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The Hadith Science Study Program and HMPS Hadith Science successfully held a Seminar on Book Review and Sanadan of the Book of Arba'in An-Nawawi

Blora, 7 January 2025 – Ushuluddin Faculty, Islamic Institute of Hadith Science Study Program (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora, successfully held a seminar entitled “Book Surgery and Book Sanads: Al-Arba’in An-Nawawiyah”. This event was held on Tuesday, 7 January 2025, in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall.

The seminar began with remarks from the Chancellor of IAIKU Blora, KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad, S.Th.I., M.Ag., who expressed his appreciation for organizing this event. Furthermore, The event continued with a keynote speech by Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Mufid, Lc., M.S.I., Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty and a hadith expert, which provides an in-depth view of the importance of hadith studies in the contemporary context.

As the main resource person, This seminar presents two experts in the field of hadith science: Muhammad Shaiful, S.Pd.I., M.Ag., and Moh. Abdul Aziz Sahlan, S.Th.I., M.Ag. The event is led by a moderator, Inayah Wulandari, student of the Hadith Science Study Program, who succeeded in leading discussions in an interactive and dynamic atmosphere.

This seminar aims to dig deeper into the study of the book Al-Arba'in An-Nawawiyah, including an analysis of the sanad and the contents of the book. Seminar participants are expected to enrich their understanding of hadith knowledge, and its relevance in everyday life.

In the first session, Moh. Abdul Aziz Sahlan, S.Th.I., who has just completed studies at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta through the BIB Kemenag LPDP Scholarship, deliver material on the depth of the contents of the book Al-Arba'in An-Nawawiyah. It explains, “This book is very simple, but is full of complete scientific basics, includes hadiths about faith, worship, noble character, and social relations in society. The contents of this book remain relevant and can be applied in the context of modern life with a contemporary approach.”

Meanwhile, Muhammad Shaiful, S.Pd.I., M.Ag., in the second session, discusses in detail about sanad and scientific diplomas, and how both play a role in maintaining the authenticity and validity of hadith science. As part of the closing event, he gave sanad degrees to the participants who met the criteria.

This event was attended by more than 100 participant, consisting of students, lecturer, as well as representatives of students from Islamic boarding schools, and students from Madrasah Aliyah (MA) and vocational schools in Blora Regency. The enthusiasm of the participants was very high, reflects a great interest in studying and deepening the Islamic scientific heritage, especially in the field of hadith.

It is hoped that this seminar can make a significant contribution to the development of hadith science in Indonesia and strengthen public understanding of the importance of sanad and authenticity in Islamic science..

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