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IAIKu Press- Friday (5 January 2024) Raya General Election Supervisory Body ( BAWASRA) together with the Student General Election Commission (KPUM) hold a meeting with the aim of reporting the person responsible for the success of holding the general election this year 2024 at Sako Chicken Shop. This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Nur Rohmad as Chair of the Student Senate, Tasila Indana Zulfa as Chair of the Student Executive Council, KPUM and BAWASRA administrators. Mohammad Kholil as the General Chair of BAWASRA explained that updating students is very important, Moreover, with monitoring activities we can prevent fraud in Pemira, considering that there are students on our campus around 953 Students who have been recorded in the permanent election data. We as the BAWASRA team have worked well starting from supervising the submission of Political Party files to the Minister of Home Affairs, Dema and 5 parties that have registered, but after we verified it was there 3 the party that we declared passed and 2 did not pass because it did not meet the requirements. Meanwhile, there is registration for candidates for chairman and deputy Dema 2 candidate pairs put forward by the party, after the data is entered at KPUM, KPUM carries out verification. However, in determining candidate pairs, Bawasra did not attend because they were busy. At the time the campaign was held during 5 today and thank God the campaign went smoothly, Even though there was a discovery of a money politics complaint made by the Dema candidate pair, hopefully this incident will not happen in Pemira next year. At the moment of the candidate debate stage, Dema Bawasra was also present , in the debate procession it is carried out sequentially 6 session. but it goes with 100% This has not been done because many students want to ask questions but the time has run out. In addition, Bawasra found pamphlets posted in front of the lecturer's room and the AI ​​room and students from outside campus also uploaded pamphlets from Dema candidate pairs.. With this incident, we made a policy by forming a TPS supervisory board consisting of 4 last member Muhammad Kholil hopes that next year's pemira will be held online using one nim,one letter or even Face verification. " Tasila as the Dema Commissioner expressed his deepest appreciation to Bawasra for participating in monitoring the running of Pemira this year.. Although many palemics are found. and thank God, from the extra work between KPUM and Bawasra, you succeeded in validating political parties and finding prospective candidates for dema and sema candidates directly., Finally, I hope that next year a Bawasra will still be formed related to the implementation of pemira. In line with Nur Rohmad as the Deputy Chairperson of Sema, he really appreciates the KPUM and Bawasra in a short time, you can work well., Actually, there is a slight error regarding the law because I made this law after I had done KKN for a short time, I hope this law can be a reference for those involved in student organizations ( ORMAWA) , Likewise, in my opinion, the existence of this political party will be a good moment in the future, Finally, on behalf of the entire management of Sema, I apologize for making the UU even though there are still many notes.. On the same occasion Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III said " The point that has been conveyed by the chairman of Dema and Sema, I really appreciate the work that you have carried out by KPUM and Bawasra., although this report is incomplete. Lastly, I appreciate the Sema chairman who has succeeded in overcoming challenges with his brilliant ideas by creating laws and political parties, although I think at that time it created a polemic for political parties, We from the leadership would like to thank you for your hard work and I have officially disbanded the KPUM and Bawasra. Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKu Press- Friday (5 January 2024) Raya General Election Supervisory Body ( BAWASRA) together with the Student General Election Commission (KPUM) hold a meeting with the aim of reporting the person responsible for the success of holding the general election this year 2024 at Sako Chicken Shop.    This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Nur Rohmad as Chair of the Student Senate, Tasila Indana Zulfa as Chair of the Student Executive Council, KPUM and BAWASRA administrators. 
   Mohammad Kholil as the General Chair of BAWASRA explained that updating students is very important, Moreover, with monitoring activities we can prevent fraud in Pemira, considering that there are students on our campus around 953 Students who have been recorded in the permanent election data. We as the BAWASRA team have worked well starting from supervising the submission of Political Party files to the Minister of Home Affairs, Dema and 5 parties that have registered, but after we verified it was there 3 the party that we declared passed and 2 did not pass because it did not meet the requirements. Meanwhile, there is registration for candidates for chairman and deputy Dema 2 candidate pairs put forward by the party, after the data is entered at KPUM, KPUM carries out verification. However, in determining candidate pairs, Bawasra did not attend because they were busy. At the time the campaign was held during 5 today and thank God the campaign went smoothly, Even though there was a discovery of a money politics complaint made by the Dema candidate pair, hopefully this incident will not happen in Pemira next year. At the moment of the candidate debate stage, Dema Bawasra was also present , in the debate procession it is carried out sequentially 6 session. but it goes with 100% This has not been done because many students want to ask questions but the time has run out. In addition, Bawasra found pamphlets posted in front of the lecturer's room and the AI ​​room and students from outside campus also uploaded pamphlets from Dema candidate pairs.. With this incident, we made a policy by forming a TPS supervisory board consisting of 4 last member Muhammad Kholil hopes that next year's pemira will be held online using one nim,one letter or even Face verification.
   Tasila as the Dema Commissioner expressed his deepest appreciation to Bawasra for participating in monitoring the running of Pemira this year.. Although many palemics are found. and thank God, from the extra work between KPUM and Bawasra, you succeeded in validating political parties and finding prospective candidates for dema and sema candidates directly., Finally, I hope that next year a Bawasra will still be formed related to the implementation of pemira. 
   In line with Nur Rohmad as the Deputy Chairperson of Sema, he really appreciates the KPUM and Bawasra in a short time, you can work well., Actually, there is a slight error regarding the law because I made this law after I had done KKN for a short time, I hope this law can be a reference for those involved in student organizations ( ORMAWA) , Likewise, in my opinion, the existence of this political party will be a good moment in the future, Finally, on behalf of the entire management of Sema, I apologize for making the UU even though there are still many notes..
   On the same occasion Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III said " The point that has been conveyed by the chairman of Dema and Sema, I really appreciate the work that you have carried out by KPUM and Bawasra., although this report is incomplete. Lastly, I appreciate the Sema chairman who has succeeded in overcoming challenges with his brilliant ideas by creating laws and political parties, although I think at that time it created a polemic for political parties, We from the leadership would like to thank you for your hard work and I have officially disbanded the KPUM and Bawasra. 

Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKu Press- Friday (5 January 2024) Raya General Election Supervisory Body ( BAWASRA) together with the Student General Election Commission (KPUM) hold a meeting with the aim of reporting the person responsible for the success of holding the general election this year 2024 at Sako Chicken Shop.

This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Nur Rohmad as Chair of the Student Senate, Tasila Indana Zulfa as Chair of the Student Executive Council, KPUM and BAWASRA administrators.

Mohammad Kholil as the General Chair of BAWASRA explained that updating students is very important, Moreover, with monitoring activities we can prevent fraud in Pemira, considering that there are students on our campus around 953 Students who have been recorded in the permanent election data. We as the BAWASRA team have worked well starting from supervising the submission of Political Party files to the Minister of Home Affairs, Dema and 5 parties that have registered, but after we verified it was there 3 the party that we declared passed and 2 did not pass because it did not meet the requirements. Meanwhile, there is registration for candidates for chairman and deputy Dema 2 candidate pairs put forward by the party, after the data is entered at KPUM, KPUM carries out verification. However, in determining candidate pairs, Bawasra did not attend because they were busy. At the time the campaign was held during 5 today and thank God the campaign went smoothly, Even though there was a discovery of a money politics complaint made by the Dema candidate pair, hopefully this incident will not happen in Pemira next year. At the moment of the candidate debate stage, Dema Bawasra was also present , in the debate procession it is carried out sequentially 6 session. but it goes with 100% This has not been done because many students want to ask questions but the time has run out. In addition, Bawasra found pamphlets posted in front of the lecturer's room and the AI ​​room and students from outside campus also uploaded pamphlets from Dema candidate pairs.. With this incident, we made a policy by forming a TPS supervisory board consisting of 4 last member Muhammad Kholil hopes that next year's pemira will be held online using one nim,one letter or even Face verification.

Tasila as the Dema Commissioner expressed his deepest appreciation to Bawasra for participating in monitoring the running of Pemira this year.. Although many palemics are found. and thank God, from the extra work between KPUM and Bawasra, you succeeded in validating political parties and finding prospective candidates for dema and sema candidates directly., Finally, I hope that next year a Bawasra will still be formed related to the implementation of pemira.

In line with Nur Rohmad as the Deputy Chairperson of Sema, he really appreciates the KPUM and Bawasra in a short time, you can work well., Actually, there is a slight error regarding the law because I made this law after I had done KKN for a short time, I hope this law can be a reference for those involved in student organizations ( ORMAWA) , Likewise, in my opinion, the existence of this political party will be a good moment in the future, Finally, on behalf of the entire management of Sema, I apologize for making the UU even though there are still many notes “.

On the same occasion Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III said ” The point that has been conveyed by the chairman of Dema and Sema, I really appreciate the work that you have carried out by KPUM and Bawasra., although this report is incomplete. Lastly, I appreciate the Sema chairman who has succeeded in overcoming challenges with his brilliant ideas by creating laws and political parties, although I think at that time it created a polemic for political parties, We from the leadership would like to thank you for your hard work and I have officially disbanded the KPUM and Bawasra.


Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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