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IAIKUPers-Thursday (4 April 2024) The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Early Childhood Education Study Program Student Association held a Ramadhan Islamic boarding school activity at the State Elementary School 4 Jepon. with the theme "Nuzulul Quran and Laylatul Qodar". This Kilat Islamic Boarding School activity was opened with a speech from the chief executive of the Lightning Islamic Boarding School, chairmanJapanMPS PGMI and Principal of State Elementary School 4 Jepon. see the principal, teachers and students welcomed the arrival of HMPS PIAUD students , Because he has chosen his school as a place to carry out express Islamic boarding school activities. The students who participated were class students 1 sampai kelas 6.dan adapun materi yang dibawakan pada pesantren kilat ini diantaranya Materi mengenai Lailatul Qodar dan Nuzulul Qur'an. In carrying out this express Islamic boarding school activity, The students were very enthusiastic about the material provided. Before the express Islamic boarding school activities started, the Head of HMPS PIAUD gave an ice breaking, introduce yourself and don't forget to finish delivering the material, a guessing game was also held- Guess guided by one of the older brothers from HMPS PIAUD. Finally, on this occasion, Dinda as the representative of HMPS PIAUD hopes " Hopefully in the future PIAUD students in particular will become more active, creative and communicative in teaching in front of students, of course, and can show good public performance in front of students later," said one of the HMPS PIAUD administrators.. Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers-Thursday (4 April 2024) The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Early Childhood Education Study Program Student Association held a Ramadhan Islamic boarding school activity at the State Elementary School 4 Jepon. with the theme "Nuzulul Quran and Laylatul Qodar". This Kilat Islamic Boarding School activity was opened with a speech from the chief executive of the Lightning Islamic Boarding School, chairmanJapanMPS PGMI and Principal of State Elementary School 4 Jepon. see the principal, teachers and students welcomed the arrival of HMPS PIAUD students , Because he has chosen his school as a place to carry out express Islamic boarding school activities. The students who participated were class students 1 up to class 6. And the material presented at this express Islamic boarding school includes material regarding Lailatul Qodar and Nuzulul Qur'an. In carrying out this express Islamic boarding school activity, The students were very enthusiastic about the material provided. Before the express Islamic boarding school activities started, the Head of HMPS PIAUD gave an ice breaking, introduce yourself and don't forget to finish delivering the material, a guessing game was also held- Guess guided by one of the older brothers from HMPS PIAUD. Finally, on this occasion, Dinda as the representative of HMPS PIAUD hopes " Hopefully in the future PIAUD students in particular will become more active, creative and communicative in teaching in front of students, of course, and can show good public performance in front of students later," said one of the HMPS PIAUD administrators.. Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers-Thursday (4 April 2024) The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Early Childhood Education Study Program Student Association held a Ramadhan Islamic boarding school activity at the State Elementary School 4 Japan. with a theme “Nuzulul Quran and Laylatul Qadr”.

This Kilat Islamic Boarding School activity was opened with a speech from the chief executive of the Lightning Islamic Boarding School, chairman of HMPS PIAUD and Principal of State Elementary School 4 Japan. see the principal, teachers and students welcomed the arrival of HMPS PIAUD students , Because he has chosen his school as a place to carry out express Islamic boarding school activities.

The students who participated were class students 1 sampai kelas 6.dan adapun materi yang dibawakan pada pesantren kilat ini diantaranya Materi mengenai Lailatul Qodar dan Nuzulul Qur’an. In carrying out this express Islamic boarding school activity, The students were very enthusiastic about the material provided.

Before the express Islamic boarding school activities started, the Head of HMPS PIAUD gave an ice breaking, introduce yourself and don't forget to finish delivering the material, a guessing game was also held- Guess guided by one of the older brothers from HMPS PIAUD.

Finally, on this occasion, Dinda as the representative of HMPS PIAUD hopes ” Hopefully in the future PIAUD students in particular will become more active, creative and communicative in teaching in front of students, of course, serta bisa memperlihatkan publick speking yang baik di depan peserta didik nantinyaujar salah satu Pengurus HMPS PIAUD.


Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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