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IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora and Unisnu Jepara Establish Strategic Partnership for Academic and International Collaboration

IAIKUPers – Thursday (19/12/2024), Institute of Islamic Religion (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora paid a visit to Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University (Unisnu) Jepara in the context of benchmarking activities and signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The event took place in the Unisnu Jepara Rectorate Seminar Room, became an important moment for the two Nahdlatul Ulama-based universities.


Attend this activity, Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, H. Ahmad Zaki Fuad, M.Ag., along with his entourage. Meanwhile, from Unisnu Jepara, The event was attended by the Chancellor Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Jamil, M.A., together with other leadership ranks.


In his speech, H. Ahmad Zaki Fuad expressed his appreciation for the collaboration with Unisnu Jepara. "Hopefully this visit will provide great benefits for both universities, both Unisnu Jepara and IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora,he said.


Chancellor of Unisnu Jepara, Prof. Abdul Jamil, welcomed this partnership and called it a strategic step in strengthening the Nahdlatul Ulama higher education network. “Let us grow and develop together, learn from each other, and promote each other. We are ready to support IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, including a return visit to Blora," he said.


As for, The Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two institutions covers the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education—education, study, and dedication to the community. It is hoped that this collaboration can increase the strategic role in the development of Islamic science and the quality of human resources.


The two parties also discussed the potential for cooperation at the international level, includes lecturer and student exchanges, joint scientific seminar, to international journal publications. “International cooperation is an important step to bring our universities to a more competitive level," said the Head of UPT International Services, Unisnu Jepara, Aprilia Riyana Putri, M.Pd.


At the benchmarking session involving the Faculty of Education, Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), as well as the Quality Assurance Agency (LPM) Unisnu Jepara. This session is an opportunity to share experiences and strategies to support strengthening the quality of each institution.


Through this collaboration, IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora and Unisnu Jepara hope to further contribute to advancing Islamic education and producing a competent generation on the national and international stage..


Report: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni








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