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IAIKUPers- Saturday ( 29 July 2023) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Senate held Student Legislative Training this year 2024 at the Blora DPRD Building. This activity has a theme" Producing Young Legislators Who Are Competent and Have Integrity to Welcome a Golden Indonesia". by presenting 3 Resource persons include KH. Ahmad Labib Hilmy,S.Ag. As Chairman of Commission D DPRD Blora Regency, M.Mukhlisin,S.Sos. as Member of Commission C DPRD Blora Regency and Doni Pratama Siregar,S.H. As the Demissioner for Korda FL2MI Semarang Raya. Deputy Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I when opening the training said "that the legislative training has an urgency to be followed, especially by students. Reason, This training is said to be something that must be done at a time when legislative degradation is currently occurring on a large scale in this country." in an academic context, Honesty from legislators is very necessary, Nowadays we hear about legislative fraud everywhere, never mind that they fight for people's aspirations, sometimes they themselves are not honest. "That's why there is no longer legislative honesty or legislative honesty," the Chairman of FL2MI added firmly in the current context in Higher Education, Students must fully understand the role of the legislature, when becoming a member of SEMA, then they must really understand what the task is, function, authority and responsibility that must be played by every member of the legislature in higher education. Remembering this is training , capacity is trained here, knowledge and human resources, experience and so on, so you have integrity, Truly human resource capacity so that later they become a legislator who is able to fight for the aspirations of their people,” concluded. IAI Student Senate Chairman Khozinatul Ulum Blora, And Calimil ,say, This training was the first to be carried out by the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Senate , This is an event for change in order to improve the quality of student human resources in the campus environment. "This activity was carried out based on various complaints from various student elements in the campus environment regarding the lack of student knowledge about legislative functions in the campus environment. Even, I am afraid that in the future there will be minimal awareness among students regarding the process in the student senate,he said. This training was followed 85 participant, both students from internal IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, college students in Blora, and also students from universities in Semarang. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- Saturday ( 29 July 2023) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Senate held Student Legislative Training this year 2024 at the Blora DPRD Building. This activity has a theme" Producing Young Legislators Who Are Competent and Have Integrity to Welcome a Golden Indonesia". by presenting 3 Resource persons include KH. Ahmad Labib Hilmy,S.Ag. As Chairman of Commission D DPRD Blora Regency, M.Mukhlisin,S.Sos. as Member of Commission C DPRD Blora Regency and Doni Pratama Siregar,S.H. As the Demissioner for Korda FL2MI Semarang Raya. Deputy Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I when opening the training said "that the legislative training has an urgency to be followed, especially by students. Reason, This training is said to be something that must be done at a time when legislative degradation is currently occurring on a large scale in this country." in an academic context, Honesty from legislators is very necessary, Nowadays we hear about legislative fraud everywhere, never mind that they fight for people's aspirations, sometimes they themselves are not honest. "That's why there is no longer legislative honesty or legislative honesty," the Chairman of FL2MI added firmly in the current context in Higher Education, Students must fully understand the role of the legislature, when becoming a member of SEMA, then they must really understand what the task is, function, authority and responsibility that must be played by every member of the legislature in higher education. Remembering this is training , capacity is trained here, knowledge and human resources, experience and so on, so you have integrity, Truly human resource capacity so that later they become a legislator who is able to fight for the aspirations of their people,” concluded. IAI Student Senate Chairman Khozinatul Ulum Blora, And Calimil ,say, This training was the first to be carried out by the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Senate , This is an event for change in order to improve the quality of student human resources in the campus environment. "This activity was carried out based on various complaints from various student elements in the campus environment regarding the lack of student knowledge about legislative functions in the campus environment. Even, I am afraid that in the future there will be minimal awareness among students regarding the process in the student senate,he said. This training was followed 85 participant, both students from internal IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, college students in Blora, and also students from universities in Semarang. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers- Saturday ( 29 July 2023) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Senate held Student Legislative Training this year 2024 at the Blora DPRD Building.

This activity has a theme” Mencetak Legislator Muda Yang kompeten dan Berintegritas Menyambut Indonesia Emas”. by presenting 3 Resource persons include KH. Ahmad Labib Hilmy,S.Ag. As Chairman of Commission D DPRD Blora Regency, M.Mukhlisin,S.Sos. as Member of Commission C DPRD Blora Regency and Doni Pratama Siregar,S.H. As the Demissioner for Korda FL2MI Semarang Raya.

Vice-Rector I IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I pada saat membuka training mengatakanbahwa training legislatif tersebut memiliki urgensi untuk diikuti, especially by students. Reason, This training is said to be something that must be done at a time when legislative degradation is currently occurring on a large scale in this country.”

in an academic context, Honesty from legislators is very necessary, Nowadays we hear about legislative fraud everywhere, never mind that they fight for people's aspirations, sometimes they themselves are not honest.

Makanya disitu tidak ada lagi legislative honesty atau kejujuran legislatif,” he stressed

Ketua FL2MI menambahkan dalam konteks saat ini di Perguruan Tinggi, Students must fully understand the role of the legislature, when becoming a member of SEMA, then they must really understand what the task is, function, authority and responsibility that must be played by every member of the legislature in higher education.

Remembering this is training , capacity is trained here, knowledge and human resources, experience and so on, so you have integrity, Truly human resource capacity so that later they become a legislator who is able to fight for the aspirations of their people,” concluded.

IAI Student Senate Chairman Khozinatul Ulum Blora, And Calimil ,say, This training was the first to be carried out by the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Senate , This is an event for change in order to improve the quality of student human resources in the campus environment.

"This activity was carried out based on various complaints from various student elements in the campus environment regarding the lack of student knowledge about legislative functions in the campus environment. Even, I am afraid that in the future there will be minimal awareness among students regarding the process in the student senate,he said.

This training was followed 85 participant, both students from internal IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, college students in Blora, and also students from universities in Semarang.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


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