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DemaPers - Being an outstanding student cannot only be proven by obtaining a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) just, but it can also be realized in many achievements in the academic and non-academic fields. Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni is a student at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute , handed over the myriad of achievements he had achieved over the years 3 last month to the Head of Study Program . This student from the Islamic Religious Education department has even won 26 National level events include being named 10 best created Independence theme Quotes on the date 17 August 2023, Create free theme Quotes on dates 12,24 September 2023, juara 2 greeting card event organized by the Republik Bahasa Literacy Community on 17-25 September 2023, juara 2 poetry competition on the theme of struggle, juara 2 coloring event, juara 3 event quotes , juara 3 monologue competition, juara 3 Ridlle event organized by Achieve Dreams Literacy on date 11-22 Agustus 2023, juara harapan 1 dalam Event Brain Out, juara harapan 1 Short Story Evcontenderrapan 2 coloring event held by the Arline Literacy Community on 19 Agustus- 02 September 2023, juara 2 Create Poetry, juara 3 greeting card event organized by the Literacy Space Community, jury's favorite champion 1 Poetry Creation Event , Contender 3 Greeting Card event held by the Century Blossom community on 12-17 September 2023 , Champion 1 Quiz, juara 2 in the approval event &quSeptember Online Blue Sun Literacy Batch 4 on 01-09 September 2023, Champion 2 greeting card competition organized by the Online Writing Class Program, the best 2 in the Sonnet Poetry Creation Challenge in the online Writing Class of the Indonesian Shine Literacy Community, Grand Champhion 3 in the Challenge Searching for Ok Agents in the Fiteras Baskara Indonesia community, juara 1 in the framework of the Asqa Book Award held by Asqa Imagination Scholl on 3-27 Agustus 2023, juara 1 song guessing game held by the Achieve dreams Literacy community, juara 1 Games in events " SIM 78 : Gebyar Meraja held by the Indonesichampionace Literacy community on 22 Agustus 2023 and champion 1 Quiz Competition held by the Creative Learning Community on 24 Agustus 2023. Even though he comes from a semi-well-off family. This does not dampen my enthusiasm to compete Augustudents, Students and writers in this country. Hopefully this moment can inspire various groups of students or students who were born from underprivileged families, to have a passion for learning and achievement. Yusron is known as a child who doesn't give up easily and is always enthusiastic about learning. When asked about the figure who inspired him, he answered that his biological mother was the main one. Every day I look for sustenance to support my needs and a teacher is the second motivator because if there weren't great teachers who were patient in educating me, maybe I wouldn't be able to go this far.. I have just started actively participating in competitions at the national level , in the year before going to college, However, it is never too late to achieve success, and when you graduate, I don't want just a diploma in my hand, but also seek learning experiences from various places and conditions. Apart from that, I also want to prove that economic limitations are not an obstacle to becoming an accomplished individual " he said. I think from the various competitions I participated in, The most prestigious competition is the Quiz Competition , This competition was attended by thousands of students throughout Indonesia. "From this event, Has opened my eyes and motivated me to continue creating ,compete and achieve " Yusron said. "It's a sweet experience that I never thought I could achieve , maintain the title of achievement and Allah gave it to me, more or less 3 month, thank God I was able to bring home as much 26 National level achievements in the form of a plaque, certificate and trophy. Maybe this is an amazing experience for me, "Hopefully in the future I can achieve a higher level of achievement," he recalled.


DemaPers - Being an outstanding student cannot only be proven by obtaining a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) just, but it can also be realized in many achievements in the academic and non-academic fields. Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni is a student at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute , handed over the myriad of achievements he had achieved over the years 3 last month to the Head of Study Program . 
  This student from the Islamic Religious Education department has even won 26 National level events include being named 10 best created Independence theme Quotes on the date 17 August 2023, Create free theme Quotes on dates 12,24 September 2023, juara 2 greeting card event organized by the Republik Bahasa Literacy Community on 17-25 September 2023, juara 2 poetry competition on the theme of struggle, juara 2 coloring event, juara 3  event quotes , juara 3 monologue competition, juara 3 Ridlle event organized by Achieve Dreams Literacy on date 11-22 Agustus 2023, juara harapan 1 dalam Event Brain Out, juara harapan 1 Short Story Evcontenderrapan 2 coloring event held by the Arline Literacy Community on 19 Agustus- 02 September 2023, juara 2 Create Poetry, juara 3 greeting card event organized by the Literacy Space Community, jury's favorite champion 1 Poetry Creation Event , Contender 3 Greeting Card event held by the Century Blossom community on 12-17 September 2023 , Champion 1 Quiz, juara 2 in the approval event &quoSeptemberOnline Blue Sun Literacy Batch 4 on 01-09 September 2023, Champion 2 greeting card competition organized by the Online Writing Class Program, the best 2 in the Sonnet Poetry Creation Challenge in the online Writing Class of the Indonesian Shine Literacy Community, Grand Champhion 3 in the Challenge Searching for Ok Agents in the Fiteras Baskara Indonesia community, juara 1 in the framework of the Asqa Book Award held by Asqa Imagination Scholl on 3-27 Agustus 2023, juara 1 song guessing game held by the Achieve dreams Literacy community, juara 1 Games in events " SIM 78 : Gebyar Meraja held by the Indonesiachampionce Literacy community on 22 Agustus 2023 and champion 1 Quiz Competition held by the Creative Learning Community on 24 Agustus 2023.

  Even though he comes from a semi-well-off family. This does not dampen my enthusiasm to competAuguststudents, Students and writers in this country. Hopefully this moment can inspire various groups of students or students who were born from underprivileged families, to have a passion for learning and achievement.  Yusron is known as a child who doesn't give up easily and is always enthusiastic about learning. When asked about the figure who inspired him, he answered that his biological mother was the main one. Every day I look for sustenance to support my needs and a teacher is the second motivator because if there weren't great teachers who were patient in educating me, maybe I wouldn't be able to go this far.. 

I have just started actively participating in competitions at the national level , in the year before going to college, However, it is never too late to achieve success, and when you graduate, I don't want just a diploma in my hand, but also seek learning experiences from various places and conditions. Apart from that, I also want to prove that economic limitations are not an obstacle to becoming an accomplished individual " he said. 

  I think from the various competitions I participated in, The most prestigious competition is the Quiz Competition , This competition was attended by thousands of students throughout Indonesia. "From this event, Has opened my eyes and motivated me to continue creating ,compete and achieve " Yusron said. 
    "It's a sweet experience that I never thought I could achieve , maintain the title of achievement and Allah gave it to me, more or less 3 month, thank God I was able to bring home as much 26 National level achievements in the form of a certificate,  certificate and trophy. Maybe this is an amazing experience for me, "Hopefully in the future I can achieve a higher level of achievement," he recalled.

DemaPers – Being an outstanding student cannot only be proven by obtaining a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) just, but it can also be realized in many achievements in the academic and non-academic fields.

Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni is a student at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute , handed over the myriad of achievements he had achieved over the years 3 last month to the Head of Study Program .

This student from the Islamic Religious Education department has even won 26 National level events include being named 10 best created Independence theme Quotes on the date 17 August 2023, Create free theme Quotes on dates 12,24 September 2023, champion 2 greeting card event organized by the Republik Bahasa Literacy Community on 17-25 September 2023, champion 2 poetry competition on the theme of struggle, champion 2 coloring event, champion 3 event quotes , champion 3 monologue competition, champion 3 Ridlle event organized by Achieve Dreams Literacy on date 11-22 August 2023, contender 1 dalam Event Brain Out, contender 1 Short Story Event, contender 2 coloring event held by the Arline Literacy Community on 19 August- 02 September 2023, champion 2 Create Poetry, champion 3 greeting card event organized by the Literacy Space Community, jury's favorite champion 1 Poetry Creation Event , Contender 3 Greeting Card event held by the Century Blossom community on 12-17 September 2023 , Champion 1 Quiz, champion 2 in the approval event ” Class Online Blue Sun Literacy Batch 4 on 01-09 September 2023, Champion 2 greeting card competition organized by the Online Writing Class Program, the best 2 in the Sonnet Poetry Creation Challenge in the online Writing Class of the Indonesian Shine Literacy Community, Grand Champhion 3 in the Challenge Searching for Ok Agents in the Fiteras Baskara Indonesia community, champion 1 in the framework of the Asqa Book Award held by Asqa Imagination Scholl on 3-27 August 2023, champion 1 song guessing game held by the Achieve dreams Literacy community, champion 1 Games in events ” SIM 78 : Gebyar Meraja held by the Indonesian Space Literacy community on 22 August 2023 and champion 1 Quiz Competition held by the Creative Learning Community on 24 August 2023.


Even though he comes from a semi-well-off family. This does not dampen my enthusiasm to compete with students, Students and writers in this country. Hopefully this moment can inspire various groups of students or students who were born from underprivileged families, to have a passion for learning and achievement. Yusron is known as a child who doesn't give up easily and is always enthusiastic about learning. When asked about the figure who inspired him, he answered that his biological mother was the main one. Every day I look for sustenance to support my needs and a teacher is the second motivator because if there weren't great teachers who were patient in educating me, maybe I wouldn't be able to go this far..


I have just started actively participating in competitions at the national level , in the year before going to college, However, it is never too late to achieve success, and when you graduate, I don't want just a diploma in my hand, but also seek learning experiences from various places and conditions. Apart from that, I also want to prove that economic limitations are not an obstacle to becoming an accomplished individual ” he said.


I think from the various competitions I participated in, The most prestigious competition is the Quiz Competition , This competition was attended by thousands of students throughout Indonesia. “From this event, Has opened my eyes and motivated me to continue creating ,compete and achieve ” Yusron said.

“It was truly a sweet experience that I never thought I could achieve , maintain the title of achievement and Allah gave it to me, more or less 3 month, thank God I was able to bring home as much 26 National level achievements in the form of a plaque, certificate and trophy. Maybe this is an amazing experience for me, Hopefully in the future I can achieve a higher level of achievement “the memories.


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