives of the Banjarnegara higher education academic community. Three resource persons had the opportunity to attend to provide material on "Ngaji Nusantara" including, Banjarnegara Election Commission, Kesbangpol Banjarnegara, Banjarnegara Police. With the theme "Towards a Golden Indonesia : "Joint Action for Peaceful Elections" is motivated by Indonesia which will soon face an election year. So this needs to be prepared as best as possible, such as the important role of students in socializing good and correct elections to the community. "Election 2024 very sacred. And this is our momentum to make Indonesia golden. Don't choose the wrong leader,” holds , M. Yusril Ghozali as chairman of the committee and chairman of BEM STAI TANGHO. He also added about the importance of introducing politics to society, especially young people who have just learned about elections. Don't make the wrong choice, or influenced by political parties that are less than sporting." addition. Tasila as chairman of DEMA IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora hopes " Of course, so that in the future those of us who attended the event can make more contributions to DEMA IAI Khozin itself, lots of knowledge, the experience and relationships we have built with BEM/DEMA from other universities, not only locally but throughout the region., namely STAISNU CIANJUR, UINSI SAMARINDA, UIN NTT, and much more. " he said when interviewed by editor Iaikhozin." Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers - Thursday ( 12 October 2023) Representative of the IAI Student Executive Council Khozinatul Ulum Blora attended the national leadership deliberation event (MUSPIMN ) The National PTNU BEM at STAI Tanbihul Ghofilin Banjarnegara had the opportunity to host this time. By carrying a theme" Towards a Golden Indonesia: Joint Action for Peaceful Elections". On this occasion attended 65 representatives from BEM PTNU throughout Indonesia as well 131 representatives of the Banjarnegara higher education academic community. Three resource persons had the opportunity to attend to provide material on "Ngaji Nusantara" including, Banjarnegara Election Commission, Kesbangpol Banjarnegara, Banjarnegara Police. With the theme "Towards a Golden Indonesia : "Joint Action for Peaceful Elections" is motivated by Indonesia which will soon face an election year. So this needs to be prepared as best as possible, such as the important role of students in socializing good and correct elections to the community. "Election 2024 very sacred. And this is our momentum to make Indonesia golden. Don't choose the wrong leader,” holds , M. Yusril Ghozali as chairman of the committee and chairman of BEM STAI TANGHO. He also added about the importance of introducing politics to society, especially young people who have just learned about elections. Don't make the wrong choice, or influenced by political parties that are less than sporting." addition. Tasila as chairman of DEMA IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora hopes " Of course, so that in the future those of us who attended the event can make more contributions to DEMA IAI Khozin itself, lots of knowledge, the experience and relationships we have built with BEM/DEMA from other universities, not only locally but throughout the region., namely STAISNU CIANJUR, UINSI SAMARINDA, UIN NTT, and much more. " he said when interviewed by editor Iaikhozin." Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

DemaPers – Thursday ( 12 October 2023) Representative of the IAI Student Executive Council Khozinatul Ulum Blora attended the national leadership deliberation event (MUSPIMN ) The National PTNU BEM at STAI Tanbihul Ghofilin Banjarnegara had the opportunity to host this time. By carrying a theme” Towards a Golden Indonesia: Aksi Bersama untuk Pemilu Damai “.


On this occasion attended 65 representatives from BEM PTNU throughout Indonesia as well 131 representatives of the Banjarnegara higher education academic community. Three resource persons had the opportunity to attend to provide material on "Ngaji Nusantara" including, Banjarnegara Election Commission, Kesbangpol Banjarnegara, Banjarnegara Police.


With the theme "Towards a Golden Indonesia : "Joint Action for Peaceful Elections" is motivated by Indonesia which will soon face an election year. So this needs to be prepared as best as possible, such as the important role of students in socializing good and correct elections to the community. "Election 2024 very sacred. And this is our momentum to make Indonesia golden. Don't choose the wrong leader,” holds , M. Yusril Ghozali as chairman of the committee and chairman of BEM STAI TANGHO.

He also added about the importance of introducing politics to society, especially young people who have just learned about elections. Don't make the wrong choice, or influenced by political parties that are less than sporting.” addition.

Tasila as chairman of DEMA IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora hopes ” Of course, so that in the future those of us who attended the event can make more contributions to DEMA IAI Khozin itself, lots of knowledge, pengalaman dan juga relasi yang kami bangun dengan BEM/DEMA di perguruan tinggi yang lainya bukan hanya dari lokal saja melainkan di seluruh wilayah, namely STAISNU CIANJUR, UINSI SAMARINDA, UIN NTT, and much more. ” he said when interviewed by editor Iaikhozin.”


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


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