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Dema Pers

HMPSPAIPers - The management of HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a prayer and pilgrimage on Thursday, 5 October 2023. This Khataman and pilgrimage activity is a new work program implemented by HMPS PAI for the period 2023-2024 and included in the work program of the religious department. The purpose of carrying out the activity is "to pray for the dead or members of the grave , and remember the services of our predecessors" said Al as Chair of HMPS PAI . The event went smoothly and well, all administrators participated and were very enthusiastic about the event. Not only that, This activity also fosters a sense of solidarity and friendship between HMPS PAI administrators and PAI students , Through this activity, it becomes a momentum for HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum to make the organization more present in the community.. Besides that, This activity also brings prosperity and enthusiasm to local students on campus. Initially, the Khataman activity was divided between each member with sections determined by the Chair of HMPS PAI to be read independently. Then the Chairman collaborated with the Deputy Chairman of HMPS PAI to coordinate this Khataman activity. Burhan as Chair of HMPS PAI expressed his appreciation to all PAI administrators and brothers who participated in attending the Khataman Qur'an event.. Burhan hopes, in the future, this Al-Quran recitation activity will be carried out, not only involving members of the Management but the entire PAI Study Program family. As HMPS PAI Managers, we have the duty of I'laa i Kalimatillah (glorify God's religion) through all elements. One element that must be explored is the element of spirituality, namely by holding religious activities. Burhan added that this activity needs to be preserved in order to create habituation to reciting the Qur'an in students. Don't just stop there, It is hoped that in the future the Al-Quran will be able to be internalized within students so that a sense of ownership of the Al-Qur'an will grow. “When there are more and more participants , "Tomorrow, caravans can be formed so that more juice can be read.", addition. Khataman Al event- The Qur'an went smoothly and closed with a Koran khotmil prayer led by Kak Imam Muhtadi. In this life, all humans will experience death, So we are encouraged to remember death more. Don't forget to prepare yourself and provisions for eternal life. The same thing was done by the administrators of HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora who held grave pilgrimage activities.. In this grave pilgrimage activity, they came to the grave of Mbah Sunan Pojok. "Hopefully with this we will become more aware that death is certain,so that we must draw closer to the Almighty God", message from the Chairman of HMPS PAI. Adapun rangkaian acara ketika ziarah kubur diantaranya pembacaan tahlil dan do'a tahlil yang dipimpin oleh zainal abidin. The hope is that this event can remind us to be obedient human beings and provide benefits to the ummah. Thank you to HMPS colleagues who took part in the funeral and grave pilgrimage activities, Hopefully with this we can remind each other of the truth and compete in goodness. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


HMPSPAIPers – The management of HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a prayer and pilgrimage on Thursday, 5 October 2023. This Khataman and pilgrimage activity is a new work program implemented by HMPS PAI for the period 2023-2024 and included in the work program of the religious department. Tujuan dilaksanakannya kegiatan tersebut adalahuntuk mendoakan para Arwah atau Ahli kubur


DemaPers - Being an outstanding student cannot only be proven by obtaining a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) just, but it can also be realized in many achievements in the academic and non-academic fields. Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni is a student at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute , handed over the myriad of achievements he had achieved over the years 3 last month to the Head of Study Program . This student from the Islamic Religious Education department has even won 26 National level events include being named 10 best created Independence theme Quotes on the date 17 August 2023, Create free theme Quotes on dates 12,24 September 2023, juara 2 greeting card event organized by the Republik Bahasa Literacy Community on 17-25 September 2023, juara 2 poetry competition on the theme of struggle, juara 2 coloring event, juara 3 event quotes , juara 3 monologue competition, juara 3 Ridlle event organized by Achieve Dreams Literacy on date 11-22 Agustus 2023, juara harapan 1 dalam Event Brain Out, juara harapan 1 Short Story Evcontenderrapan 2 coloring event held by the Arline Literacy Community on 19 Agustus- 02 September 2023, juara 2 Create Poetry, juara 3 greeting card event organized by the Literacy Space Community, jury's favorite champion 1 Poetry Creation Event , Contender 3 Greeting Card event held by the Century Blossom community on 12-17 September 2023 , Champion 1 Quiz, juara 2 in the approval event &quSeptember Online Blue Sun Literacy Batch 4 on 01-09 September 2023, Champion 2 greeting card competition organized by the Online Writing Class Program, the best 2 in the Sonnet Poetry Creation Challenge in the online Writing Class of the Indonesian Shine Literacy Community, Grand Champhion 3 in the Challenge Searching for Ok Agents in the Fiteras Baskara Indonesia community, juara 1 in the framework of the Asqa Book Award held by Asqa Imagination Scholl on 3-27 Agustus 2023, juara 1 song guessing game held by the Achieve dreams Literacy community, juara 1 Games in events " SIM 78 : Gebyar Meraja held by the Indonesichampionace Literacy community on 22 Agustus 2023 and champion 1 Quiz Competition held by the Creative Learning Community on 24 Agustus 2023. Even though he comes from a semi-well-off family. This does not dampen my enthusiasm to compete Augustudents, Students and writers in this country. Hopefully this moment can inspire various groups of students or students who were born from underprivileged families, to have a passion for learning and achievement. Yusron is known as a child who doesn't give up easily and is always enthusiastic about learning. When asked about the figure who inspired him, he answered that his biological mother was the main one. Every day I look for sustenance to support my needs and a teacher is the second motivator because if there weren't great teachers who were patient in educating me, maybe I wouldn't be able to go this far.. I have just started actively participating in competitions at the national level , in the year before going to college, However, it is never too late to achieve success, and when you graduate, I don't want just a diploma in my hand, but also seek learning experiences from various places and conditions. Apart from that, I also want to prove that economic limitations are not an obstacle to becoming an accomplished individual " he said. I think from the various competitions I participated in, The most prestigious competition is the Quiz Competition , This competition was attended by thousands of students throughout Indonesia. "From this event, Has opened my eyes and motivated me to continue creating ,compete and achieve " Yusron said. "It's a sweet experience that I never thought I could achieve , maintain the title of achievement and Allah gave it to me, more or less 3 month, thank God I was able to bring home as much 26 National level achievements in the form of a plaque, certificate and trophy. Maybe this is an amazing experience for me, "Hopefully in the future I can achieve a higher level of achievement," he recalled.


DemaPers – Being an outstanding student cannot only be proven by obtaining a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) just, but it can also be realized in many achievements in the academic and non-academic fields. Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni is a student at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute , handed over the myriad of achievements he had achieved over the years …


DemaPers - Monday ( 2 October 2023) Representatives of the Student Executive Council Management and Student Association Management of the IAI Islamic Religious Education Study Program Khozinatul Ulum Blora Attended the Prophet Muhammad SAW's Birthday event organized by IAI Al- Muhammad Cepu Campus 5 of Aula MTS Ma' wise Blora. The event began with an opening led by the MC , Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya , Subhanul Wathon and reading of the Prophet's birthday accompanied by the Hadroh group. The reading of the Prophet's birthday begins with tawasul to Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family, friend, habit, tabi tabi, and also the scholars who have fought for Islam until now. In his speech, Imron M, Ag as a lecturer at IAI Al- Muhammad Cepu said " with the implementation of the Prophet Muhammad Saw Birthday Festival activities at the Al Islamic Institute - Muhammad "The Prophet's birthday event that we are holding today is a reflection of our love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because he is someone who always reflects Akhlakul Karimah in his life. Good with people, hewah, Even plants, he always uses his Akhlakul Karimah. So we who claim to be the Prophet Muhammad's people. Must display noble morals as exemplified by His Majesty the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa salam." said in Maidol Hasanah Ustadz Agus Budi Mulyono M, Pd.I said " .The example of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the life of religious millennials, and a sense of unity, national unity". What is appropriate to Millennial life is by truly practicing the Prophet's example as well as possible. Because only the Prophet is worthy of being a role model. Good from the perspective of millennial life, pergamon, sense of unity, and national unity. A basic example is mutual forgiveness between humans, even though their beliefs are different. He also told about the daily life of the Prophet Muhammad with his wife Sayidah 'Aishah Radhiallahu Anha when they gave a drink to the Prophet when he returned from work and it turned out that the drink was mixed with salt instead of sugar., so it tastes salty. But the Messenger of Allah was not angry and called 'Aishah with a friendly name, then invited 'Aisyah to drink with him the water he made earlier. Then Aisyah found out and finally apologized to the Messenger of Allah and the Messenger of Allah also forgave her mistake without showing the anger of the Messenger of God." addition. Hit it right 16.32 IAI event Al- Muhammad commemorates the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1445 H/ 2023 M. Ditutup dengan do'a Kafaratul Majlis yang dipimpin oleh ustadz Musta'in M,Pd. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers – Monday ( 2 October 2023) Representatives of the Student Executive Council Management and Student Association Management of the IAI Islamic Religious Education Study Program Khozinatul Ulum Blora Attended the Prophet Muhammad SAW's Birthday event organized by IAI Al- Muhammad Cepu Campus 5 of Aula MTS Ma’ wise Blora.   The event began with an opening led by the MC , …


HMPSPAI Press- Saturday (23-09-2023) Representative of the HMPS PAI IAI Management Khozinatul Ulum Blora Attended the Muswil Event ( Regional Conference) Central Java Islamic Religious Education in the Sultan Hadlrin Hall, Joint OPD Building, Jepara City . Participants at this Muswil were attended by several representatives of the HMPS Student Delegation / HMJ/HMP/ HIMA JATENG UIN Walisongo University Semarang, UIN Prof. Dr. Saifudin Zuhri Purwokerto, UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, UNUGHA Cilacap, Unissula Semarang, UNWAHAS Semarang, UNDARIS Semarang, UNSIQ Wonosobo, Muhammadiyah University of Magelang, Muhammadiyah University Purwokerto, UMS Surakarta, UIN Salatiga, IAIN Kudus, UIN Pekalongan , IAINU Kebumen, IBN Tegal, INISNU Temanggung, UNISNU Jepara,IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, IAI Al Muhammad Cepu, STAINU Purwokerto, STAI IC Demak, STAI PATI and STIK Kendal. Edy Supriyanta as the Regent of Jepara hopes that "Members of the PAI Central Java Student Friendship Forum must be able to become a superior generation. So therefore , Forsima must be more productive in building big dreams and spreading many benefits." said the Regent of Jepara when opening the MUSWIL event. He said this Forum was a form of synergy to prepare towards an organization with a global perspective, addictive, responsive, as well as solutions to face the dynamics of current developments. " Apart from being a gathering place, this meeting is a forum for a concept . related to regional deliberations,He hopes it can be a momentum to formulate ideas- visionary ideas and supporting agendas and programs- government program. This is a challenge, little brother- all sisters, because in the future it will be very difficult " Express him. " To Forsima PAI Members , The official Regent of Jepara advised us to position ourselves as a useful generation. Don't be a generation of karbitan, but be a student who can spread the benefits " The message. On the same occasion , The Chancellor of UNISNU Jepara, through the Dean of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, Abdul Rozaq, appreciated the entire series of Forsima events , including a seminar that explores the opportunities and challenges of PAI graduates in the middle of this era 5.0. Previously, General Chairperson of Forsima PAI Central Java M. Wazid Husni explained that the organization had existed since 2011. He noted that it existed 29 Universities in Central Java that have PAI study programs. Of this amount, 26 some of them have established relationships with this forum. One of them includes Unisnu Jepara. The regional deliberation lasted for two days. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


HMPSPAI Press- Saturday (23-09-2023) Representative of the HMPS PAI IAI Management Khozinatul Ulum Blora Attended the Muswil Event ( Regional Conference) Central Java Islamic Religious Education in the Sultan Hadlrin Hall, Joint OPD Building, Jepara City . Participants at this Muswil were attended by several representatives of the HMPS Student Delegation / HMJ/HMP/ HIMA JATENG UIN Walisongo University Semarang, UIN Prof. Dr. Saifudin …


DemaPers - Saturday (23 September 2023) The second day of the Student Senate General Conference continued at the MWC NU Banjarejo building. Syerozi as presidium I started the Plenary session with a time contract before discussion of the Rules of Procedure began. From suggestions and input from trial participants, then it seems 1 The times when the Presidium I determined the duration of the III Plenary Session were 1 x 40 minutes starting from o'clock 09.00 WIB. At the plenary session on Day 1 2 The Student Senate large deliberation discussed the PEMIRA Law, HMPS Act, UKM Law and DEMA Law. CHAPTER after CHAPTER, Article by article is discussed. The heated atmosphere of the trial changed when objection after objection was made by the invited guests of the trial. The sound of the Presidium I gavel added a distinctive rhythm to a conference. Nothing compelling happened, but frequent interruptions from guests without funds are inevitable. The enthusiastic participants were very active in giving opinions and providing input. " When Nur Azizah asked how many participants should be in KPUM and KPPS. Arif as a full participant responded to the KPUM 7 and KPPS exists 5 Student. " Likewise, Rohmad as Full Manager added " When candidates have been selected from the Pemira team, they should create a Panwaslu and Bawaslu. " Then Ali Anwar as the UKM representative supported and said" When discussing this body it should not be with the DEMA Management, SEMA and Discussions outside this event with related people. " In the discussion of the DEMA Law" Tasila responded to the point of the evaluation meeting. Evaluation in one period was lacking, about the state of the Department there are circumstances. " Then Arief answered " If someone from the management violates it, it will be dealt with and in fact it only happens at least once during an evaluation meeting. " and tasila stood up and said" There should be an evaluation meeting every period at least 3 kali" and finally approved by the participants. In the presentation of the HMPS Law " Tasila asked which articles and sanctions were involved first,to create DEMA Faculty or HMPS because the editor is from SEMA. Arief responded regarding sanctions - I will accept and discuss the sanctions. And Joko Purnomo, asked "for BPH Dema organization, Can I enter BPH HMPS?" Rohmad answered" for BPH DEMA and SEMA,cannot be duplicated with HMPS , except if the department and division are allowed because they remember our student human resources. Likewise, we will review the effectiveness of the management as stated in the article 5 BaB D. The point is that those who are administrators of BPH ORMAWA cannot concurrently serve in other BPHs. So, the editorial team of BPH DEMA cannot be concurrently with BPH HMPS. he said" In the discussion of UU.UKM, Joko Agung Purnomo asked" Are SMEs under the auspices of Dema, Or UKM stands alone. Rahmad responded " Actually UKM, That's what the unit must run on its own, So if UKM cannot run, it is the fault of the residents involved in that unit, but now SMEs on campus are included in the Human Resources Division, if UKM stands alone, then SMEs have their own funds. But what I see from other campuses is that UKM stands alone " Hit it right 02.00 The Student Senate General Conference closed with the symbolic signing of the results of the Act- the law which has been confirmed in the Plenary Meeting by the Head of SEMA, WHEN, and SMEs. "Thank God, the Student Senate General Conference went well, Hopefully in the future the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora organization can work well and produce programs- more relevant work programs. " Said one of the participants . Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers – Saturday (23 September 2023) The second day of the Student Senate General Conference continued at the MWC NU Banjarejo building. Syerozi as presidium I started the Plenary session with a time contract before discussion of the Rules of Procedure began. From suggestions and input from trial participants, then it seems 1 The times when the Presidium I determined the duration of the III Plenary Session were 1 x …


DemaPers - Student Senate ( SEMA) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a Grand Conference (MUBES) at the MWC NU Building sub-district. Banjarejo. This activity is one of the annual routine programs of the Student Senate (SEMA) as the highest student organization body on campus. This activity will last for two days on the date 22-23 September 2023. At this SEMA meeting attended by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III,SEMA Management Representative, DEMA Management, HMPS PAI administrator, PGMI, PIAUD, MBS, ES, PS, IAT, ILHA and UKM Management Representatives. This mubes event was opened by Siti Maria Ulfa as MC, Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya, Mars and the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hymn led by Siti Choirun Nisa. In his speech, Nur Rahmat, as chairman of SEMA, "expressed his gratitude for the presence of the student senate mubes participants , Thank God, this year we SEMA administrators were able to hold a Student Senate " Hopefully next year the SEMA Management can hold MUSBER and MUSWIL. Remembering that the Ormawa on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum campus is not yet neatly organized because many administrators don't know what our duties are in the organization and the plan is to hold Basic Leadership Training, After this event. make this consultation as, deliberation to establish friendship between fellow ORMAWA and UKM, Don't let anyone feel resentment or hostility after completing this deliberation, Make this deliberation a deliberation to strengthen the ties of friendship between the DEMA SEMAgement, SEMA, HMPS and UKM, for the same- together to achieve the goals of our campus vision and mission together, because we all belong to one alma mater and the same flag, namely IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora". Finally, the Chairman of the Student Senate said. This Grand Conference activity was opened directly by the Deputy Chair III for Student Affairs, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. In his speech he "conveyed" that he advised all meeting participants to prioritize the principles of deliberation and kinship so that there would be no chaos when the Student Senate deliberations took place., He also hopes that this MUBES can run smoothly and that in the future it can produce leaders- intelligent and intellectual ormawa leader". He said after the opening series of events finished, The general meeting begins at 09.15. The session is chaired by a temporary presidium, namely Rohmad as presidium 1, as presidium 2, and as presidium 3. The General Assembly begins with the first plenary session, which discusses and approves the rules and regulations of the Mubes, POB Administration and election of a permanent presidium and ratifying the first plenary session. The trial participants agreed that the chairman of the trial consisted of: 1 Sema delegation and 2 Dema administrator. After offering several options, Finally, the chairman of the permanent session consisting of Arief was elected as the presidium 1, Maria Ulfa as presidium 2, and Lina Cahyani as presidium 3. At this first plenary session, one of the observer participants, Ali Anwar told the Presidium that he asked for an explanation regarding the rules of conduct so that some of us could have an argument. The enthusiasm of the participants at the Plenary Session I was very active and provided input to each other. Before the second plenary session was held, suspension for praying and eating together during 2 × 45 minute. Plenary Session II Discusses the Political Parties Law and the PEMIRA Law. After offering several options, the leadership of the second plenary session was led by Ali Anwar as Presidium I, Nur Azizah as Presidium II and Lista Nur Salehah as Presidium III. Nur Rohmad as Chair of SEMA explained "the purpose of creating this political party, want to create a new atmosphere, we want to make a formation, want to look for more intelligent and innovative figures from the party. " " The hope is that when the trial is over, the plan is to make a flyer, for those who run the party are Dema itself. However, if the political party officials blame the regulations, they will be suspended " he said. After the trial activities were over, Arief as the SEMA Administrator said " According to us there is a Law - Invite these political parties so that strata or rules are formed in accordance with the government. and in the government there is something called PARPOL and we will apply it on campus because everything is in order, if there is a mistake , how politics works as stated in the law, for example, if any irregularities within a political party will be prosecuted in accordance with the penalties stated in the law. In accordance with the SEMA Law above in accordance with the law that has been confirmed by the Rector or campus, So the establishment of a school on campus has been legalized in accordance with the law, So, for example, SEMA's work will not be in accordance with SEMA laws. Around o'clock 16.30 WIB with the completion of discussions on the articles of association, The trial was suspended and will continue the following day in accordance with the forum agreement. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers – Student Senate ( SEMA) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a Grand Conference (MUBES) at the MWC NU Building sub-district. Banjarejo. This activity is one of the annual routine programs of the Student Senate (SEMA) as the highest student organization body on campus. This activity will last for two days on the date 22-23 September 2023. At this SEMA Mubes …


DemaPers- Thursday,( 21 September 2023) The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema Management held a preparation meeting to commemorate National Santri Day and the Youth Pledge in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema Room. Is known, Santri Day is a day to commemorate the great role of kiai and santri in the struggle against foreign colonialism, coincides with Mbah KH Hasyim's jihad resolution on the date 22 Oktober. And also officers or soldiers defending the Homeland (Peta) many of whom are also students. Meanwhile, the Youth Pledge is a major milestone in the history of the Indonesian independence movement. This pledge is considered a crystallization of the spirit to emphasize the ideals of the founding of the Indonesian state. The Youth Pledge is the decision of the Second Youth Congress which was held for two days, 27-28 Oktober 1928 in Batavia (now called Jakarta). Luluk Marifah Munawaroh as administrator of Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora , submit plans for events commemorating National Santri Day which will be held on 22 Oktober 2023 and commemoration of the youth oath on the date 28 Oktober 2023. To commemorate National Santri Day and the Youth Pledge we will hold various competitions including badminton competitions,Futsal,Esay ,Campus Ambassador,Campus Idol and seminars which are planned to invite Usman Amry will be held starting date 22Octoberr and 28 Oktober 2023 coming " because this is our form of enlivening National Santri Day and the Youth Pledge," he said. "Hopefully all the committees will be able to work well to achieve success in implementing this event " The hope. Information : YUSRON RIDHO NURFATONI


DemaPers- Thursday,( 21 September 2023) The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema Management held a preparation meeting to commemorate National Santri Day and the Youth Pledge in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema Room. Is known, Santri Day is a day to commemorate the great role of kiai and santri in the struggle against foreign colonialism, coincided with Mbah KH Hasyim's jihad resolution on …


DemaPers- Leaders of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Held Guidance for Scholarship Recipient Students and socialization with academic supervisors at the Al Mosque - Hamidah at the Khozinatul Ulum II Islamic boarding school. On this occasion, Ahmad Syaifulloh attended,M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, muhammad Nabil ,S.Sy., M.Ag as Deputy Chancellor II , Ahmad Saiful Rizal,M.Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Dr. Kh.Nur Ihsan, Lc., MA. As Deputy Chancellor IV , Students receiving Bidikmisi and KIP College scholarships. In its construction and direction,Ahmad SaifPd Rizal M,Pd. As Vice Chancellor III conveyed " Several things for students include those related to learning materials where students are expected to study diligently, follow all applicable provisions and regulations and can adjust their academic activities according to the existing academic calendar, More related to Scholarship Assistance 1 Desa 2 Undergraduate and KIP College Programs. The plan is that we, from the leadership, will provide more or less guidance 3 meeting times in one semester. and every semester, we from the leadership will check the Semester Study Results, if there are students whose grades are less than 3.0 , follow-up construction will be held. My hope is that students who receive scholarships from both the Regency Government and KIP for college can achieve minimum Academic and Non-Academic Achievements 1 in every semester. He also advised all students who received scholarship assistance to be able to use and be responsible with the scholarships they received, can carry out the obligations that must be carried out as a scholarship recipient, one of which is by collecting accountability reports, can be active as a student by carrying out the tasks given completely and well." Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I as Deputy Chancellor I. "Congratulations to students who have passed the scholarship acceptance selection. Bidikmisi students must be different from regular students. Must be an exemplary student who excels in academic and non-academic achievements. He hopes that every scholarship recipient student will be able to achieve both academic and non-academic achievements. The aim of having this mentor is to create students' academic potential.. he explained." Muhammad Nabil, S, Sy., M.Ag. As DeMuhammad Nabilr II reminded all scholarship recipients to fulfill all their rights and obligations. "From 50 registrar only 25 those who qualify become Bidikmisi recipients, then it should be grateful. How to be grateful with a serious lecture, hardworking, Best GPA above 3.00, pass on time, active in organizations and most importantly have noble character,he explained. It is known that the KIP Kuliah bidikmisi scholarship comes from the state, and Scholarships 1 Desa 2 Villageelor's degree from Regency government, so use it wisely. Educational financial assistance will be provided while you are an active student, four years. Can be used for UKT payment purposes, living cost, and college support needs. His last " We hope that students who receive this scholarship must have enthusiasm for studying and can achieve academic and non-academic achievements. by providing district government scholarships and KIP, this college aims to educate a generation of intelligent and superior students " The lid. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.


DemaPers- Leaders of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Held Guidance for Scholarship Recipient Students and socialization with academic supervisors at the Al Mosque – Hamidah at the Khozinatul Ulum II Islamic boarding school. On this occasion, Ahmad Syaifulloh attended,M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Muhammad Nabil ,S.Sy., M.Ag as Deputy Chancellor II , Ahmad Saiful Rizal,M.Pd as Vice Chancellor …



HMPS PAI Pers- Sunday (18-09-2023) In order to enliven the 7th Anniversary of HMPS PAI and welcome the coming month of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW , HMPS PAI Management Held a Prayer Event by presenting Habib Baghir Alkhered from Grobogan and accompanied by Hadroh Khisnaya IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This event was attended by KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad, S.Th.I., M.Ag. …


DemaPers- Saturday (16 September 2023) After the Real Work Lecture activities (KKN) implemented successfully , The Faculty of Teacher Training Tarbiyah held a workshop on Successful Strategies for Preparing a Thesis " TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL GRADUATION ON TIME " . in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This activity was attended by KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad S.Th.I.M, Ag as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Arim Irsyadullah Albin Jaya M, Pd as Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, H. Agus Susanto,Lc.M.A. as Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business ,Dyah Ayu Fitriani M, Acting as the Head of UPM, Zaimul Asror, S.Th.I M.A. as Chair of LPPM, Siti Nurkayati M, Pd. as Head of PAI Study Program, Armiya Nur Lailatul Izzah M, Pd. As Head of PGMI Study Program, Artika Diannita M. Pd, M. Han as secretary of the PAI study program, Cahya Amelia Chusna M, Pd. As secretary of the PGMI Study Program, Helina Himmatul Ulya Lina M,Pd. as secretary of the PIAUD Study Program and all Semester Students of the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty 6. This event was opened by Artika Dianita M.Pd.M.Han as MC , Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya , Mars & Hymn of IAI KhozAhmad Zaki Fuad S.Th.I.M Helina Himmatul Ulya Lina M,Pd. In his speech KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad S.Th.I.M, Ag as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora said " with the implementation of this thesis writing training, it shows that the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training has a movement that indicates that the life of the academic atmosphere. So students who complete their studies do not just graduate , However, you must have good scientific writing. To be able to complete it on time, assistance is needed on how to write a thesis that complies with the existing rules at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. , Don't let the thesis writing not follow meaningful procedures " Obviously. In his speech Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Vice Chancellor I said " This training can motivate students in completing their theses and final assignments, because in this training students are given direction, motivation as well as a training ground for students who have met the requirements to submit research proposals. Apart from that, it is hoped that this activity can help students solve problems scientifically, able to apply research methods appropriate to the topic and analyze logically so as to help accelerate the completion of the thesis and final project,he explained. He hopes that students will be enthusiastic in writing their theses later. “A good thesis is a finished scientific paper (finished). It's free if you write a Thesis with such a high theme, but it becomes a barrier to yourself. So,Friends must choose a theme or research title that suits their field and understand it using a point of view that has never been used before.. This will make a new discovery but don't make it difficult for yourself,” concluded Deputy Chancellor I Dyah Ayu Fitriana, M.Pd displays "in data Analyst techniques ,quantitative discussion and conclusions , The first step is that students must carry out a feasibility test of the instrument, validation test, reliability test, test Assumptions/Prerequisites, normality test, homogeneity test, linearity test, statistic test, regression test , Uji Korolesi, Uji T, One Way Anova Test." Siti Nurkayati, M.Pd. display " Qualitative data analysis can reduce miscommunication, because the data used must be factual and as accurate as possible. Qualitative data analysis is a very important part of the data processing process and for answering problem formulation. In the analysis method, students must systematically search for and organize data obtained from interviews, field notes and others so that the findings are easy to understand and can be conveyed to others." Arim Irsyadullah Albin Jaya M, Pd. Displaying " The research title must cArim Irsyadullah Albin Jaya MPdhe research related to the research object you want to research. The initial purpose of a title is to catch the reader's attention and draw attention to the research problem being investigated. When creating a title, students must know the elements including the nature and type of research, object of research, research subject, location or research area and the year or time the event occurred. If you want to do research, Students must go directly to the place where the research will be carried out and students must be correct - really know between quantitative and qualitative research. " Helina Himmatul Ulya M, Pd explained " That the theoretical basis of the contextual framework is used to understand the phenomena observed in research and the theoretical basis explains the relationship between the variables studied and justifies the basis for formulating hypotheses. The aim of the theoretical basis is to help researchers understand the phenomenon being researched more deeply and systematically. To determine the theoretical basis, students must choose the right theory based on the research topic, can identify research topics, can implement the selected theory in research and review relevant structures. Mistakes to avoid, Don't just rely on one reference source in determining the theoretical basis or use various quality reference sources. Finally, he explained that theoretical basis is very important because it helps researchers to understand the phenomenon being studied and provides a clear framework for exploring the topic.. Apart from that, by having a strong theoretical basis, the research will be focused and the results obtained will have high validity " The lid. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M. Pd explained "Mendeley is a mandatory application for students, especially for those who are writing scientific articles, journal, or tAhmad Saiful Rizal Mndeley is an application that helps you with insertion, writing, and citation or citation formatting. With the help of this application, You will no longer have difficulty making citations. You still use manual methods for inserting citations and creating bibliography. To use Mendeley, we have to install the application. Mendeley desktop can be used online or offline and can be saved on a computer. If we save files in premium we have to pay. In addition Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, This session teaches about practice which requires students to download one of the journals with Jurnal One of the things he felt was the importance and usefulness of the Mendeley application for writing, namely in making bibliography, with this application we no longer need to manually create a bibliography list. " After the presentation of the material is finished, students take the semester 6 Perprodinya is expected to gather to submit a thesis title to each of them - each Head of Study Program. INFORMATION : YUSRON RIDHO NURFATONI.


DemaPers- Saturday (16 September 2023) After the Real Work Lecture activities (KKN) implemented successfully , The Faculty of Teacher Training Tarbiyah held a workshop on Successful Strategies for Preparing a Thesis ” TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL GRADUATION ON TIME ” . in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This activity was attended by KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad S.Th.I.M, Ag as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, …