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Sharing Session with the Head of Sub-Directorate for Research and Community Service (Litabdimas) Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Religion year 2024 at Unwahas Semarang

Semarang, 27 December 2024 - On 27 December 2024, Association of Private Islamic Universities (Aptikis X) holding an important event taking place in the Theater Room on the floor 3 Campus 2 Wahid Hasyim University Faculty of Medicine (Unwahas) Semarang. This event was attended by the Chair of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) from private campuses in Central Java and recipients of Litabdimas Annual Research Grants 2024.

Attend this event, representatives from the IAI Khozinatul Ulum campus, which sent several lecturers to receive research grants this year 2024 and Chairman of LPPM IAI Khozinatul Ulum, Mr Zaimul Asroor, S.ThI., M.A.

In his speech, Dr. Just Kafid, S.Th.I., M.Sc., Head of Litabdimas Sub-Directorate Kemang RI, provide an explanation of the importance of quality research as the first step towards the success of a grant proposal. He emphasized that good research must be preceded by thorough preparation and not just rely on a large budget. Besides that, he also reminded grant recipients to focus on clear outputs and outcomes in their proposals, and make sure to read and understand the technical instructions (technical guidelines) existing before submitting the proposal.

Dr. Nur Kafid also provided several important tips for grant recipients, including the importance of submitting proposals that comply with technical guidelines and reminding not to include personal or institutional identities in proposals to maintain the quality of the blind review process.. "Make sure your Litabdimas account is active and don't forget to click 'submit', not 'draft',he said.

Besides that, for the Chairman of LPPM, Dr. Nur Kafid emphasized the importance of dividing tasks for each lecturer who wants to submit research, Devotion to the Community (PKM), as well as journal publications. This year, Each lecturer is only allowed to submit one proposal. Especially for publication, He suggested that the person who submitted the proposal should be a lecturer with Sinta 2 and 1, and is required to include journals with better rankings.

On this occasion, Dr. Nur Kafid also emphasized the importance of substance in grant proposals. A good proposal is one that is able to convey the main idea concisely in a limited space. Therefore, He reminded us not to just talk about religious moderation if it is not truly relevant, and dig deeper into issues that have not been widely discussed, such as philology and ancient manuscripts.

This event ended with an interactive discussion, where participants can share experiences and get input regarding submitting grant proposals and effective research strategies.

Aptikis X hopes, with this event, More and more researchers from private Islamic universities can take advantage of Litabdimas Research Grants to support the development of science and improve academic quality in Indonesia.

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