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IAIKU Press- Sunday ( 7 January 2023) IAI Student Senate administrator Khozinatul Ulum Blora together with the administrators of the Student Executive Council and Student Activities Unit held a plenary session of student organizations for the period 2023/2024 in the auditorium with the theme "Evaluation and Transparency. This activity was opened directly by Zulfatul Khoiriyah, Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya,Mars and the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Hymn guided by Lina Cahyani. This plenary session was attended by Ahmad Syaifulloh M,Pd.I. as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Student Executive Council, Student Senate, representative of the chairman of HMPS PAI, PGMI, PIAUD,MBS, ES, PS, IAT, ISLAND, UKM and IAI Khozinatul Ulum students. Nur Rohmad as Chair of the Student Senate appreciated the management's performance for being punctual in carrying out activities and working well even though their time on the management was very short., Apart from that, he hopes that the regeneration of the Dema and Sema management can bring better changes to our management. Congratulations and thanks were also conveyed by Ahmad Saiful Rizal as Deputy Chancellor III for Student Affairs in his speech. " I would like to thank the management for dedicating their time, energy and thoughts to run the wheels of management, Good luck to the Dema management, "The next Sema and UKM can be even better," he concluded." The plenary session of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum student organization produced many new decisions, including discussing rules and regulations., discussing UKM AD/ART. This change is based on decisions contained in the Ormawa Law. Not only that, the plenary session also discussed GBHO ( Outline of Organizational Direction) and Sema Management Accountability Report, Dema and UKM during their term of office in front of the presidium and participants in the conference, all administrators report what programs have been implemented or not implemented during this period, and the session closed with the reading of the trial decision by thAhmad Saiful Rizal Mm. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. As Vice Chancellor III, he receives reports from the person in charge of both SEMA and DEMA and the file of the report from the person in charge of Dema must be revised.. Finally, the event closed with a statement from the Commissioner of both DEMA and SEMA by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. as well as a group photo. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

STUDENT SENATE HOLDS plenary session

IAIKU Press- Sunday ( 7 January 2023) IAI Student Senate administrator Khozinatul Ulum Blora together with the administrators of the Student Executive Council and Student Activities Unit held a plenary session of student organizations for the period 2023/2024 in the auditorium with the theme "Evaluation and Transparency. This activity was opened directly by Zulfatul Khoiriyah, Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya,Mars and the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Hymn guided by Lina Cahyani. This plenary session was attended by Ahmad Syaifulloh M,Pd.I. as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Student Executive Council, Student Senate, representative of the chairman of HMPS PAI, PGMI, PIAUD,MBS, ES, PS, IAT, ISLAND, UKM and IAI Khozinatul Ulum students. Nur Rohmad as Chair of the Student Senate appreciated the management's performance for being punctual in carrying out activities and working well even though their time on the management was very short., Apart from that, he hopes that the regeneration of the Dema and Sema management can bring better changes to our management. Congratulations and thanks were also conveyed by Ahmad Saiful Rizal as Deputy Chancellor III for Student Affairs in his speech. " I would like to thank the management for dedicating their time, energy and thoughts to run the wheels of management, Good luck to the Dema management, "The next Sema and UKM can be even better," he concluded." The plenary session of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum student organization produced many new decisions, including discussing rules and regulations., discussing UKM AD/ART. This change is based on decisions contained in the Ormawa Law. Not only that, the plenary session also discussed GBHO ( Outline of Organizational Direction) and Sema Management Accountability Report, Dema and UKM during their term of office in front of the presidium and participants in the conference, all administrators report what programs have been implemented or not implemented during this period, and the session closed with the reading of the trial decision by thAhmad Saiful Rizal Mm. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. As Vice Chancellor III, he receives reports from the person in charge of both SEMA and DEMA and the file of the report from the person in charge of Dema must be revised.. Finally, the event closed with a statement from the Commissioner of both DEMA and SEMA by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. as well as a group photo. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni
STUDENT SENATE HOLDS plenary session

IAIKU Press- Sunday ( 7 January 2023) IAI Student Senate administrator Khozinatul Ulum Blora together with the administrators of the Student Executive Council and Student Activities Unit held a plenary session of student organizations for the period 2023/2024 in the auditorium with a theme “Evaluation and transparency of the performance of student organizations in realizing an ideal campus management system”.

This activity was opened directly by Zulfatul Khoiriyah, Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya,Mars and the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Hymn guided by Lina Cahyani.

This plenary session was attended by Ahmad Syaifulloh M,Pd.I. as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Student Executive Council, Student Senate, representative of the chairman of HMPS PAI, PGMI, PIAUD,MBS, ES, PS, IAT, ISLAND, UKM and IAI Khozinatul Ulum students.

Nur Rohmad as Chair of the Student Senate appreciated the management's performance for being punctual in carrying out activities and working well even though their time on the management was very short., Apart from that, he hopes that the regeneration of the Dema and Sema management can bring better changes to our management.

Congratulations and thanks were also conveyed by Ahmad Saiful Rizal as Deputy Chancellor III for Student Affairs in his speech. ” I would like to thank the management for dedicating their time, energy and thoughts to run the wheels of management, Good luck to the Dema management, The next Sema and UKM can be even better “he concluded.”

The plenary session of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum student organization produced many new decisions, including discussing rules and regulations., discussing UKM AD/ART. This change is based on decisions contained in the Ormawa Law. Not only that, the plenary session also discussed GBHO ( Outline of Organizational Direction) and Sema Management Accountability Report, Dema and UKM during their term of office in front of the presidium and participants in the conference, all administrators report what programs have been implemented or not implemented during this period, and the session closed with the reading of the trial decision by the permanent presidium.

Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III, he receives the Responsible Person's Report from both SEMA and DEMA through the Responsible Person's Report file, However, the Dema Responsible Person's Report file must be revised.

Finally, the event closed with a statement from the Commissioner of both DEMA and SEMA by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd. as well as a group photo.


Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni



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