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IAIKUPers- Tuesday ( 7 Mei 2024) Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Tafsir (IAT) and Hadith Science (ILHA) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora successfully held a study with the theme "Halaqah Discussion Related to Current Religious Issues" on the campus terrace. Acara ini menjadi semakin istimewa dengan kehadiran dua narasumber luar biasa diantaranya Ketua Prodi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Tafsir (IAT),Ahmad Farih Dzaky, S.Th.I,M,Ag and Head of the Hadith Science ISLANDy Program (ILHA), Muhammad Saiful, S.Pd.I.,M.Ag. The aim of holding this activity is to increase students' intellectual intelligence by increasing their analytical power, widening knowledge, strengthen idealism, foster a spirit of change and foster critical thinking of students at the Ushuluddin IAI Khozinatul 'Ulum Blora Faculty., As an additional 'supplement' for lectures on campus, So that students can better understand how to respond, analyze and resolve legal problems or cases, social and political events that occur in government and in society in a more comprehensive manner, As a forum for maintaining ties between students and students, lecturers with lecturers and students with lecturers. Because besides being a 'knowledge provider space', This discussion forum can also function as a place where students can gather and unite with each other in a positive and useful assembly and in order to realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which consists of Education., Research and Service. Salah satu mahasiswa Ilmu Al-Qur'an Tafsir (IAT) Anisaul Khoiriyah said "the purpose of holding this discussion, We want to grow and develop the existence of sIATent institutions which are increasingly sluggish as if they have lost their spirit of idealism and intellectual sensitivity. Where is the principle of hydonism?, considerations full of economisation and apathy towards science, information progress,State and nation alma maters have degraded the abilities they actually have, so we feel the need to create a new container to minimize these things." Finally, we hope through this meeting,can form a scientific discussion forum which will be held routinely once a week to support student lectures on campus, where this simple discussion forum is open to all campus elements who are interested in taking part. Finally, through this discussion forum, students can improve their analytical skills and intellectual intelligence. Because we believe, that there are still a handful of students on this campus who have the potential and really have the qualities to be developed, appreciated and distributed. The event took place with service and became more and more interesting, Even though the weather was hot, the participants who attended showed enthusiasm. So the atmosphere which was quite hot that afternoon became active again in the question and answer session.. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- Tuesday ( 7 Mei 2024) Al-Qur'an Tafsir Science Study Program Student Association (IAT) and Hadith Science (ILHA) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora successfully held a study with the theme "Halaqah Discussion Related to Current Religious Issues" on the campus terrace.   This event was made even more special by the presence of two extraordinary speakers including the Head of the Al-Qur'an Tafsir Science Study Program (IAT),Ahmad Farih Dzaky, S.Th.I,M,Ag and HeISLANDf the Hadith Science Study Program (ILHA), Muhammad Saiful, S.Pd.I.,M.Ag.
   The aim of holding this activity is to increase students' intellectual intelligence by increasing their analytical power, widening knowledge, strengthen idealism, foster a spirit of change and foster critical thinking of students at the Ushuluddin IAI Khozinatul 'Ulum Blora Faculty., As an additional 'supplement' for lectures on campus,	So that students can better understand how to respond, analyze and resolve legal problems or cases, social and political events that occur in government and in society in a more comprehensive manner, As a forum for maintaining ties between students and students, lecturers with lecturers and students with lecturers. Because besides being a 'knowledge provider space', This discussion forum can also function as a place where students can gather and unite with each other in a positive and useful assembly and in order to realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which consists of Education., Research and Service.
    One of the students of Al-Qur'an Tafsir Science (IAT) Anisaul Khoiriyah said "the purpose of holding this discussion, We want to grow aIATdevelop the existence of student institutions which are increasingly sluggish as if they have lost their spirit of idealism and intellectual sensitivity. Where is the principle of hydonism?, considerations full of economisation and apathy towards science, information progress,State and nation alma maters have degraded the abilities they actually have, so we feel the need to create a new container to minimize these things."
   Finally, we hope through this meeting,can form a scientific discussion forum which will be held routinely once a week to support student lectures on campus, where this simple discussion forum is open to all campus elements who are interested in taking part. Finally, through this discussion forum, students can improve their analytical skills and intellectual intelligence. Because we believe, that there are still a handful of students on this campus who have the potential and really have the qualities to be developed, appreciated and distributed.

   The event took place with service and became more and more interesting, Even though the weather was hot, the participants who attended showed enthusiasm. So the atmosphere which was quite hot that afternoon became active again in the question and answer session..

Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers- Tuesday ( 7 Mei 2024) Al-Qur'an Tafsir Science Study Program Student Association (IAT) and Hadith Science (ISLAND) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora successfully held a study with a theme “Halaqah Discussion Related to Current Religious Issues” on the campus terrace.

This event was made even more special by the presence of two extraordinary speakers including the Head of the Al-Qur'an Tafsir Science Study Program (IAT),Ahmad Farih Dzaky, S.Th.I,M,Ag and Head of the Hadith Science Study Program (ISLAND), Muhammad Saiful, S.Pd.I.,M.Ag.

The aim of holding this activity is to increase students' intellectual intelligence by increasing their analytical power, widening knowledge, strengthen idealism, foster a spirit of change and foster critical thinking of students at the Ushuluddin IAI Khozinatul 'Ulum Blora Faculty., As an additional 'supplement' for lectures on campus, So that students can better understand how to respond, analyze and resolve legal problems or cases, social and political events that occur in government and in society in a more comprehensive manner, As a forum for maintaining ties between students and students, lecturers with lecturers and students with lecturers. Because besides being a 'knowledge provider space', This discussion forum can also function as a place where students can gather and unite with each other in a positive and useful assembly and in order to realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which consists of Education., Research and Service.

One of the students of Al-Qur'an Tafsir Science (IAT) Anisaul Khoiriyah said “the purpose of holding this discussion, We want to grow and develop the existence of student institutions which are increasingly sluggish as if they have lost their spirit of idealism and intellectual sensitivity. Where is the principle of hydonism?, considerations full of economisation and apathy towards science, information progress,State and nation alma maters have degraded the abilities they actually have, so we feel the need to create a new container to minimize these things.”

Finally, we hope through this meeting,can form a scientific discussion forum which will be held routinely once a week to support student lectures on campus, where this simple discussion forum is open to all campus elements who are interested in taking part. Finally, through this discussion forum, students can improve their analytical skills and intellectual intelligence. Because we believe, that there are still a handful of students on this campus who have the potential and really have the qualities to be developed, appreciated and distributed.


The event took place with service and became more and more interesting, Even though the weather was hot, the participants who attended showed enthusiasm. So the atmosphere which was quite hot that afternoon became active again in the question and answer session..


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


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