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Four teams advanced to the semifinals of the Futsal Tournament Febi IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora 2025

IAIKUPers- Sunday (23 February 2025) The preliminary round of Futsal Tournament Febi IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora was officially held on Sunday, 23 February 2025. The tournament which was attended by various schools in Blora was divided into two groups, namely Group A who competed in the field 1 and Group B in the field 2.


Chief Panitiya, Mohammad Munir, on a separate occasion said that this tournament was not just a futsal competition, but it is also a means for students to show sportsmanship, teamwork, and strengthen relations between schools in Blora. “We are very happy to see the extraordinary enthusiasm of all participants,” he said.


This tournament also provides opportunities for students to increase experience and skills in the field of futsal sports. Besides competing, It is hoped that the participants can make this event a moment to learn and improve their abilities.


The results of the preliminary round that took place in the two fields, Here are the details of the match:


Field 1:


Match 1: PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL 1 Visitation (4) vs SMKN 2 Blora (0)

Match 2: An-Nur Banjarejo Vocational School (0) vs SMKN 1 Japan (6)

Match 3: PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL 1 Visitation (1) vs SMK Ma'arif Blora (1)

Match 4: SMKN 2 Blora (1) vs SMK An-Nur Banjarejo (1)

Match 5: PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL 1 Visitation (2) vs SMKN 1 Japan (2)

Match 6: SMKN 2 Blora (0) vs SMK Ma'arif Blora (4)

Match 7: PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL 1 Visitation (1) vs SMK An-Nur Banjarejo (0)

Match 8: SMKN 2 Blora (0) vs SMKN 1 Japan (10)

Field 2:


Match 1: SMKN 1 Jati (1) vs sman 2 Blora (3)

Match 2: MA Al-Islajo (0) vs me asyacur (3)

Match 3: SMAN Blora (3) vs MA Al-Islajo (0)

Match 4: SMKN 1 Jati (2) vs ma as-syakur (1)

Match 5: PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL 2 Blora (2) vs ma as-syakur (1)

Match 6: SMKN 1 Jati (3) vs me al-Ilah (0)

Match 7: SMKN 1 Japan (7) vs SMK Ma'arif Blora (2)

Match 8: SMK AN-NUR (0) vs SMK Ma'arif Blora (1)

From the results of this preliminary round, The four teams that managed to advance to the semifinal round were SMAN 1 Visitation, PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL 2 Blora, SMKN 1 Japan, and SMKN 1 Jati.


With high spirit and rigorous competition, Futsal Tournament Febi IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora will certainly continue to be an event that is awaited by many parties, with the semifinal round scheduled to take place in the near future. All eyes are now on the teams that have escaped and are ready to fight for the title.


This tournament is not only a competition, but also a place to increase sportsmanship and strengthen friendship between schools in Blora.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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