IAIKUPers- Thursday (13 March 2025) Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya, M.Pd., filling the Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School event organized by SMK Negeri 2 Blora. This activity carries the theme “Religious moderation” with the aim of providing a deeper understanding of the importance of moderate attitudes in religion among students, and strengthen the partnership relationship between SMK N 2 Blora and Fitk Iaiku Blora.
The Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School was attended by hundreds of students in class X SMK N 2 Blora and starting with the presentation of material from Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya, M.Pd. which discusses the concept of religious moderation. In the material, He stressed the importance of tolerance, balance, and peace in religion.
During the event, Students are given insights on how to be religious with love, avoid extremism, and how to deal with differences of opinion in a plural society. "Moderation of religion teaches us to hold fast to religious teachings in a loving and tolerance way, without being carried away by extreme understanding,"Said Arim Irsyadulloh Albin Jaya. He added that religious moderation is a middle ground that brings peace both in relationships between religious communities and in everyday life.
This activity also aims to teach students about the importance of maintaining harmony between religious communities, which is increasingly relevant in the midst of social and cultural diversity in Indonesia. Besides that, This event is a means to introduce the importance of moderate attitudes in religion, which is not extreme on one side, but also not permissive about things that are contrary to religious teachings.
Ustadz Mulyono, M.Pd.I., Teacher of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) SMK n 2 Blora, give high appreciation to this event. It states, “Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School activities with the theme of this religious moderation are very important to shape the character of students who are not only academically smart, but also has strong religious values, balanced, and moderate. We hope this event can continue and more and more similar activities in the future.”
This event is also part of the partnership between SMK N 2 Blora and Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. This cooperation is expected to create a synergy between higher education institutions and high schools to develop the potential of students in various aspects, both academic and spiritual.
Vice-Rector I IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Syaifulloh, M.Pd.I., also gives appreciation to the Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School activities held at SMK N 2 Blora. In his response, He stated that this activity was in line with the vision and mission of IAKIKI Blora in printing a generation that was not only intellectually intelligent, but also has a moderate religious understanding.
“This Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School is very relevant to our goal in IAIKU Blora to develop education based on moderate Islamic values. We hope that this kind of activity can be held more often to increase students' understanding of the importance of tolerance in religion and maintain harmony between religious communities,” said Ahmad Syaifulloh. It adds, “It is important for all of us to continue to voice religious moderation, especially to the younger generation, so that they grow into a more open person, tolerant, and able to respect differences.”
With full support from my iaikiku Blora, This Ramadhan Islamic Boarding School activity further strengthens the commitment of the higher education institution in creating education based on moderate and peaceful religious values.
This event was closed with a prayer together, and the hope that the spirit of religious moderation can be maintained and applied in daily life by all participants, both in the school environment and in the community.
With this activity, expected to create a more tolerant young generation, tactful, and able to bring positive changes to the nation through a moderate and peaceful understanding of religion.
Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni