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IAIKU Press- Sunday (3 Desember 2023) - Student General Election Commission (KPUM) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora has carried out socialization on the General Election (Pemira) di kampus Cabang VI yang bertempat di SMK Ma'arif Randublatung. This socialization aims to increase the participation of Branch Campus students to take part in the screening. Yusron as the KPUM committee member stated that this socialization was important, so that Randublatung Branch VI Campus students know complete information about Pemira. "This outreach is very important for all IAI Khozinatul Ulum students to know, especially at the branch campus , especially new students who still don't understand what Pemira is and its timeline. Moreover, Pemira is the same as Election, The difference is that this is within the scope of the campus, where our voting rights must be used personally and there must be no fraud, because by holding this pemira we can produce leaders who suit the wishes of students and are qualified to advance student organizations in higher education. he explained. Final, "He hopes that branch campus students can take part in voicing their right to vote in the implementation of Pemira and hopefully this year's Pemira can run honestly without any cheating.". Find out later, The vision and mission debate will be held on Tuesday (5 Desember 2023) openly and the screening will be held on Thursday (7 Desember 2023) at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Decemberditorium. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.


IAIKU Press- Sunday (3 Desember 2023) - Student General Election Commission (KPUM) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora has carried out socialization on the General Election (Pemira) on the Branch VI campus which is located at SMK Ma'arif Randublatung. This socialization aims to increase the participation of Branch Campus students to take part in the screening. Yusron as the KPUM committee member stated that this socialization was important, so that Randublatung Branch VI Campus students know complete information about Pemira.
  "This outreach is very important for all IAI Khozinatul Ulum students to know, especially at the branch campus , especially new students who still don't understand what Pemira is and its timeline. Moreover, Pemira is the same as Election, The difference is that this is within the scope of the campus, where our voting rights must be used personally and there must be no fraud, because by holding this pemira we can produce leaders who suit the wishes of students and are qualified to advance student organizations in higher education. he explained.
   Final, "He hopes that branch campus students can take part in voicing their right to vote in the implementation of Pemira and hopefully this year's Pemira can run honestly without any cheating.".
Find out later, The vision and mission debate will be held on Tuesday (5 Desember 2023) openly and the screening will be held on Thursday (7 Desember 2023) at the IAI Khozinatul Decemberra Auditorium. 

Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.

IAIKU Press- Sunday (3 December 2023) – Student General Election Commission (KPUM) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora has carried out socialization on the General Election (Pemira) on the Branch VI campus which is located at SMK Ma'arif Randublatung. This socialization aims to increase the participation of Branch Campus students to take part in the screening.

Yusron as the KPUM committee member stated that this socialization was important, so that Randublatung Branch VI Campus students know complete information about Pemira.

"This outreach is very important for all IAI Khozinatul Ulum students to know, especially at the branch campus , especially new students who still don't understand what Pemira is and its timeline. Moreover, Pemira is the same as Election, The difference is that this is within the scope of the campus, where our voting rights must be used personally and there must be no fraud, because by holding this pemira we can produce leaders who suit the wishes of students and are qualified to advance student organizations in higher education. he explained.

Final, He hopes that branch campus students can participate in voicing their right to vote in the implementation of Pemira and hopefully this year's Pemira can run honestly without any cheating.”he hoped.

Find out later, The vision and mission debate will be held on Tuesday (5 December 2023) openly and the screening will be held on Thursday (7 December 2023) at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.


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