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International Seminar on Al-Qur'an Tafsir Science Study Program (IAT) and Hadith Science (ISLAND) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Challenges of Nabawiyyah Sunnah Studies in the Global Era

IAKHUDALAMBERITA, Blora – (16/10/2023), Al-Qur'an Tafsir Science Study Program (IAT) and Hadith Science (ISLAND) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora successfully held an International Seminar with the theme "Challenges of Nabawiyyah Sunnah Studies in the Era of Globalization”.

This event was made even more special by the presence of two extraordinary speakers. Sheikh Maher Ahmad al-Hani as-Syafi'i ad-Dimasqy, lecturer at the Ibn Abbas Mosque in Syria and the Halaqoh book of Turas in Khortoum, Sudan, which brings an international hadith perspective. And also the second speaker, Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Mufid. Lc., M.S.I., Dean of the Faculty of Ushuluddin IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, which provides insight into the challenges of hadith study in the era of globalization.

Rektok Institute of Islamic Religion (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum, K.H. Ahmad Zaki Fuad, S.Th.I., M.Ag., who opened the seminar couldn't hide his excitement, He praised the organizing committee for being able to carry out today's international seminar. Moreover, this seminar was attended by Sheikh Maher Ahmad ah-Hani ad-Dimasqy from Syria who was very say in the field of hadith science.

With his welcome, He advised that this kind of activity should always be consistent and continue to be carried out, and also brings extraordinary blessings and benefits to the academic community of IAI Khozinatul Ulum in particular and the citizens of Blora in general.

Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Mufid. Lc., M.S.I., who was also the second speaker, In this international seminar, he advised that in this era of globalization there are many challenges, problems in studying the Prophet's hadith. Therefore, IAT and ILHA students in particular and participants in general must always be enthusiastic and full of perseverance in studying a Hadith., especially in this internet era, We have to be smart in choosing and sorting out which hadiths we will use.

This International Seminar was even more special because Sheikh Maher not only delivered the material but also gave it degree/shahadah several of his Musalsal Hadiths and Hadith Books. The event took place with service and became more and more interesting, Even though the weather was hot, the participants showed enthusiasm. This international seminar was not only attended by students of Al-Qur'an Tafsir Science (IAT) and Hadith Science (ISLAND), but also involves all lecturers, students and general participants.

In the question and answer session, the participants looked enthusiastic, until the atmosphere before the hot day became active again, four questioners from participants who were present and one online questioner from participants who were listening in live streaming. This event was also broadcast live via the Kampusku TV YouTube channel.

One of the seminar participants was Mr Zaimul Asror, S.Th.I., M.A. who is also a lecturer at IAI Khozintul Ulum, expressed his appreciation for the implementation of today's International Seminar.

“Activities like this are not only a place to exchange ideas, but also a field of inspiration for the development of Hadith Science learning and new knowledge about Hadith studies,” he said.

This activity is not just an ordinary seminar event, but valuable momentum to explore innovative ideas in the Hadith study process. It is hoped that IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora can always be a place for discussions and studies in various disciplines, both religious and scientific.. (Yusron/MCI)


Editor : Courtesy Ahmad

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