Blora, 7 January 2025 — Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty of the Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute (I AM AWESOME) Blora, Prof. Dr. Abdul Mufid, Lc., M.S.I., take strategic steps by starting to explore collaboration with the Regional Research and Innovation Development Planning Agency (Bapperida) Blora Regency. This meeting took place on Tuesday, 7 January 2025, o'clock 10.30 WIB at the Office of the Head of Bapperida Blora, which was attended directly by the Head of Bapperida, Mr. A. Mahbub Djunaidi, S.Pd., M.S.I.
In the meeting, Prof. Abdul Mufid conveyed the aim of the Ushuluddin IAIKU Blora Faculty to actively contribute to community service. "We want the Ushuluddin Faculty of IAIKU Blora to not only be an academic center, but also provides a real impact on society through various collaborative programs that support development development, regional research and innovation,” he said. Prof. Mufid also emphasized that this service program is expected to provide significant benefits for the Regional Government (Local Government) local.
Head of Bapperida Blora, Mr. A. Mahbub Djunaidi, welcomed the idea. He appreciated the initiative of the Ushuluddin Faculty of IAIKU Blora and stated that this step was in line with the vision of "Sesarengan Mbangun Blora" which is oriented towards collaborative regional development.. "We really support the involvement of universities such as IAIKU Blora in the development of Blora. Synergy between governments, academy, and the community are the keys to the success of the regional development vision,” said Mahbub.
This cooperation plan opens up great opportunities for both parties to work together in various fields, including research, education, and community empowerment programs. In the future, Faculty of Ushuluddin IAIKU Blora together with Bapperida Blora will form a working team to formulate concrete steps and identify needs that can be accommodated through this collaboration.
It is hoped that this initial step will become a stepping stone for strengthening relations between universities and Bapperida Blora, as well as being a concrete manifestation of the active role of universities in supporting regional development.
With an established spirit of collaboration, This collaboration is projected to be able to make a significant contribution in achieving the development goals of a more advanced Blora Regency, competitive and able to maintain as the Most Innovative Regency.
Muhammad Ismail, M.A, 07 January 2025