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Febiku Futsal Tournament IAI Khozinatul Ulum was officially compared


IAIKUPers- Febiku Futsal Tournament IAI Khozinatul Ulum organized by the Faculty of Islamic Business Economics (FEBI) Collaborating with Futsal UKM Officially MoED today, Saturday (23/2/2025). The event which took place at GOR Mustika was finally followed by 8 tim, namely SMAN 1 Visitation, SMKN 2 Blora, An-Nur Vocational School, Banjarejo, Ma'arif Blora Vocational School, SMKN 1 Jati, PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL 2 Blora, MA Asyakur Banjarejo, and SMKN 1 Japan.


The tournament this time carries the theme “LET’S PLAY TOGETHER, FAIR PLAY IS OUR GAME” which aims to create a healthy competition, Sharpening talent, and strengthen the kinship between students from various schools.


In his speech, Ahmad Maki, S.H.I., M.H., Delivering gratitude for the performance of this event. He reminded all participants to take advantage of this opportunity to develop skills outside of academic. “Through sportsmanship in this futsal match, We can learn about teamwork, discipline, as well as how to face challenges with high enthusiasm,” he said.


Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad, S.Th.I., M.Ag., In his remarks also appreciated the enthusiasm of the participants. “This activity is not only to increase body fitness, but also to strengthen friendship between schools around Blora. We also hope that the participants who are interested in continuing their studies in the field of Islamic economics and business can consider IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora as the best choice,” he said.


Lanova Chandra Tirtaka, Daily Chairperson Askab PSSI Blora and Deputy Chairman of the Blora DPRD, helped give appreciation for the implementation of this tournament. “Activities like this are very important to produce healthy young generation, competitive, and achievers,” he said. He also reminded participants that sportsmanship and mutual respect are the main things in this tournament.


The event was symbolically opened by kicking the ball into the goal by the Rector of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, KH. Ahmad Zaki Fuad, S.Th.I., M.Ag., in the field 1 accompanied by the warek and dean in the Iaiku Blora environment, Meanwhile Ahmad Maki did the same in the field 2 Accompanied by a number of Head of Study Program and Secretariat in the Iaiku Blora environment and the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee. The opening was greeted with a boisterous applause from the supporters, which shows the high enthusiasm of the participants and supporters.


Hopefully this tournament can provide valuable experience for all parties involved, both in the field of sports and in deepening understanding of the higher education choices available.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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