IAIKuPers- at the end of the year 2023 ( 28 December 2023 ) Ushuluddin Faculty IAT/ILHA students held a meeting with alumni on the campus terrace, This meeting, which was quite serious but relaxed, had a main mission, namely, Share and Care Across Generations 2 and launching the HMPS ILHA Logo.
Mohammad Ridwan Syahroni as a student at the Ushuluddin Faculty said “tujuan diadakan kegiatan ini untuk menjaga solidaritas antara mahasiswa IAT/ILHA dalam bersilaturahmi dengan alumni.”
Lastly, he hopes that the emergence of HMPS ILHA, Later it will be able to show that the Ushuluddin faculty can develop and have good integrity, especially from a scientific and organizational perspective. Finally, we hope that this activity can provide space for younger students to enter HMPS and can continue our struggle in moving the wheels of the organization. ”
Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni