DemaPers – Saturday (26-08-20223) Second day, Introduction to Campus Academic Culture (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is filled with various activities. On the second day of PBAK, it was filled with material related to Faculty Introduction , Socialization Introduction to writing scientific papers, socialization of siakad and introduction of internal ormawa.
On the second day, new students wore batik tops, black underwear and songkok for men and black hijab for women.
In the introduction of the Faculty, where participants are separated into 3 room , for the Tarbiyah and teacher training faculties in the Nusantara Graha room, The Faculty of Economics and Sharia Business is in class A1 and the Ushuluddin Faculty is in class A2.
In Tarbiyah material- An Arim Irsyad Albin Jaya M, Pd as dean of the tarbiyah faculty explained that ” The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training is a faculty that offers academic and professional education with the aim of producing human resources in the field of education and teaching.. FITK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is a leading faculty in organizing the Tridharma of Higher Education in the field of Tarbiyah – an .
Mr. Arim hopes that the new students at the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty will have spiritual depth, moral majesty, breadth of knowledge and professional maturity in driving societal progress at national and international levels.
In this Faculty there are 3 study programs include Islamic Religious Education ( PAI), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education ( PGMI), Early Childhood Ibtidaiyah Education ( PIAUD).
The Pai study program is a college department where students are taught about teaching science specifically for the Islamic religion.
The prospect of PAI graduates could become religion teachers in elementary schools, SMP, SMA, TPA education, Writer/Journalist, researcher, entrepreneur, educational consultant.
The prospect of PIAUD graduates can become PIAUD teachers, TPA education, Writer/Journalist, Entrepreneurial researcher and educational consultant.
Meanwhile, the lecture process at the Tarbiyah Faculty, Arim Irsyad Albin Jaya as dean of the Faculty said ” Starting with the list, selection, re-registration, PBAK, semester course 1 and 2 , Semester lectures 5 and 6, KKL, KMD, Submission of thesis title, Proposal submission, thesis, Munaqosah Examination / Thesis Examination and graduation at the end of the semester. ” Explained the dean of the Tarbiyah Faculty.
Agus Susanto, LC, M. Ag. As Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, he said ” within the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, there is a lot of economics. You should be proud of this, because many successful people have economics degrees, like Sandiaga Uno, Sri Mulyani, and vice presidential candidate Erick Thohir, so for friends- FEBI friends must be optimistic about becoming young entrepreneurs.
Dr Abdul Mufid , Lc, M.S.I as Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty said ” The advantages of the Ushuluddin Faculty include that students can study Islam in depth, Ushuluddin Faculty graduates can work in various sectors”.
In the presentation of the introduction to scientific writing, Zainul Asror, S. Th. I, M., A. Say ” Scientific writing is the fruit of the thoughts of a scientist who does literature, gather experience, research and obtained from previous knowledge of people with the aim of developing science, technology and art.
There are types of scientific writing 2 namely scientific and non-scientific papers. The author's style in scientific writing is formal and standard, objective and factual. Meanwhile, non-scientific written works have a literary style, taste and stimulate the reader's imagination.
Base – The basis for writing a paper is that students are expected to be able to determine the theme and title. Gather reference materials, systematic, add quotes and consult/discussions with fellow lecturers or seniors. Guidelines for writing student papers can follow the applicable books on campus.
Several things need to be considered when writing a paper, The author must determine the title and cover, introduction, problem formulation, Content/discussion, conclusion, look for references from books, koran, articles and journals.
” When a researcher succeeds in publishing an article in a national international journal, it is proof that his scientific writing or work is trustworthy and worthy of being used as reference material.. ” he closed.
In the socialization material for PDDikti and Siakad IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Mohammad Amin S, Ag. Displaying ” Once IAI Khozinatul Ulum students are accepted on campus, make sure your data is registered with PDDikti. PDDikti is an information platform for higher education implementation data from all universities throughout Indonesia which is managed by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology and has been integrated nationally..
The benefit of PPDikti is to show that the status of this higher education institution is officially recognized by Indonesia. and have the opportunity to gain access to advanced scholarships organized by the state.
Meanwhile SIAKAD ( Academic Information Systems) is an academic information system built to provide convenience to students in online campus academic activities. If students want to access SIAKAD, they must enter their Username & password. Username is Student Identification Number. The password is 8 consecutive digits of the year, moon, date of birth. “Obviously.
PBAK participants too, concentrated on introducing ormawa on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus. This Ormawa itself is divided from DEMA, SEMA, HMPS PAI, PGMI, PIAUD, IAT, ILHA, ES , MBS, PS and representatives from UKM .
“New students need to be introduced to student organizations as a place to develop themselves. “What appeared today was extraordinary. They are outstanding students in their respective fields. This momentum is an opportunity for new students (new students) get to know organizations.”
The committee also appealed to new students to be active and get involved in the organization. Although he also reminded us to prioritize the lecture or academic process.
“Students are welcome to develop themselves and channel their talents and interests in existing organizations. But still the main responsibility as a student is lectures.” Obviously one of the committee members.
PBAK participant Rosid 2023 said that going through PBAK had made him understand more about the learning system at the faculty, Scientific papers, Siakad and getting to know organizations on campus.
"I also understand the learning system at the faculty, How to write a scientific paper,Siakad ,Get to know organizations on campus , and become more enthusiastic about preparing yourself for the world of college,” he said.
Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni