IAIKUPers-Institute of Islamic Religion (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum held an open senate session in the framework of the 8th undergraduate program for hundreds of students and students, at Graha Nusantara Blora, Saturday (09/03/2024).
The graduation procession began with the reading of Chancellor's Decree No. 88 in 2024, carried out by Vice Chancellor I, Ahmad Saifulloh M, Pd.I. was then inaugurated and handed over diplomas by the Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad M, Ag.S.Th.I. who was accompanied by the Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Business Economics and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
Don't forget IAI Deputy Chancellor III Khozinatul Ulum Blora, Ahmad Saiful Rizal, M.Pd. had the opportunity to read the Decree of the Chairman of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Number : 188/SK/IAIKHOZIN/I/2024 by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M,Pd as Deputy Chancellor III and reading of the 8th alumni pledge guided by Tasila Indana Zulfa
In his speech KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad M,Ag.S.Th.I said “This is the second graduation after the college was transformed into an institute. At the graduation, there are messages and hopes specifically for new graduates.
“Because you have become a graduate, you can take part in society. Knowledge can be used well and can color society in order to help make the nation smarter,” said the Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.
Ia, I wish the scholars from each faculty good luck, everything is ready to use. It means, ready to be used in various sectors according to the major that has been taken or according to the abilities possessed by the student (who has graduated) That,” hoped Gus Zaki.
It is known that the total number of graduates and female graduates this year, there are as many 130 graduates and female graduates from three IAI Khozinatul Ulum faculties who at this moment officially became graduates.
“From the tarbiyah faculty there is 99 student, Ushuludin faculty exists 9 Student, Islamic economics and business faculties exist 22 Student,he explained.
Caretaker of the Khozinatul Ulum Blora Islamic boarding school, Kh. Muharor Ali in his speech invited all of us who were present to be grateful, considering its connection with IAI Khozinatul Ulum which was founded, year after year it has stepped forward. Although initially only the IAT and ILHA study programs were established, we are continuing to propose PAI study programs, PGMI, ES, PS. After we were able to open this study program, many students studied here. This is the only step in getting the conversion from an institute to a university. by opening a postgraduate study program at least 5 doctor.”
H. Arief Rohman S.IP., M,Si in his speech strongly agreed that IAI Khozinatul Ulum could become a university, Moreover, later you can add majors such as animal husbandry and agriculture, remembering that in Blora district there is an established rice granary, because the majority of the population works as farmers. ” On this occasion, the Regent of Blora will hold a Koran system school program ,considering that state schools are inferior to Islamic boarding school-based schools. Finally, he hoped that the students who graduated would, can contribute to the growing community.
Prof. Dr. H. Nizar Ali,M, Ag. In delivering his oration, he said that if you want to convert it into a university, you must have an area of land 10 hectares and all study programs must be accredited A, remembering that if it has not been accredited, it could be the fate of students later in postgraduate studies, That's why accreditation is very important.
Lastly, Sa'adah Sauwan M.A. as the Chairperson of Baznas RI congratulated the graduates on graduation, Today's achievements are efforts and achievements at the point of success. Success is not only from the diploma you get, because after you get your diploma, in society requires the skills you have, then when you graduate, You must be able to collaborate with stakeholders with the skills you have. you are a special person, considering that there aren't many people out there who can wear a toga like you, then use your degree to seize the future. Remembering the hard work of a father and the tears of a mother, then make them as happy as possible.
at this moment, we will add support to unite people together, So hereby we provide support to IAI Khozinatul Ulum through scholarships for students who are struggling.
hit right 11:50 The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs by Kh. Muharor Ali as chairman of the Foundation who was accompanied by KH. Ahmad Zaky Fuad M,Ag.S.Th.I as Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum to Prof.Dr.H.Nizar Ali,M, Ag. and handing over memories to the best graduates of the 8th IAI Khozinatul Ulum.
Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni