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Demapers- Sunday (27 June 2023) Various competitions and art performances enliven the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This competition includes English speech, Arabic speech, Indonesian speech and intelligence. All competitions were attended by PBAK participants representing all groups. As for the location of the competition , English speech in class A2 , Arabic speech in class A1 , Indonesian speech in class A3, prayer in class A8 and CCM at home. The aim of holding this competition is to explore potential, interests and talents of new students. Besides that, The participants or winners of this competition will be trained to take part in bigger events. Fadly, one of the students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education said he was happy to be able to take part in the competition. "Hopefully in the future I can also bring the name of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus to the national stage.,he hoped. Not forgetting UKM Band ( Isnaya band) IAI Khozinatul Ulum also enlivened the PBAK event with quite extraordinary performances. The enthusiasm of the PBAK participants was very entertaining with their performance, Some of them even requested a song and contributed a song. with lively art performances displayed by each group. It is hoped that this will enliven the last day of PBAK implementation, The stage featured traditional dances, musical drama , Acoustic to chain poetry. Participants and committee members looked happy and actively participated in watching various performances. There is also a panel of judges who directly evaluate the art stage performed by each of the groups, The assessment element is in the form of cohesiveness, seriousness, attribute, creativity, the nature and level of difficulty of the themes presented. Don't forget that before and after the art performance activities started there were also performances from UKM Band and UKM Hadroh. The art performance ends at 12:00 p.m 16.00 WIB, which was then followed by a short break while the committee prepared a series of closing events in the implementation of PBAK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora this year 2023. Followed by the presentation of competition prizes and the winning art performance 1,2 and 3 . One of the PBAK participants 2023 Disclose " That he was very happy, because of the PBAK event 2023 This can be a means of connecting relationships for new students, lama, committee and can get to know more about everything related to campus. Keep Events like this, Maybe the next PBAK event will be further improved, especially regarding infrastructure " he said. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


Demapers- Sunday (27 June 2023) Various competitions and art performances enliven the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This competition includes English speech, Arabic speech, Indonesian speech and intelligence. All competitions were attended by PBAK participants representing all groups. As for the location of the competition ,  English speech in class A2 , Arabic speech in class A1 , Indonesian speech in class A3,  prayer in class A8 and CCM at home. 
   The aim of holding this competition is to explore potential, interests and talents of new students. Besides that, The participants or winners of this competition will be trained to take part in bigger events.

  Fadly, one of the students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education said he was happy to be able to take part in the competition. "Hopefully in the future I can also bring the name of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus to the national stage.,he hoped.
    Not forgetting UKM Band ( Isnaya band) IAI Khozinatul Ulum also enlivened the PBAK event with quite extraordinary performances. The enthusiasm of the PBAK participants was very entertaining with their performance, Some of them even requested a song and contributed a song. 
   with lively art performances displayed by each group. It is hoped that this will enliven the last day of PBAK implementation, The stage featured traditional dances, musical drama , Acoustic to chain poetry. Participants and committee members looked happy and actively participated in watching various performances. There is also a panel of judges who directly evaluate the art stage performed by each of the groups, The assessment element is in the form of cohesiveness, seriousness, attribute, creativity, the nature and level of difficulty of the themes presented.  Don't forget that before and after the art performance activities started there were also performances from UKM Band and UKM Hadroh. 
  The art performance ends at 12:00 p.m 16.00 WIB, which was then followed by a short break while the committee prepared a series of closing events in the implementation of PBAK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora this year 2023.
    Followed by the presentation of competition prizes and the winning art performance 1,2 and 3 . 
  One of the PBAK participants 2023 Disclose " That he was very happy, because of the PBAK event 2023 This can be a means of connecting relationships for new students, lama, committee and can get to know more about everything related to campus. Keep Events like this, Maybe the next PBAK event will be further improved, especially regarding infrastructure " he said. 

Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

Demapers- Sunday (27 June 2023) Various competitions and art performances enliven the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This competition includes English speech, Arabic speech, Indonesian speech and intelligence.

All competitions were attended by PBAK participants representing all groups. As for the location of the competition , English speech in class A2 , Arabic speech in class A1 , Indonesian speech in class A3, prayer in class A8 and CCM at home.

The aim of holding this competition is to explore potential, interests and talents of new students. Besides that, The participants or winners of this competition will be trained to take part in bigger events.


Fadly, one of the students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education said he was happy to be able to take part in the competition. "Hopefully in the future I can also bring the name of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus to the national stage.,he hoped.

Not forgetting UKM Band ( Isnaya band) IAI Khozinatul Ulum also enlivened the PBAK event with quite extraordinary performances. The enthusiasm of the PBAK participants was very entertaining with their performance, Some of them even requested a song and contributed a song.

with lively art performances displayed by each group. It is hoped that this will enliven the last day of PBAK implementation, The stage featured traditional dances, musical drama , Acoustic to chain poetry. Participants and committee members looked happy and actively participated in watching various performances. There is also a panel of judges who directly evaluate the art stage performed by each of the groups, The assessment element is in the form of cohesiveness, seriousness, attribute, creativity, the nature and level of difficulty of the themes presented. Don't forget that before and after the art performance activities started there were also performances from UKM Band and UKM Hadroh.

The art performance ends at 12:00 p.m 16.00 WIB, which was then followed by a short break while the committee prepared a series of closing events in the implementation of PBAK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora this year 2023.

Followed by the presentation of competition prizes and the winning art performance 1,2 and 3 .

One of the PBAK participants 2023 Disclose ” That he was very happy, because of the PBAK event 2023 This can be a means of connecting relationships for new students, lama, committee and can get to know more about everything related to campus. Keep Events like this, Maybe the next PBAK event will be further improved, especially regarding infrastructure ” he said.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


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