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Gymnastics with HMPS PGMI, Increase fitness and solidarity of the academic community of IAI Khozinatul Ulum

IAIKUPers- Ibtidaiyah Madrasah Teacher Education Student Association (HMPS PGMI) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a joint gymnastic activity on Thursday morning (27/02/2025). The event that took place on the campus yard was attended by PGMI students and part of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum academic community. This activity aims to maintain health and improve the physical fitness of all participants.


This joint gymnastics is part of the PGMI HMPS work program designed to strengthen the relationship between PGMI students and the campus academic community. This activity is also a means to strengthen the sense of intimacy and solidarity between campus residents, and support a healthier quality of life.


Chairman of the PGMI HMPS Study Program, Armiya Nur Lailatul Izzah, M.Pd., In his remarks conveyed, "We will hold this gymnastic activity regularly every two weeks, right before lectures begin. The hope, With the exercise this morning, PGMI students and academic community can start the day with the spirit and positive energy that supports the teaching and learning process. "


Gymnastics activities this morning not only provide physical benefits, but also an important moment in strengthening the relationship between academic community, and create a more lively and productive campus atmosphere. Armiya also hopes, This joint gymnastics can increase the spirit of learning and activities on campus, so that all campus residents can live campus life more healthy and happily.


With the implementation of gymnastics together regularly, HMPS PGMI hopes to have a positive impact on students' health and physical fitness, while improving social relations in the environment of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni








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