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DemaPers- Tuesday (12/07/2023) Institute of Islamic Religion (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora held the release of Real Work Study students (KKN) the -13 year 2023 in the Hall of the Blora Regent's Official House. As much 99 students are deployed into the community.  The event for the release of Real Work Study students (KKN ) This theme carries the theme "Innovation in Religion-Based Village Development , Education and Economics".
   In the activity oKKNeleasing college students to real work (KKN) was opened by Dziya Alfa Nabila as MC . This was followed by the reading of the holy verses of the Koran read by Ahmad Syaifuddin. 
    and singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, Mars and the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hymn guided by Tasila Indana Zulfa.
     This year's KKN is planned to be carried out for two months, start 1 July to end of August 2023 in ten villages in Blora Regency. The location is in Palon Village, Nggondel Village , Megeri Village, Bangsri Village, Kalen Village, Kedungrejo Village and Medalem Village.
Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, DR. KH. Nour Ihsan LC,.MA. in his speech conveyed several messages to students who would undertake KKN assignments in the community.
 'We hope for students- Ushuluddin faculty student to be able to bring change and not become an extremist along with her learning journey while at KKN. In the future, hopefully we can further strengthen our understanding of the Al-Quran and Hadith, not only textually but contextually," he said.
 For students of the Islamic Economics and Business faculty, continued KH. Nur Ihsan, "We hope to develop the economy with good and correct principles, who are not also extremists and textualists but are also able to take the middle path and align for the sake of our economic progress.

For students of Tarbiyah and teaching faculties, "We all know that education is important, and one thing that differentiates good quality education is the level of self-confidence. So this is homework for tarbiyah friends on how they can provide good and appropriate teaching,he continued.
  Meanwhile, the Retno of Blora was represented on this occasion by Retno Kusumowati (Regent's Expert Staff for Social and Cultural Affairs) expressed his gratitude for the KKN program organized by IAI Khozinatul Ulum in Blora Regency.
He said "We are very grateful to IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora for helping to realize this KKN program, Moreover, a certain theme has been given and provision has been given to the students,he said.
   Present on this occasion were each village head from the seven villages that would be used as KKN locations, subdistrict head of KKN location, Bappeda Blora, and Baznas Blora.
 The release was carried out by the Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, KH.Nur Ihsan LC,.MA. and Mrs. Retno Kusumo Wati as Expert Staff for the Regent for Social and Social Welfare,  symbolically by giving KKN jackets to students.

  Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni
  Editor     : Mohammad Zainal Abidin , M. Pd.

DemaPers- Tuesday (12/07/2023) Institute of Islamic Religion (IAI) Khozinatul Ulum Blora held the release of Real Work Study students (KKN) the -13 year 2023 in the Hall of the Blora Regent's Official House. As much 99 students are deployed into the community.

The event for the release of Real Work Study students (KKN ) This has a theme “Religion-Based Village Development Innovation , Education and Economics”.

In the activity of releasing college students to real work (KKN) was opened by Dziya Alfa Nabila as MC . This was followed by the reading of the holy verses of the Koran read by Ahmad Syaifuddin.

and singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya, Mars and the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hymn guided by Tasila Indana Zulfa.

This year's KKN is planned to be carried out for two months, start 1 July to end of August 2023 in ten villages in Blora Regency. The location is in Palon Village, Nggondel Village , Megeri Village, Bangsri Village, Kalen Village, Kedungrejo Village and Medalem Village.

Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, DR. KH. Nour Ihsan LC,.MA. in his speech conveyed several messages to students who would undertake KKN assignments in the community.

'We hope for students- Ushuluddin faculty student to be able to bring change and not become an extremist along with her learning journey while at KKN. In the future, hopefully we can further strengthen our understanding of the Al-Quran and Hadith, not only textually but contextually," he said.

For students of the Islamic Economics and Business faculty, continued KH. Nur Ihsan, “We hope to develop the economy with good and correct principles, who are not also extremists and textualists but are also able to take the middle path and align for the sake of our economic progress.

For students of Tarbiyah and teaching faculties, “we all know that education is important, and one thing that differentiates good quality education is the level of self-confidence. So this is homework for tarbiyah friends on how they can provide good and appropriate teaching,he continued.

Meanwhile, the Retno of Blora was represented on this occasion by Retno Kusumowati (Regent's Expert Staff for Social and Cultural Affairs) expressed his gratitude for the KKN program organized by IAI Khozinatul Ulum in Blora Regency.

He said “We are very grateful to IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora for helping to realize this KKN program, Moreover, a certain theme has been given and provision has been given to the students,he said.

Present on this occasion were each village head from the seven villages that would be used as KKN locations, subdistrict head of KKN location, Bappeda Blora, and Baznas Blora.

The release was carried out by the Chancellor of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora, KH.Nur Ihsan LC,.MA. and Mrs. Retno Kusumo Wati as Expert Staff for the Regent for Social and Social Welfare, symbolically by giving KKN jackets to students.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

Editor : Mohammad Zainal Abidin , M. Pd.

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