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HMPSPAIPers - Thursday ( 14 September 2023) The HMPS PAI Bersholawat Committee held a final checking meeting. IAI Khozinatul Ulum students prayed for the HMPS PAI Anniversary. -7 in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III,Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya , M, Pd. As Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, siti Nurkayati M, pd. As Head of PAI Study Program, Artika Diannita , M. Pd.., M. He. As secretary of the Head of PAI StudyMPdogram, Cahya Amalia Chusna , M. Pd. As secretary of the Head of PGMI Study Program, Dyah Ayu Fitriana M,Pd as Chair of UPM and the entire HMPS PAI Committee Pray. Burhan as Chair of HMPS PAI said " The prayer event is our HMPS anniversary event, So he asked all the committees to need unity and hard work so that the sholawatan event could run smoothly. This event is an extraordinary event which certainly requires good performance, Extra work between the committee and HMPS PAI management requires good synergy in maximizing this activity. " In the same place, Khoirul Amri as chairman of the committee said " He is adamant that he will continue to make efforts to continue to schedule prayers, it is a form of love for His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Apart from that, he hopes that the management and committee will make every activity that has been scheduled a success. We are trying to hold this agenda as an expression of our love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the hope that we will receive his intercession on the day of judgment.. With this we hope that all friends work together and work together,he concluded. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


HMPSPAIPers - Thursday ( 14 September 2023) The HMPS PAI Bersholawat Committee held a final checking meeting. IAI Khozinatul Ulum students prayed for the HMPS PAI Anniversary. -7 in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall.    This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III,Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya , M, Pd. As Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, siti Nurkayati M, pd. As Head of PAI Study Program, Artika Diannita , M. Pd.., M. He. As secretary of the Head of PAI StudyMPdogram, Cahya Amalia Chusna , M. Pd. As secretary of the Head of PGMI Study Program, Dyah Ayu Fitriana M,Pd as Chair of UPM and the entire HMPS PAI Committee Pray. 

Burhan as Chair of HMPS PAI said " The prayer event is our HMPS anniversary event, So he asked all the committees to need unity and hard work so that the sholawatan event could run smoothly.
   This event is an extraordinary event which certainly requires good performance, kerja ekstra antara panitia  dan pengurus HMPS PAI perlu sinergitas yang baik dalam memaksimalkan kegiatan ini. " 

   In the same place, Khoirul Amri as chairman of the committee said " He is adamant that he will continue to make efforts to continue to schedule prayers, it is a form of love for His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Apart from that, he hopes that the management and committee will make every activity that has been scheduled a success.
   We are trying to hold this agenda as an expression of our love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the hope that we will receive his intercession on the day of judgment.. With this we hope that all friends work together and work together,he concluded.

Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

HMPSPAIPers – Thursday ( 14 September 2023) The HMPS PAI Bersholawat Committee held a final checking meeting. IAI Khozinatul Ulum students prayed for the HMPS PAI Anniversary. -7 in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall.

This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III,Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya , M, Pd. As Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, siti Nurkayati M, pd. As Head of PAI Study Program, Artika Diannita , M. Pd.., M. He. As secretary of the Head of PAI Study Program, Cahya Amalia Chusna , M. Pd. As secretary of the Head of PGMI Study Program, Dyah Ayu Fitriana M,Pd as Chair of UPM and the entire HMPS PAI Committee Pray.


Burhan as Chair of HMPS PAI said ” The prayer event is our HMPS anniversary event, So he asked all the committees to need unity and hard work so that the sholawatan event could run smoothly.

This event is an extraordinary event which certainly requires good performance, Extra work between the committee and HMPS PAI management requires good synergy in maximizing this activity. ”


In the same place, Khoirul Amri as chairman of the committee said ” He is adamant that he will continue to make efforts to continue to schedule prayers, it is a form of love for His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Apart from that, he hopes that the management and committee will make every activity that has been scheduled a success.

We are trying to hold this agenda as an expression of our love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the hope that we will receive his intercession on the day of judgment.. With this we hope that all friends work together and work together,he concluded.


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


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