IAIKUPers- Jum’at (2 August 2024) chief coordinator of Bem PTNU, Muhammad Ihsan Nur Rizki doing gymnastics with the participants of Blora The Exspoler.
Monitored since 1pm 06.30 In the morning the committee and participants were already in front of their respective tents. They seemed enthusiastic about taking part in the sport.
Chief Panitiya,Moh Syafi’i mengatakan “Pagi ini kami bersama-sama melaksanakan Olahraga senam, in an effort to maintain our body fitness, agar tetap sehat dan prima serta menjalin silaturahmi antara Pengurus BEM PTNU kordinator Jawa Tengah bersama peserta dan panitia Blora The Exspoler X silaturahmi wilayah BEM PTNU Se-Jawa Jawa Tengah.”he said
According to him, This joint sport was held as a form of increasing familiarity between the BEM PTNU Central Java coordinator and the committee and participants. , to be closer to each other.
“Kami harap melalui kegiatan ini bisa menambahkan keakraban baik pengurus,the committee and participants of Blora The Exspoler , remembering that this is a forum for friendship, We hope that we can create closeness between one another ” said the committee.
Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni