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Student Activities

DemaPers- Thursday,( 21 September 2023) The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema Management held a preparation meeting to commemorate National Santri Day and the Youth Pledge in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema Room. Is known, Santri Day is a day to commemorate the great role of kiai and santri in the struggle against foreign colonialism, coincides with Mbah KH Hasyim's jihad resolution on the date 22 Oktober. And also officers or soldiers defending the Homeland (Peta) many of whom are also students. Meanwhile, the Youth Pledge is a major milestone in the history of the Indonesian independence movement. This pledge is considered a crystallization of the spirit to emphasize the ideals of the founding of the Indonesian state. The Youth Pledge is the decision of the Second Youth Congress which was held for two days, 27-28 Oktober 1928 in Batavia (now called Jakarta). Luluk Marifah Munawaroh as administrator of Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora , submit plans for events commemorating National Santri Day which will be held on 22 Oktober 2023 and commemoration of the youth oath on the date 28 Oktober 2023. To commemorate National Santri Day and the Youth Pledge we will hold various competitions including badminton competitions,Futsal,Esay ,Campus Ambassador,Campus Idol and seminars which are planned to invite Usman Amry will be held starting date 22Octoberr and 28 Oktober 2023 coming " because this is our form of enlivening National Santri Day and the Youth Pledge," he said. "Hopefully all the committees will be able to work well to achieve success in implementing this event " The hope. Information : YUSRON RIDHO NURFATONI


DemaPers- Thursday,( 21 September 2023) The IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema Management held a preparation meeting to commemorate National Santri Day and the Youth Pledge in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema Room. Is known, Santri Day is a day to commemorate the great role of kiai and santri in the struggle against foreign colonialism, coincided with Mbah KH Hasyim's jihad resolution on …



HMPS PAI Pers- Sunday (18-09-2023) In order to enliven the 7th Anniversary of HMPS PAI and welcome the coming month of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW , HMPS PAI Management Held a Prayer Event by presenting Habib Baghir Alkhered from Grobogan and accompanied by Hadroh Khisnaya IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This event was attended by KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad, S.Th.I., M.Ag. …


DemaPers- Saturday (16 September 2023) After the Real Work Lecture activities (KKN) implemented successfully , The Faculty of Teacher Training Tarbiyah held a workshop on Successful Strategies for Preparing a Thesis " TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL GRADUATION ON TIME " . in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This activity was attended by KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad S.Th.I.M, Ag as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd as Deputy Chancellor III, Arim Irsyadullah Albin Jaya M, Pd as Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, H. Agus Susanto,Lc.M.A. as Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business ,Dyah Ayu Fitriani M, Acting as the Head of UPM, Zaimul Asror, S.Th.I M.A. as Chair of LPPM, Siti Nurkayati M, Pd. as Head of PAI Study Program, Armiya Nur Lailatul Izzah M, Pd. As Head of PGMI Study Program, Artika Diannita M. Pd, M. Han as secretary of the PAI study program, Cahya Amelia Chusna M, Pd. As secretary of the PGMI Study Program, Helina Himmatul Ulya Lina M,Pd. as secretary of the PIAUD Study Program and all Semester Students of the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty 6. This event was opened by Artika Dianita M.Pd.M.Han as MC , Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya , Mars & Hymn of IAI KhozAhmad Zaki Fuad S.Th.I.M Helina Himmatul Ulya Lina M,Pd. In his speech KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad S.Th.I.M, Ag as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora said " with the implementation of this thesis writing training, it shows that the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training has a movement that indicates that the life of the academic atmosphere. So students who complete their studies do not just graduate , However, you must have good scientific writing. To be able to complete it on time, assistance is needed on how to write a thesis that complies with the existing rules at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. , Don't let the thesis writing not follow meaningful procedures " Obviously. In his speech Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Vice Chancellor I said " This training can motivate students in completing their theses and final assignments, because in this training students are given direction, motivation as well as a training ground for students who have met the requirements to submit research proposals. Apart from that, it is hoped that this activity can help students solve problems scientifically, able to apply research methods appropriate to the topic and analyze logically so as to help accelerate the completion of the thesis and final project,he explained. He hopes that students will be enthusiastic in writing their theses later. “A good thesis is a finished scientific paper (finished). It's free if you write a Thesis with such a high theme, but it becomes a barrier to yourself. So,Friends must choose a theme or research title that suits their field and understand it using a point of view that has never been used before.. This will make a new discovery but don't make it difficult for yourself,” concluded Deputy Chancellor I Dyah Ayu Fitriana, M.Pd displays "in data Analyst techniques ,quantitative discussion and conclusions , The first step is that students must carry out a feasibility test of the instrument, validation test, reliability test, test Assumptions/Prerequisites, normality test, homogeneity test, linearity test, statistic test, regression test , Uji Korolesi, Uji T, One Way Anova Test." Siti Nurkayati, M.Pd. display " Qualitative data analysis can reduce miscommunication, because the data used must be factual and as accurate as possible. Qualitative data analysis is a very important part of the data processing process and for answering problem formulation. In the analysis method, students must systematically search for and organize data obtained from interviews, field notes and others so that the findings are easy to understand and can be conveyed to others." Arim Irsyadullah Albin Jaya M, Pd. Displaying " The research title must cArim Irsyadullah Albin Jaya MPdhe research related to the research object you want to research. The initial purpose of a title is to catch the reader's attention and draw attention to the research problem being investigated. When creating a title, students must know the elements including the nature and type of research, object of research, research subject, location or research area and the year or time the event occurred. If you want to do research, Students must go directly to the place where the research will be carried out and students must be correct - really know between quantitative and qualitative research. " Helina Himmatul Ulya M, Pd explained " That the theoretical basis of the contextual framework is used to understand the phenomena observed in research and the theoretical basis explains the relationship between the variables studied and justifies the basis for formulating hypotheses. The aim of the theoretical basis is to help researchers understand the phenomenon being researched more deeply and systematically. To determine the theoretical basis, students must choose the right theory based on the research topic, can identify research topics, can implement the selected theory in research and review relevant structures. Mistakes to avoid, Don't just rely on one reference source in determining the theoretical basis or use various quality reference sources. Finally, he explained that theoretical basis is very important because it helps researchers to understand the phenomenon being studied and provides a clear framework for exploring the topic.. Apart from that, by having a strong theoretical basis, the research will be focused and the results obtained will have high validity " The lid. Ahmad Saiful Rizal M. Pd explained "Mendeley is a mandatory application for students, especially for those who are writing scientific articles, journal, or tAhmad Saiful Rizal Mndeley is an application that helps you with insertion, writing, and citation or citation formatting. With the help of this application, You will no longer have difficulty making citations. You still use manual methods for inserting citations and creating bibliography. To use Mendeley, we have to install the application. Mendeley desktop can be used online or offline and can be saved on a computer. If we save files in premium we have to pay. In addition Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, This session teaches about practice which requires students to download one of the journals with Jurnal One of the things he felt was the importance and usefulness of the Mendeley application for writing, namely in making bibliography, with this application we no longer need to manually create a bibliography list. " After the presentation of the material is finished, students take the semester 6 Perprodinya is expected to gather to submit a thesis title to each of them - each Head of Study Program. INFORMATION : YUSRON RIDHO NURFATONI.


DemaPers- Saturday (16 September 2023) After the Real Work Lecture activities (KKN) implemented successfully , The Faculty of Teacher Training Tarbiyah held a workshop on Successful Strategies for Preparing a Thesis ” TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL GRADUATION ON TIME ” . in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This activity was attended by KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad S.Th.I.M, Ag as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, …


HMPSPAIPers - Thursday ( 14 September 2023) The HMPS PAI Bersholawat Committee held a final checking meeting. IAI Khozinatul Ulum students prayed for the HMPS PAI Anniversary. -7 in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III,Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya , M, Pd. As Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, siti Nurkayati M, pd. As Head of PAI Study Program, Artika Diannita , M. Pd.., M. He. As secretary of the Head of PAI StudyMPdogram, Cahya Amalia Chusna , M. Pd. As secretary of the Head of PGMI Study Program, Dyah Ayu Fitriana M,Pd as Chair of UPM and the entire HMPS PAI Committee Pray. Burhan as Chair of HMPS PAI said " The prayer event is our HMPS anniversary event, So he asked all the committees to need unity and hard work so that the sholawatan event could run smoothly. This event is an extraordinary event which certainly requires good performance, Extra work between the committee and HMPS PAI management requires good synergy in maximizing this activity. " In the same place, Khoirul Amri as chairman of the committee said " He is adamant that he will continue to make efforts to continue to schedule prayers, it is a form of love for His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Apart from that, he hopes that the management and committee will make every activity that has been scheduled a success. We are trying to hold this agenda as an expression of our love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the hope that we will receive his intercession on the day of judgment.. With this we hope that all friends work together and work together,he concluded. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


HMPSPAIPers – Thursday ( 14 September 2023) The HMPS PAI Bersholawat Committee held a final checking meeting. IAI Khozinatul Ulum students prayed for the HMPS PAI Anniversary. -7 in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As …



DemaPers – Wednesday (13 September 2023) , Semester Student 6 IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a seminar on Real Work Lecture Results ( KKN) When -13 year 2023. in the Blora Bappeda hall. This event was attended by Kh. A. Zaky Fuad S, Th. I. M, Ag. As Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd.I as …


DemaPers - Wednesday (13 September 2023) IAT Study Program Student Association &ILHA held paper writing training for new students at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. This training was attended by Dr. Abdul Mufid , Lc., M.S.I as Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Muhammad Ismail MA as Secretary of the IAT study program, HMPS IAT/ ILHA administrators and new students. As a New Student, Written work is something that may not be fully known. This activity was held in order to improve students' paper writing skills and prepare them to face assignments on campus. Muhammad Ismail MA as secretary of the IAT Study Program and Ushuluddin Lecturer, He emphasized the importance of the ability to write good and correct papers in the academic world. This paper writing training activity was designed because it was deemed necessary to provide information about writing papers such as how to write an abstract, introduction, discussion, closing to bibliography to first semester students. In the future, it is hoped that students who take this training will, can write papers according to the correct rules and can write footnotes or bodynotes and bibliography correctly, so that there are no problems related to plagiarism." In this training, Participants are given an understanding of tools in using Microsoft Word, The main components in writing a paper, writing ethics, resource citation, and effective writing techniques. Apart from that, participants were also taught to find reference sources easily through platforms in books and the internet. Interactive discussions are also held to answer questions and clarify concepts that have been studied. During training, The atmosphere was very conducive and the enthusiasm of the participants could be seen from their active participation in each session. They seemed eager to gain new knowledge and writing skills that would be useful for their college assignments. This event closed with instructions from the resource person. He hopes that the knowledge and skills gained by the participants will help them produce quality papers. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


HMPS IAT & ILHA HOLDS DEMAPERS PAPER TRAINING -Wednesday (13 September 2023) IAT Study Program Student Association &ILHA held paper writing training for new students at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Auditorium. This training was attended by Dr. Abdul Mufid , Lc., M.S.I as Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Muhammad Ismail MA as Secretary of the IAT study program, HMPS Management …


DemaPers- Saturday (09-09-2023) Perwakilan Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Menghadiri acara opening Ceremony Konvercab XVI PC PMII BLORA, Seminar dan Bedah buku " Cerita minyak dari cepu". Acara konvercab PC PMII Blora di hadiri oleh Hj. Ainah salihah M, Pd. AUD, MPD. BI, Demisioner PC PMII Blora, Pengurus PMII komisariat Bambu Runcing, PMII komisariat Aryo Penangsang, PMII komisariat Sunan Pojok, PMII komisariat srikandi, Pengurus Dema IAI khozinatul Ulum Blora, Pengurus Dema Al- Muhammad Cepu, BEM STTR Cepu, Pengurus Samin institut, PC HMI Blora, PC IMM Blora, PC IPNU Blora, PC IPPNU Blora, PC Fatayat Blora, PC Anshor Blora, dan Ketua PKC PMII Jawa Tengah. Tak lupa menyanyikan lagu Indonesia raya, Mars PMII, Hubbul Wathon yang dipandu oleh sahabat'i Ipda Ainun dan persembahan sebuah seni barong yang dibawakan oleh sahabat lilik sugiarto. Dalam sambutannya Sahabat Nur Kholis Majid selaku Demisioner ketua Umum PC PMII Blora mengucapkan terimakasih kepada sahabat- sahabat yang menyempatkan waktu untuk hadir dalam acara ini. hari ini PC PMII Blora menggelar konvercab ke XIV, perlu adanya konvercab dilakukan dari pengurus cabang, harapan kami narasumber dalam kurun waktu kedepan bisa membimbing kepada sahabat- sahabat agar ke jalan yang jelas.tentunya dengan konvercab ini dapat melahirkan pengurus yang bertaqwa, berilmu dan berintelektual. Dalam sambutannya Rekan Yunus Bahtiar selalu Ketua PC NU Blora Mengatakan " Ini sebuah momentum yang sangat istimewa karena adik- adik yang muda sanadnya harus dipertimbangkan. Sahabat sunarto Marzuki merupakan tokoh pertama PMII di Blora. Jika nanti bukunya di bedah, tidak mungkin untuk dibaca. Karena mulai sekarang kita harus menggerakkan pemuda mulai dari membaca. Intinya PMII merupakan Banom Nahdlatul Ulama karena dengan permasalahannya dapat diselesaikan dengan diskusi atau ngopi bareng. Bahwa PC NU mempunyai pegiat bagaimana dengan minyak teman NU semenjak 2005-2013 yang tergabung dalam penelitian, soal transparan mengenai minyak di migas dan alhamdulillah dengan 3 tahun ini, secara ekonomi migas ini sudah masuk di APBD 2023 dan dikelola dengan sumber daya alam, seakan kita belum bisa mengakses wajah sumber daya alam di kabupaten Blora ini. Terakhir beliau berharap melalui konvercab ini dapat melahirkan program kerja yang baik sehingga mampu mengkonsolidasi di internal maupun eksternal " he said. " Dalam sambutannya Sahabat Muham tasih selaku ketua PKC PMII Jawa Tengah menjelaskan " 3 momentum dalam konvercab , pertama kali saya mengetahui dengan budaya literasi PMII di kota harus digerakkan. Pengurus PMII harus percaya diri, masalahnya berani tampil atau tidak. Kita sudah menang di kuantiti, banyak kader tapi banyak yang diam. Sedangkan ruang lingkup literasi diawali dengan memilih pemimpin dan program kerja. artinya PMII di hari ini harus percaya diri karena kerja sama dari PMII Blora- Cilacap sudah saya buat. terakhir sahabat Muham tasih berharap sahabat-sahabat jangan tinggalkan kultur budaya literasi, karena dengan literasi kita dapat menambah wawasan "harapannya." Dalam sambutannya Bapak Kirvan Selaku Staf Bupati Blora menyatakan " Beliau sangat senang dalam acara ini, jadi dulu kami masuk di Blora tahun 1908 , kami jadi sejarah ketika Blok Cepu baru dimulai ketika tahun 2000-an di kantor MCL. Satu yang berhasil di menden untuk penggalian minyak. Kembali di Blok Cepu ketika ada minifestur MCL itu pindah di banyu urip. Sejak Blok Cepu beroprasi Blora dapat 100 juta per tahunnya. Pemikiran kritis dari pengurus PMII dan peserta akan mendapatkan anugrah yang besar. Selamat ber konvercab - XVI, membawa perubahan untuk pengurus PMII kedepannya. "Close it." Dalam Acara inti ada Seminar dan Bedah buku " Cerita Minyak Dari Cepu" Sahabat Kunarto Marzuki selaku pembedah dan penulis buku memaparkan " Jadi buku ini sudah saya tulis lama, semenjak saya berpetualangan di Blora. Lima tahun lalu yang saya tulis diberbagai media, hingga satu saat saya ditemukan dengan penerbit di jakarta. bicara minyak di Cepu secara historis sudah banyak dibicarakan di sekitar desa Ledok, terlepas berbicara minyak itu sudah lama semenjak 1990-an . Dalam persoalan di Blok Cepu, waktu itu sedang terjadi ketidakadilan, karena ada politik lokal yang mengharuskan Blok Cepu yang harus dipindah di sebrang sungai bengawan. Bahwa tahun ini Blora dapat dana bagi hasil dari Blok Cepu, nilainya dari tahun 2008-2023 sebesar 200 million, kami dari Blok Cepu tidak dapat apa- apa semenjak 10 tahun lalu sumur yang masih diproduksi di kali tindu batas antara kota Cepu dan Bojonegoro. Sumber daya alam minyak yang sifatnya habis pada waktunya, sebaiknya pemerintah harus punya pembangunan yang baik dari hasil minyak ini. " Hj. Ainah salihah M, PdAUDUD. MPdPd. Bi selaku Duta baca Blora Mengatakan " Cerita dari minyak Cepu ini isinya sangat luar biasa, saya selaku duta literasi mengharapkan perubahan dan praktik baik khususnya di kalangan remaja Blora hari ini. Dengan buku kita lebih matang dalam berfikir kalau lewat digital itu hanya lapisan saja. Semakin anda membaca buku, maka akan semakin tajam pemikiran anda dalam memecahkan masalah. Mas Ardi memaparkan " Rekan -rekan migas itu bekerja secara hulu dan semilir. Migas secara hulu pertamina sudah membagi secara regional dan Zona, Regional Jawa- Jakarta dibawah naungan pertamina hulu, Blora berada di regional 4 dimana migas terletak di batas Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur . Ini diperlukan karena yang memahami dunia migas sangat rendah dikalangan remaja. Blok Cepu secara suives tidak berada di daerah kota Blora, namun berada di kabupaten Bojonegoro. Bahwa Pertamina adalah pektus unit tugas, karena pertamina secara 100% milik pemerintah Blora. Secara program sudah dikeluarkan oleh SKK migas, jika kami ingin melaksanakan apa, harus pemberitahuan dulu kepada SKK migas, bahwa dalam pelestarian minyak itu ada peraturan dari Dirjen migas. Hal yang unik di kabupaten Blora melalui pengelolaan di sumur tua dan masyarakat dapat terlibat di sana. 4 unit yang dimiliki oleh kota Blora, pertama mempunyai produksi minyak 1.700 produksi atau 1:100 , mempunyai gas yang relatif besar di desa sumber, kita punya kilang di Cepu yang dikelola oleh migas dan kita mempunyai pengelolaan di sumur tua,yang hasilnya langsung dinikmati oleh masyarakat sekitar. Gunawan H. Saputra selaku praktisi migas memaparkan " Budaya literasi itu budaya tradisi negara yang maju. Jadi kita sebagai mahasiswa harus mempelopori dalam membaca buku di kalangan anak muda. Dampak dari kegiatan ekonomi supaya generasi muda harus di persiapkan. Generasi muda harus dipersiapkan untuk memulai pembaharuan. Setelah Reformasi teori ekonomi dalam kegiatan ekonomi sangat berdampak positif bagi negeri ini. Di Indonesia sudah di fasilitasi melalui dana bagi hasil. Industri migas melibatkan dua hal Melalui sisi teknologi dan prosesnya. Dan sejak tahun 1990 Cepu menjadi tenaga operator di migas tidak hanya di Indonesia juga di Asia. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers- Saturday (09-09-2023) Perwakilan Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Menghadiri acara opening Ceremony Konvercab XVI PC PMII BLORA, Seminar dan Bedah bukuCerita minyak dari cepu”. Acara konvercab PC PMII Blora di hadiri oleh Hj. Ainah salihah M, Pd. AUD, MPD. BI, Demisioner PC PMII Blora, Pengurus PMII komisariat Bambu Runcing, PMII komisariat Aryo


HMPSPAIPers - Wednesday (06-09-2023) The HMPS PAI committee held a coordination meeting in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. The meeting was held in order to discuss various preparations and technical implementation of the HMPS PAI Anniversary activities -7. This meeting was chaired by Khoirul Amri as chairman of the Committee, stated that this meeting was a follow-up after the formation of the committee. HMPS PAI's 7th Anniversary which falls on 17 September 2023 with a theme " Building a Young Islamic Generation Based on the Moral Example of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. " all committees involved, share opinions and provide input to prepare this anniversary event. Khoirul Amri hopes that the HMPS PAI Bersholawat activity will run safely, smooth and successful, dalam kesempatan ini juga ketua panitia menyinggung tentang persiapan tentang alas/tempat untuk para jema'ah yang hadir dalam acara HMPS PAI Bersholawat. He is adamant that he will continue to make efforts to continue to schedule prayers, it is a form of love for His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Apart from that, he hopes that all the HMPS PAI committee members will pray for the success of every activity that has been scheduled.. We are trying to hold this agenda as a form of expression of our love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the hope that we will get his intercession on the day of judgment.. With this we hope that all friends work together and work together,"concluded Pawarta: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


HMPSPAIPers – Wednesday (06-09-2023) The HMPS PAI committee held a coordination meeting in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall. The meeting was held in order to discuss various preparations and technical implementation of the HMPS PAI Anniversary activities -7. This meeting was chaired by Khoirul Amri as chairman of the Committee, stated that this meeting was a follow-up after the formation of the committee. Dies


DemaPers- After a series of events introducing Student Academic Culture (PBAK) 2023 held successfully, then on Sunday (02/09/2023) At the Tempuran Cafe, a Responsible Report meeting was held as well as the dissolution of the PBAK committee 2023. This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Muhammad Nabil S. Sy. ,M.Ag. as Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, pd. As Deputy Chancellor III Muarofah S, Ag ,Mita Zain S, Ag as head of Administration and the entire PBAK committee 2023. Is known, apart from carrying out the PBAK Committee Dissolution meeting, This meeting is a gathering place for all committees who have collaborated and worked hard for the success of the PBAK event 2023 , at the same time the PBAK committee was officially disbanded. Lista as the PBAK committee 2023 gave a speech and expressed his thanks to the entire committee for their hard work and solidarity in making the PBAK series of evAhmad Saiful Rizal MPdhmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. He was very happy and appreciated the results of the collaboration between the PBAK committee this year 2023. We hope your hard work makes the PBAK event a success, rewarded by Allah SWT as a good deed for our alma mater, beloved campus. evaluation of each division to convey all deficiencies, reality that occurs in the field, and of course provide input for the following year's committee. After evaluation, PBAK committee 2023 officially disbanded. The hope, In the following year, the shortcomings of this year's committee can be addressed better in the coming year. The events and competitions at next year's PBAK event must be conceptualized more maturely. " Additionally". Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.


DemaPers- After a series of events introducing Student Academic Culture (PBAK) 2023 held successfully, then on Sunday (02/09/2023) At the Tempuran Cafe, a Responsible Report meeting was held as well as the dissolution of the PBAK committee 2023. This meeting was attended by Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. I as Deputy Chancellor I, Muhammad Nabil S. Sy. ,M.Ag. as Deputy Chancellor II, Ahmad …


Demapers- Sunday (27 June 2023) Various competitions and art performances enliven the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This competition includes English speech, Arabic speech, Indonesian speech and intelligence. All competitions were attended by PBAK participants representing all groups. As for the location of the competition , English speech in class A2 , Arabic speech in class A1 , Indonesian speech in class A3, prayer in class A8 and CCM at home. The aim of holding this competition is to explore potential, interests and talents of new students. Besides that, The participants or winners of this competition will be trained to take part in bigger events. Fadly, one of the students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education said he was happy to be able to take part in the competition. "Hopefully in the future I can also bring the name of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Campus to the national stage.,he hoped. Not forgetting UKM Band ( Isnaya band) IAI Khozinatul Ulum also enlivened the PBAK event with quite extraordinary performances. The enthusiasm of the PBAK participants was very entertaining with their performance, Some of them even requested a song and contributed a song. with lively art performances displayed by each group. It is hoped that this will enliven the last day of PBAK implementation, The stage featured traditional dances, musical drama , Acoustic to chain poetry. Participants and committee members looked happy and actively participated in watching various performances. There is also a panel of judges who directly evaluate the art stage performed by each of the groups, The assessment element is in the form of cohesiveness, seriousness, attribute, creativity, the nature and level of difficulty of the themes presented. Don't forget that before and after the art performance activities started there were also performances from UKM Band and UKM Hadroh. The art performance ends at 12:00 p.m 16.00 WIB, which was then followed by a short break while the committee prepared a series of closing events in the implementation of PBAK IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora this year 2023. Followed by the presentation of competition prizes and the winning art performance 1,2 and 3 . One of the PBAK participants 2023 Disclose " That he was very happy, because of the PBAK event 2023 This can be a means of connecting relationships for new students, lama, committee and can get to know more about everything related to campus. Keep Events like this, Maybe the next PBAK event will be further improved, especially regarding infrastructure " he said. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


Demapers- Sunday (27 June 2023) Various competitions and art performances enliven the Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This competition includes English speech, Arabic speech, Indonesian speech and intelligence. All competitions were attended by PBAK participants representing all groups. As for the location of the competition , pidato bahasa Inggris di kelas