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DemaPers - Monday ( 2 October 2023) Representatives of the Student Executive Council Management and Student Association Management of the IAI Islamic Religious Education Study Program Khozinatul Ulum Blora Attended the Prophet Muhammad SAW's Birthday event organized by IAI Al- Muhammad Cepu Campus 5 of Aula MTS Ma' wise Blora. The event began with an opening led by the MC , Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya , Subhanul Wathon and reading of the Prophet's birthday accompanied by the Hadroh group. The reading of the Prophet's birthday begins with tawasul to Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family, friend, habit, tabi tabi, and also the scholars who have fought for Islam until now. In his speech, Imron M, Ag as a lecturer at IAI Al- Muhammad Cepu said " with the implementation of the Prophet Muhammad Saw Birthday Festival activities at the Al Islamic Institute - Muhammad "The Prophet's birthday event that we are holding today is a reflection of our love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because he is someone who always reflects Akhlakul Karimah in his life. Good with people, hewah, Even plants, he always uses his Akhlakul Karimah. So we who claim to be the Prophet Muhammad's people. Must display noble morals as exemplified by His Majesty the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa salam." said in Maidol Hasanah Ustadz Agus Budi Mulyono M, Pd.I said " .The example of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the life of religious millennials, and a sense of unity, national unity". What is appropriate to Millennial life is by truly practicing the Prophet's example as well as possible. Because only the Prophet is worthy of being a role model. Good from the perspective of millennial life, pergamon, sense of unity, and national unity. A basic example is mutual forgiveness between humans, even though their beliefs are different. He also told about the daily life of the Prophet Muhammad with his wife Sayidah 'Aishah Radhiallahu Anha when they gave a drink to the Prophet when he returned from work and it turned out that the drink was mixed with salt instead of sugar., so it tastes salty. But the Messenger of Allah was not angry and called 'Aishah with a friendly name, then invited 'Aisyah to drink with him the water he made earlier. Then Aisyah found out and finally apologized to the Messenger of Allah and the Messenger of Allah also forgave her mistake without showing the anger of the Messenger of God." addition. Hit it right 16.32 IAI event Al- Muhammad commemorates the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1445 H/ 2023 M. Ditutup dengan do'a Kafaratul Majlis yang dipimpin oleh ustadz Musta'in M,Pd. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers - Monday ( 2 October 2023) Perwakilan  Pengurus Dewan Eksekutif Mahasiswa dan Pengurus Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi  Pendidikan Agama Islam IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Menghadari acara Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW yang diselenggarakan oleh IAI Al- Muhammad Cepu Campus 5 di Aula MTS Ma' arif Blora.     
   The event began with an opening led by the MC , Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya , Subhanul Wathon and reading of the Prophet's birthday accompanied by the Hadroh group. 
   The reading of the Prophet's birthday begins with tawasul to Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family, friend, habit, tabi tabi, and also the scholars who have fought for Islam until now. 
    In his speech, Imron M, Ag  selaku dosen IAI Al- Muhammad Cepu said " with the implementation of the Prophet Muhammad Saw Birthday Festival activities at the Al Islamic Institute - Muhammad "The Prophet's birthday event that we are holding today is a reflection of our love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because he is someone who always reflects Akhlakul Karimah in his life. Good with people, hewah, Even plants, he always uses his Akhlakul Karimah. So we who claim to be the Prophet Muhammad's people. Harus menampilkan akhlak mulia sebagai yang di contohkan oleh Baginda Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wa salam.” ujar
   Dalam Maidol Hasanahnya Ustadz Agus Budi Mulyono M, Pd.I said " .The example of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the life of religious millennials, and a sense of unity, national unity". What is appropriate to Millennial life is by truly practicing the Prophet's example as well as possible. Because only the Prophet is worthy of being a role model. Good from the perspective of millennial life, pergamon, sense of unity, and national unity. A basic example is mutual forgiveness between humans, even though their beliefs are different. 
  He also told about the daily life of the Prophet Muhammad with his wife Sayidah 'Aishah Radhiallahu Anha when they gave a drink to the Prophet when he returned from work and it turned out that the drink was mixed with salt instead of sugar., so it tastes salty. But the Messenger of Allah was not angry and called 'Aishah with a friendly name, then invited 'Aisyah to drink with him the water he made earlier. Then Aisyah found out and finally apologized to the Messenger of Allah and the Messenger of Allah also forgave her mistake without showing the anger of the Messenger of God." addition. 
  Hit it right 16.32 IAI event Al- Muhammad commemorates the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1445 H/ 2023 M. Closed with a Kafaratul Majlis prayer led by ustadz Musta'in M,Pd.

Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

DemaPers – Monday ( 2 October 2023) Representatives of the Student Executive Council Management and Student Association Management of the IAI Islamic Religious Education Study Program Khozinatul Ulum Blora Attended the Prophet Muhammad SAW's Birthday event organized by IAI Al- Muhammad Cepu Campus 5 of Aula MTS Ma’ wise Blora.


The event began with an opening led by the MC , Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya , Subhanul Wathon and reading of the Prophet's birthday accompanied by the Hadroh group.

The reading of the Prophet's birthday begins with tawasul to Prophet Muhammad SAW and his family, friend, habit, tabi tabi, and also the scholars who have fought for Islam until now.

In his speech, Imron M, Ag as a lecturer at IAI Al- Muhammad Cepu said ” with the implementation of the Prophet Muhammad Saw Birthday Festival activities at the Al Islamic Institute – Muhammad "The Prophet's birthday event that we are holding today is a reflection of our love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because he is someone who always reflects Akhlakul Karimah in his life. Good with people, hewah, Even plants, he always uses his Akhlakul Karimah. So we who claim to be the Prophet Muhammad's people. Harus menampilkan akhlak mulia sebagai yang di contohkan oleh Baginda Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wa salam.” ujar

Dalam Maidol Hasanahnya Ustadz Agus Budi Mulyono M, Pd.I said ” .The example of Prophet Muhammad SAW in the life of religious millennials, and a sense of unity, national unity". What is appropriate to Millennial life is by truly practicing the Prophet's example as well as possible. Because only the Prophet is worthy of being a role model. Good from the perspective of millennial life, pergamon, sense of unity, and national unity. A basic example is mutual forgiveness between humans, even though their beliefs are different.

He also told about the daily life of the Prophet Muhammad with his wife Sayidah 'Aishah Radhiallahu Anha when they gave a drink to the Prophet when he returned from work and it turned out that the drink was mixed with salt instead of sugar., so it tastes salty. But the Messenger of Allah was not angry and called 'Aishah with a friendly name, then invited 'Aisyah to drink with him the water he made earlier. Then Aisyah found out and finally apologized to the Messenger of Allah and the Messenger of Allah also forgave her mistake without showing the anger of the Messenger of God.” addition.

Hit it right 16.32 IAI event Al- Muhammad commemorates the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1445 H/ 2023 M. Ditutup dengan do’a Kafaratul Majlis yang dipimpin oleh ustadz Musta’in M,Pd.


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni






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