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Demapers- Friday (25 August 2023) After a series of opening events, Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) finished. All PBAK Participants 2023 are expected to enter the Graha Nusantara hall to receive the material that will be delivered by the speaker. By holding PBAK 2023 This, I hope that new students can explore their potential and distribute it quickly, which will later be assisted and directed by upper level students," said one of the committee members. PBAK 2023 This is a campus academic introduction activity and is the first step for students to continue and achieve their dreams which of course must be fought for. PBAK 2023 fPBAKd with fun and motivating activities for new students, so that it becomes a provision for carrying out lectures at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus " additionally. On the first day of the Campus Academic Culture Introduction , PBAK Participants Get material regarding Ke- IAI- an, Academic Guidelines, Administration and Student Affairs payment flow. In material Ke- IAan an , KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad , S. Th.I, M. Ag. Memaparkan bahwa " IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora was formed 10 years ago, This campus was founded in 2007 with still STIU status because they have only been given permission for one study program, namely Tafsir and Hadith, last year 2013 changed its name from STIU to STAI and in that year was able to add tarbiyah and economics study programs. and Alhamdulillah at the end of the year 2022 changed the original STAI changed to IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. and at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum campus this year there is 3 Faculties include the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business and Ushuluddin Faculty". In academic guiExpose thatAhmad Saifulloh M, Pd. Memaparkan bahwa " Based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia with Number 1334 Year 2022 Islamic Religious High School (STAI) Khozinatul UluIAIlora officially transformed into an Islamic Institute (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora, the decision to change status was determined in Jakarta on the date 7 December 2022, digitally signed by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. Apart from that, he also explained that regarding organizations on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus, there are internal organizations such as Sema, Dema and HMPS while externally there is PMII, HMI . For the Tri Darma of higher education, it includes education, ReseMrch and service. " In financial administration material H. Mohammad Nabil. M, Ag as Deputy Chancellor II explained " The student payment system and flow starts from prospective students after being declared to have passed the selection, there's a bill ( Pre-college) , the cost is approx 3.000.000 in detail 1.000.000 used for building infaq, while that 2 . 000.000 used for PBAK activities, Alma mater jacket, PBAK t-shirt, Academic guidebook, guidebook for scientific writing such as writing papers, journals and articles. Meanwhile, the scholarship application starts from the student's application for the Kip Kuliah scholarship, yesterday the only people who registered 40 orang, Apart from that, there are district government scholarships ( 1 Village 2 Mapeople) quota every year 10 orang, basnas scholarship, Tahfidz scholarship and academic achievement. It is known that lectures will start on 04 September 2023 So students who have not paid for re-registration are expected to pay immediately, for applying for KRS ( Semester Plan Card) and for those who have not paid, they can pay in installments to apply for KRS. If later from students who do not have KRS, will not be able to take part in the UTS or UAS. Apart from that, later in the semester 7 there are practicum payments such as KKN and PPL, After completing the PPL there will be a payment for the proposal trial. And if you don't pay semester registration 6-7 , then the student will not be able to take part in the munaqosah trial. And for the munaqosah trial the requirement is to take part in the PBAK, Complete PPL and KKN and complete proposal seminars. Meanwhile, the provisions for study leave, Students can apply for leave during 1-2 year, as long as he is active in college 1 - 2 semester and students cannot take leave during Pdconsecutive semesters, However, if a student wants to apply for leave, they must first get permission from the Chancellor. "Additional". In the Student Affairs material, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III explained " what is the difference between student and pupil. Maha means the biggest party and students are people who are studying at elementary school level, First Secondary School, and High School . The differences between students and college students can also be seen from their mindset and attitudes, forward orientation, dare to speak up, independence, learning in student classes 90% from teachers while students 25% -75% from outside, the process of adaptation in a new environment and rational thinking. Meanwhile, there are three Tri Darmas of Higher Education, including education and teaching, research and development , Devotion to the Community. Meanwhile, students' obligations include having noble morals , broadcast religion, maintain authority, maintain the good name of the university, must pay for registration ,obey campus regulations and actively participate in lectures. " One of the participants expressed his impression and message on the first day of PBAK. " The first day of PBAK was very exciting even though it was tiring, From ceremonial events to event material, it is very interesting, For PBAK the next day, hopefully we can be more on time,he said. INFORMATION: YUSRON RIDHO NURFATONI


Demapers- Friday (25 August 2023) After a series of opening events, Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) finished. All PBAK Participants 2023 are expected to enter the Graha Nusantara hall to receive the material that will be delivered by the speaker.    By holding PBAK 2023 This, I hope that new students can explore their potential and distribute it quickly, which will later be assisted and directed by upper level students," said one of the committee members. 

   PBAK 2023 This is a campus academic introduction activity and is the first step for students to continue and achieve their dreams which of course must be fought for. PBAK 2023 fPBAKd with fun and motivating activities for new students, so that it becomes a provision for carrying out lectures at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus " additionally. 
   On the first day of the Campus Academic Culture Introduction , PBAK Participants Get material regarding Ke- IAI- an, Academic Guidelines, Administration and Student Affairs payment flow. 
   In material Ke- IAan an , KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad , S. Th.I, M. Ag. Memaparkan bahwa " IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora was formed 10 years ago, This campus was founded in 2007 with still STIU status because they have only been given permission for one study program, namely Tafsir and Hadith, last year 2013 changed its name from STIU to STAI and in that year was able to add tarbiyah and economics study programs. and Alhamdulillah at the end of the year 2022 changed the original STAI changed to IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. and at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum campus this year there is 3 Faculties include the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business and Ushuluddin Faculty".
  In academic guiExpose thatAhmad Saifulloh M, Pd. Memaparkan bahwa " Based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia with Number 1334 Year 2022 Islamic Religious High School (STAI) Khozinatul UluIAIlora officially transformed into an Islamic Institute (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora, the decision to change status was determined in Jakarta on the date 7 December 2022, digitally signed by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.
  Apart from that, he also explained that regarding organizations on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus, there are internal organizations such as Sema, Dema and HMPS while externally there is PMII, HMI . 
  Untuk Tri Darma  Perguruan tinggi itu meliputi Pendidikan, Research anM service. "
   In financial administration material H. Mohammad Nabil. M, Ag as Deputy Chancellor II explained " The student payment system and flow starts from prospective students after being declared to have passed the selection, there's a bill ( Pre-college) , the cost is approx 3.000.000 in detail 1.000.000 used for building infaq, while that 2 . 000.000 used for PBAK activities, Alma mater jacket, PBAK t-shirt, Academic guidebook, guidebook for scientific writing such as writing papers, journals and articles. 
  Sedangkan permohonan beasiswa dimulai dari pengajuan  mahasiswa terhadap beasiswa Kip Kuliah, yesterday the only people who registered 40 orang, Apart from that, there are district government scholarships ( 1 Village 2 Mapeople) quota every year 10 orang, basnas scholarship, Tahfidz scholarship and academic achievement. 
   It is known that lectures will start on 04 September 2023 So students who have not paid for re-registration are expected to pay immediately, for applying for KRS ( Semester Plan Card) and for those who have not paid, they can pay in installments to apply for KRS. 
If later from students who do not have KRS, will not be able to take part in the UTS or UAS. 
  Apart from that, later in the semester 7 there are practicum payments such as KKN and PPL, After completing the PPL there will be a payment for the proposal trial. 
 And if you don't pay semester registration 6-7 , then the student will not be able to take part in the munaqosah trial. And for the munaqosah trial the requirement is to take part in the PBAK, Complete PPL and KKN and complete proposal seminars. 
   Meanwhile, the provisions for study leave, Students can apply for leave during 1-2 year, as long as he is active in college 1 - 2 semester and students cannot take leave during 2 consecutive semesters,Pdowever, if a student wants to apply for leave, they must first get permission from the Chancellor. "Additional".
    In the Student Affairs material, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III explained " what is the difference between student and pupil. Maha means the biggest party and students are people who are studying at elementary school level, First Secondary School, and High School . The differences between students and college students can also be seen from their mindset and attitudes, forward orientation, dare to speak up, independence, learning in student classes 90% from teachers while students 25% -75% from outside, the process of adaptation in a new environment and rational thinking. 
   Meanwhile, there are three Tri Darmas of Higher Education, including education and teaching, research and development , Devotion to the Community. Meanwhile, students' obligations include having noble morals , broadcast religion, maintain authority, maintain the good name of the university, must pay for registration ,obey campus regulations and actively participate in lectures. " 

    One of the participants expressed his impression and message on the first day of PBAK. 
 " The first day of PBAK was very exciting even though it was tiring, From ceremonial events to event material, it is very interesting, For PBAK the next day, hopefully we can be more on time,he said.


Demapers- Friday (25 August 2023) After a series of opening events, Introduction to Academic Culture and Student Affairs (PBAK) finished. All PBAK Participants 2023 are expected to enter the Graha Nusantara hall to receive the material that will be delivered by the speaker.

By holding PBAK 2023 This, I hope that new students can explore their potential and distribute it quickly, which will later be assisted and directed by upper level students," said one of the committee members.


PBAK 2023 This is a campus academic introduction activity and is the first step for students to continue and achieve their dreams which of course must be fought for. PBAK 2023 filled with fun and motivating activities for new students, so that it becomes a provision for carrying out lectures at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus ” additionally.

On the first day of the Campus Academic Culture Introduction , PBAK Participants Get material regarding Ke- IAI- an, Academic Guidelines, Administration and Student Affairs payment flow.

In material Ke- IAI- an , KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad , S. Th.I, M. Ag. Expose that ” IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora was formed 10 years ago, This campus was founded in 2007 with still STIU status because they have only been given permission for one study program, namely Tafsir and Hadith, last year 2013 changed its name from STIU to STAI and in that year was able to add tarbiyah and economics study programs. and Alhamdulillah at the end of the year 2022 changed the original STAI changed to IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora. and at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum campus this year there is 3 Faculties include the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam dan Fakultas Ushuluddin”.

In academic guidance material, Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd. Expose that ” Based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia with Number 1334 Year 2022 Islamic Religious High School (STAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora officially transformed into an Islamic Institute (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora, the decision to change status was determined in Jakarta on the date 7 December 2022, digitally signed by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

Apart from that, he also explained that regarding organizations on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus, there are internal organizations such as Sema, Dema and HMPS while externally there is PMII, HMI .

For the Tri Darma of higher education, it includes education, Research and service. ”

In financial administration material H. Mohammad Nabil. M, Ag as Deputy Chancellor II explained ” The student payment system and flow starts from prospective students after being declared to have passed the selection, there's a bill ( Pre-college) , the cost is approx 3.000.000 in detail 1.000.000 used for building infaq, while that 2 . 000.000 used for PBAK activities, Alma mater jacket, PBAK t-shirt, Academic guidebook, guidebook for scientific writing such as writing papers, journals and articles.

Meanwhile, the scholarship application starts from the student's application for the Kip Kuliah scholarship, yesterday the only people who registered 40 people, Apart from that, there are district government scholarships ( 1 Village 2 Masters) quota every year 10 people, basnas scholarship, Tahfidz scholarship and academic achievement.

It is known that lectures will start on 04 September 2023 So students who have not paid for re-registration are expected to pay immediately, for applying for KRS ( Semester Plan Card) and for those who have not paid, they can pay in installments to apply for KRS.

If later from students who do not have KRS, will not be able to take part in the UTS or UAS.

Apart from that, later in the semester 7 there are practicum payments such as KKN and PPL, After completing the PPL there will be a payment for the proposal trial.

And if you don't pay semester registration 6-7 , then the student will not be able to take part in the munaqosah trial. And for the munaqosah trial the requirement is to take part in the PBAK, Complete PPL and KKN and complete proposal seminars.

Meanwhile, the provisions for study leave, Students can apply for leave during 1-2 year, as long as he is active in college 1 – 2 semester and students cannot take leave during 2 consecutive semesters, However, if a student wants to apply for leave, they must first get permission from the Chancellor. “Additionally”.

In the Student Affairs material, Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III explained ” what is the difference between student and pupil. Maha means the biggest party and students are people who are studying at elementary school level, First Secondary School, and High School . The differences between students and college students can also be seen from their mindset and attitudes, forward orientation, dare to speak up, independence, learning in student classes 90% from teachers while students 25% -75% from outside, the process of adaptation in a new environment and rational thinking.

Meanwhile, there are three Tri Darmas of Higher Education, including education and teaching, research and development , Devotion to the Community. Meanwhile, students' obligations include having noble morals , broadcast religion, maintain authority, maintain the good name of the university, must pay for registration ,obey campus regulations and actively participate in lectures. ”



One of the participants expressed his impression and message on the first day of PBAK.

” The first day of PBAK was very exciting even though it was tiring, From ceremonial events to event material, it is very interesting, For PBAK the next day, hopefully we can be more on time,he said.


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