IAIkuPers-Your (6 Mei 2024) Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic Institute and Head of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI), Early childhood education programs (PIAUD) holding a Preparatory Meeting for the Basic Level Scout Leader Course (KMD) at the Pancasona Kwartir Office, Blora Branch.
The meeting was attended by two parties,both from the Kwarcab and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FITK).Kwarcab was represented by Kak Sri Handoko,Sis Yono,Kak Yatno,Kak Sutarno,Sis Nani, meanwhile, is from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FITK) represented by Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. as Dean or Person in Charge,Armiya Nur Lailatul Izzah M,Pd. As Secretary and Siti Nurkayati M,Pd as Treasurer.
The points discussed at this meeting included determining the activity schedule,camp location,Pinus, a joint committee from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FITK) and Kwarcab, Submission of activity proposals, determining the concept of opening and closing the Basic Level Advanced Scout Course, Discussion of infrastructure and delivery of the number of course participants.
Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya M,Pd. as the Dean or Person in Charge stated the aim of holding the Basic Level Scout Leader Course (KMD) including providing basic knowledge and experience, Practically developing Scouts through scouting activities in Scout units including alert scouting, fundraising team, Enforcer's stand and Racana Pendega. I hope that after holding this meeting, a unified collaboration can be established between the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Khozinatul Ulum Islamic Institute, Blora, and Pusdikcab Pancasona, Blora, so that Basic Level Advanced Scouting Course activities can be carried out well..
Apart from that, I hope that the participants after taking this course will be able to understand, appreciate and implement AD and ART of the Scout Movement, able to explain about scouting and its development and able to apply scouting effectively and efficiently in developing Scouts according to their group.
Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni