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DemaPers- Monday 7 Agustus 2023 Approaching 18 Another day until PBAK, The PBAK committee held its first meeting at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall to strengthen the implementation committee for the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute. It is known that this meeting was attended by Muhammad Sajudin M,Pd as secretary of the Rectorate, Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I, Mohammad Saipul Rizal M, Pd as Deputy Chancellor III and the entire PBAK Committee, the PBAK meeting went smoothly. Various constructive input for the better implementation of PBAK was conveyed by the committee. The annual PBAK implementation schedule is known 2023 HAugust compiled. The plan is for PBAK to be implemented during 3 the day starts on 25-26 Agustus 2023. located at Graha Nusantara. Lista as chairman of the committee added that after implementing PBAK it is hoped that there will be an evaluation as the key to successful implementation. He also hopes that at the end the PBAK committee will be able to distribute certificates and provide rewards for active participants in these activities. Many committees expressed their commitment to the successful implementation of PBAK. He hopes that the committee will be able to position themselves as brothers. “Protect each other and coordinate well. Be polite and respect each other,he wrote. He hopes that all committees will work hard, smart and sincere. The hope. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers- Monday 7 Agustus 2023 Approaching 18 Another day until PBAK, The PBAK committee held its first meeting at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall to strengthen the implementation committee for the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute.   It is known that this meeting was attended by Muhammad Sajudin M,Pd as secretary of the Rectorate, Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I, Mohammad Saipul Rizal M, Pd as Deputy Chancellor III and the entire PBAK Committee 
    The PBAK meeting went smoothly. Various constructive input for the better implementation of PBAK was conveyed by the committee.

  The annual PBAK implementation schedule is known 2023 HasAugustompiled. The plan is for PBAK to be implemented during 3 the day starts on 25-26 Agustus 2023. located at Graha Nusantara. 
   Lista as chairman of the committee added that after implementing PBAK it is hoped that there will be an evaluation as the key to successful implementation. He also hopes that at the end the PBAK committee will be able to distribute certificates and provide rewards for active participants in these activities. 
   Many committees expressed their commitment to the successful implementation of PBAK. He hopes that the committee will be able to position themselves as brothers. “Protect each other and coordinate well. Be polite and respect each other,he wrote.
He hopes that all committees will work hard, smart and sincere. The hope. 

 Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

DemaPers- Monday 7 August 2023 Approaching 18 Another day until PBAK, The PBAK committee held its first meeting at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall to strengthen the implementation committee for the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute.

It is known that this meeting was attended by Muhammad Sajudin M,Pd as secretary of the Rectorate, Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I, Mohammad Saipul Rizal M, Pd as Deputy Chancellor III and the entire PBAK Committee

The PBAK meeting went smoothly. Various constructive input for the better implementation of PBAK was conveyed by the committee.


The annual PBAK implementation schedule is known 2023 Has been compiled. The plan is for PBAK to be implemented during 3 the day starts on 25-26 August 2023. located at Graha Nusantara.

Lista as chairman of the committee added that after implementing PBAK it is hoped that there will be an evaluation as the key to successful implementation. He also hopes that at the end the PBAK committee will be able to distribute certificates and provide rewards for active participants in these activities.

Many committees expressed their commitment to the successful implementation of PBAK. He hopes that the committee will be able to position themselves as brothers. “Protect each other and coordinate well. Be polite and respect each other,he wrote.

He hopes that all committees will work hard, smart and sincere. The hope.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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