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IAIKU Press- Saturday, 11 November 2023 . IAI student Khozinatul Ulum Blora succeeded in winning the Central Java and DIY student level competition, in order to (Qur'an Hadist Fest) organized by Collaboration between HMPS IAT and ILHA UIN KH.Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. Among them is Muhammad Amirul Huda who comes from the IAT Semester Study Program 1 received the title of Champion 1 Hifdzil Hadis musabaqoh competition. Misbahkhul Munir Semester IAT Study Program 3 received the title of champion 1 lomba contest Qiraatil Kutub. Agus Chalimil as Chair of HMPS IAT/ILHA said " ada 4 The competition includes the Musabaqah Hifdzil Hadis competition, Competition Qiraatil Kutub,Musabaqoh Hifdzil Quran (MHQ) dan Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI),However, in the Musabaqoh Hifdzil Quran competiMHQn and Scientific WritingIlKTIh (KTI),"We are not sending a delegation". said the Head of HMPS IAT/ILHA". Muhammad Amirul Huda, Semester IAT Study Program student 1 disclose " us as students, especially the Ushuluddin faculty ,Must master tool knowledge ,because it is very, very useful for those of us who really want to deepen religious knowledge . I can win the championship 1 not from the power of memorizing hadith alone ,because all the participants memorized it well- Good,However, there is one advantage that might be my introduction to winning 1 namely being able to explain hadith texts through a grammatical science approach." he said. " On the same occasion, Misbahul Munir, a semester IAT study program student 3 say" I still don't think I can win 3, considering that this is a branch of the Se DIY-Central Java competition. "he said." "My hope is that all students- Other female students can follow in our footsteps to advance and make the campus proud, maybe even more than us " He said this when interviewed online. "Additional". Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKU Press- Saturday, 11 November 2023 . IAI student Khozinatul Ulum Blora succeeded in winning the Central Java and DIY student level competition, in order to (Qur'an Hadist Fest) organized by Collaboration between HMPS IAT and ILHA UIN KH.Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. Among them is Muhammad Amirul Huda who comes from the IAT Semester Study Program 1 received the title of Champion 1 Hifdzil Hadis musabaqoh competition. Misbahkhul Munir Semester IAT Study Program 3 received the title of champion 1 lomba contest Qiraatil Kutub. Agus Chalimil as Chair of HMPS IAT/ILHA said " ada 4 The competition includes the Musabaqah Hifdzil Hadis competition, Competition Qiraatil Kutub,Musabaqoh Hifdzil Quran (MHQ) dan Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI),However, in the Musabaqoh Hifdzil Quran competiMHQn and Scientific WritingIlKTIh (KTI),"We are not sending a delegation". said the Head of HMPS IAT/ILHA". Muhammad Amirul Huda, Semester IAT Study Program student 1 disclose " us as students, especially the Ushuluddin faculty ,Must master tool knowledge ,because it is very, very useful for those of us who really want to deepen religious knowledge . I can win the championship 1 not from the power of memorizing hadith alone ,because all the participants memorized it well- Good,However, there is one advantage that might be my introduction to winning 1 namely being able to explain hadith texts through a grammatical science approach." he said. " On the same occasion, Misbahul Munir, a semester IAT study program student 3 say" I still don't think I can win 3, considering that this is a branch of the Se DIY-Central Java competition. "he said." "My hope is that all students- Other female students can follow in our footsteps to advance and make the campus proud, maybe even more than us " He said this when interviewed online. "Additional". Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKU Press- Saturday, 11 November 2023 . IAI student Khozinatul Ulum Blora succeeded in winning the Central Java and DIY student level competition, in order to (Qur’an Hadist Fest) organized by Collaboration between HMPS IAT and ILHA UIN KH.Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan.

Among them is Muhammad Amirul Huda who comes from the IAT Semester Study Program 1 received the title of Champion 1 Hifdzil Hadis musabaqoh competition. Misbahkhul Munir Semester IAT Study Program 3 received the title of champion 1 lomba contest Qiraatil Kutub.

Agus Chalimil as Chair of HMPS IAT/ILHA said ” ada 4 The competition includes the Musabaqah Hifdzil Hadis competition, Competition Qiraatil Kutub,Musabaqoh Hifdzil Quran (MHQ) and Scientific Writing (KTI),However, in the Musabaqoh Hifdzil Quran competition (MHQ) and Scientific Writing (KTI),”We don't send delegates “. said the Head of HMPS IAT/ILHA”.


Muhammad Amirul Huda, Semester IAT Study Program student 1 disclose ” us as students, especially the Ushuluddin faculty ,Must master tool knowledge ,because it is very, very useful for those of us who really want to deepen religious knowledge . I can win the championship 1 not from the power of memorizing hadith alone ,because all the participants memorized it well- Good,However, there is one advantage that might be my introduction to winning 1 namely being able to explain hadith texts through a grammatical science approach.” he said. ”

On the same occasion, Misbahul Munir, a semester IAT study program student 3 say” I still don't think I can win 3, considering that this is a branch of the Se DIY-Central Java competition. “he said.”

“My hope is that all students- Other female students can follow in our footsteps to advance and make the campus proud, maybe even more than us ” He said this when interviewed online. “Additionally”.


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni



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