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HMPSPAIPers - The management of HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a prayer and pilgrimage on Thursday, 5 October 2023. This Khataman and pilgrimage activity is a new work program implemented by HMPS PAI for the period 2023-2024 and included in the work program of the religious department. The purpose of carrying out the activity is "to pray for the dead or members of the grave , and remember the services of our predecessors" said Al as Chair of HMPS PAI . The event went smoothly and well, all administrators participated and were very enthusiastic about the event. Not only that, This activity also fosters a sense of solidarity and friendship between HMPS PAI administrators and PAI students , Through this activity, it becomes a momentum for HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum to make the organization more present in the community.. Besides that, This activity also brings prosperity and enthusiasm to local students on campus. Initially, the Khataman activity was divided between each member with sections determined by the Chair of HMPS PAI to be read independently. Then the Chairman collaborated with the Deputy Chairman of HMPS PAI to coordinate this Khataman activity. Burhan as Chair of HMPS PAI expressed his appreciation to all PAI administrators and brothers who participated in attending the Khataman Qur'an event.. Burhan hopes, in the future, this Al-Quran recitation activity will be carried out, not only involving members of the Management but the entire PAI Study Program family. As HMPS PAI Managers, we have the duty of I'laa i Kalimatillah (glorify God's religion) through all elements. One element that must be explored is the element of spirituality, namely by holding religious activities. Burhan added that this activity needs to be preserved in order to create habituation to reciting the Qur'an in students. Don't just stop there, It is hoped that in the future the Al-Quran will be able to be internalized within students so that a sense of ownership of the Al-Qur'an will grow. “When there are more and more participants , "Tomorrow, caravans can be formed so that more juice can be read.", addition. Khataman Al event- The Qur'an went smoothly and closed with a Koran khotmil prayer led by Kak Imam Muhtadi. In this life, all humans will experience death, So we are encouraged to remember death more. Don't forget to prepare yourself and provisions for eternal life. The same thing was done by the administrators of HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora who held grave pilgrimage activities.. In this grave pilgrimage activity, they came to the grave of Mbah Sunan Pojok. "Hopefully with this we will become more aware that death is certain,so that we must draw closer to the Almighty God", message from the Chairman of HMPS PAI. Adapun rangkaian acara ketika ziarah kubur diantaranya pembacaan tahlil dan do'a tahlil yang dipimpin oleh zainal abidin. The hope is that this event can remind us to be obedient human beings and provide benefits to the ummah. Thank you to HMPS colleagues who took part in the funeral and grave pilgrimage activities, Hopefully with this we can remind each other of the truth and compete in goodness. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


HMPSPAIPers - The management of HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a prayer and pilgrimage on Thursday, 5 October 2023. This Khataman and pilgrimage activity is a new work program implemented by HMPS PAI for the period 2023-2024 and included in the work program of the religious department. The purpose of carrying out the activity is "to pray for the dead or members of the grave , and remember the services of our predecessors" said Al as Chair of HMPS PAI . The event went smoothly and well, all administrators participated and were very enthusiastic about the event. Not only that, This activity also fosters a sense of solidarity and friendship between HMPS PAI administrators and PAI students , Through this activity, it becomes a momentum for HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum to make the organization more present in the community.. Besides that, This activity also brings prosperity and enthusiasm to local students on campus. Initially, the Khataman activity was divided between each member with sections determined by the Chair of HMPS PAI to be read independently. Then the Chairman collaborated with the Deputy Chairman of HMPS PAI to coordinate this Khataman activity. Burhan as Chair of HMPS PAI expressed his appreciation to all PAI administrators and brothers who participated in attending the Khataman Qur'an event.. Burhan hopes, in the future, this Al-Quran recitation activity will be carried out, not only involving members of the Management but the entire PAI Study Program family. As HMPS PAI Managers, we have the duty of I'laa i Kalimatillah (glorify God's religion) through all elements. One element that must be explored is the element of spirituality, namely by holding religious activities. Burhan added that this activity needs to be preserved in order to create habituation to reciting the Qur'an in students. Don't just stop there, It is hoped that in the future the Al-Quran will be able to be internalized within students so that a sense of ownership of the Al-Qur'an will grow. “When there are more and more participants , "Tomorrow, caravans can be formed so that more juice can be read.", addition. Khataman Al event- The Qur'an went smoothly and closed with a Koran khotmil prayer led by Kak Imam Muhtadi. In this life, all humans will experience death, So we are encouraged to remember death more. Don't forget to prepare yourself and provisions for eternal life. The same thing was done by the administrators of HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora who held grave pilgrimage activities.. In this grave pilgrimage activity, they came to the grave of Mbah Sunan Pojok. "Hopefully with this we will become more aware that death is certain,so that we must draw closer to the Almighty God", message from the Chairman of HMPS PAI. The series of events during the grave pilgrimage include reading tahlil and tahlil prayers led by Zainal Abidin. The hope is that this event can remind us to be obedient human beings and provide benefits to the ummah. Thank you to HMPS colleagues who took part in the funeral and grave pilgrimage activities, Hopefully with this we can remind each other of the truth and compete in goodness. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

HMPSPAIPers – The management of HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a prayer and pilgrimage on Thursday, 5 October 2023. This Khataman and pilgrimage activity is a new work program implemented by HMPS PAI for the period 2023-2024 and included in the work program of the religious department.

Tujuan dilaksanakannya kegiatan tersebut adalahuntuk mendoakan para Arwah atau Ahli kubur , and remember the services of our predecessors” said Al as Chair of HMPS PAI .

The event went smoothly and well, all administrators participated and were very enthusiastic about the event. Not only that, This activity also fosters a sense of solidarity and friendship between HMPS PAI administrators and PAI students , Through this activity, it becomes a momentum for HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum to make the organization more present in the community.. Besides that, This activity also brings prosperity and enthusiasm to local students on campus.

Initially, the Khataman activity was divided between each member with sections determined by the Chair of HMPS PAI to be read independently. Then the Chairman collaborated with the Deputy Chairman of HMPS PAI to coordinate this Khataman activity.

Burhan as Chair of HMPS PAI expressed his appreciation to all PAI administrators and brothers who participated in attending the Khataman Qur'an event.. Burhan hopes, in the future, this Al-Quran recitation activity will be carried out, not only involving members of the Management but the entire PAI Study Program family.

As HMPS PAI Managers, we have the duty of I'laa i Kalimatillah (glorify God's religion) through all elements. One element that must be explored is the element of spirituality, namely by holding religious activities.

Burhan added that this activity needs to be preserved in order to create habituation to reciting the Qur'an in students. Don't just stop there, It is hoped that in the future the Al-Quran will be able to be internalized within students so that a sense of ownership of the Al-Qur'an will grow. “When there are more and more participants , "Tomorrow, caravans can be formed so that more juice can be read.", addition.

Khataman Al event- The Qur'an went smoothly and closed with a Koran khotmil prayer led by Kak Imam Muhtadi.

In this life, all humans will experience death, So we are encouraged to remember death more. Don't forget to prepare yourself and provisions for eternal life.

The same thing was done by the administrators of HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora who held grave pilgrimage activities.. In this grave pilgrimage activity, they came to the grave of Mbah Sunan Pojok.

"Hopefully with this we will become more aware that death is certain,so that we must draw closer to the Almighty God", message from the Chairman of HMPS PAI.

Adapun rangkaian acara ketika ziarah kubur diantaranya pembacaan tahlil dan do’a tahlil yang dipimpin oleh zainal abidin. The hope is that this event can remind us to be obedient human beings and provide benefits to the ummah.

Thank you to HMPS colleagues who took part in the funeral and grave pilgrimage activities, Hopefully with this we can remind each other of the truth and compete in goodness.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

Editor : M. Hasnan Habib

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