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Dema Pers - Wednesday (12/07/2023 ) The Student Association of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business held a meeting to prepare for the inauguration of management at the Campus Coffee Terrace . Reorganization is a work program that is held every year to formulate successors who will continue the leadership relay at HMPS Sharia Business Management, HMPS Sharia Economics and HMPS Sharia Banking preparatory meeting for the inauguration of the management was attended by Ahmad Abdul Aziz M, Pd. selaku Kaprodi Perbankan Syari'ah, Mohammad Zainal Abidin As, Ahmad Makki , S. H.I.,M.H Selaku Kaprodi Ekonomi Syari'ah dan 12 administrators who are members of the management of HMPS FEBI. The inauguration preparation meeting was chaired by Lutfia Ainun as Chair of HMPS Sharia Business Management , instructed that there needs to be synergy between Study Program Student Associations (HMPS) which exist in all Study Programs at the Islamic Faculty of Economics and Business in preparing the structure, budget plan, as well as the programs that will be implemented, It is hoped that with this activity the program of activities that will be implemented by HMPS will be more focused and structured. The HMPS FEBI inauguration activity is planned to be held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall, Thursday 13 July 2023. And this meeting also discussed the formation of committee management as well as technical guidelines for the work of each designated committee divPdion. In addition, Mr. Abdul Aziz M, Pd. explained the items that must be prepared, including the HMPS MBS flag, ES and PS , Projector, Great Indonesia Song, Mars IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora and Letter of invitation.


Dema Pers - Wednesday (12/07/2023 ) The Student Association of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business held a meeting to prepare for the inauguration of management at the Campus Coffee Terrace . Reorganization is a work program that is held every year to formulate successors who will continue the leadership relay at HMPS Sharia Business Management, HMPS Sharia Economics and HMPS Sharia Banking preparatory meeting for the inauguration of the management was attended by Ahmad Abdul Aziz M, Pd. as Head of Sharia Banking Study Program, Mohammad Zainal Abidin As, Ahmad Makki , S. H.I., M.H as Head of Sharia Economics Study Program and 12 administrators who are members of the management of HMPS FEBI. The inauguration preparation meeting was chaired by Lutfia Ainun as Chair of HMPS Sharia Business Management , instructed that there needs to be synergy between Study Program Student Associations (HMPS) which exist in all Study Programs at the Islamic Faculty of Economics and Business in preparing the structure, budget plan, as well as the programs that will be implemented, It is hoped that with this activity the program of activities that will be implemented by HMPS will be more focused and structured. The HMPS FEBI inauguration activity is planned to be held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall, Thursday 13 July 2023. And this meeting also discussed the formation of committee management as well as technical guidelines for the work of each designaPdd committee division. In addition, Mr. Abdul Aziz M, Pd. explained the items that must be prepared, including the HMPS MBS flag, ES and PS , Projector, Great Indonesia Song, Mars IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora and Letter of invitation.

Dema Pers – Wednesday (12/07/2023 ) The Student Association of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business held a meeting to prepare for the inauguration of management at the Campus Coffee Terrace .

Reorganization is a work program that is held every year to formulate successors who will continue the leadership relay at HMPS Sharia Business Management, HMPS Sharia Economics and HMPS Sharia Banking

The preparation meeting for the appointment of this manager was attended by Ahmad Abdul Aziz M, Pd. as Head of Sharia Banking Study Program, Mohammad Zainal Abidin,M. Pd. , Ahmad Makki , S. H.I., M.H as Head of the Sharia Economics Study Program and 12 administrators who are members of the management of HMPS FEBI.

The inauguration preparation meeting was chaired by Lutfia Ainun as Chair of HMPS Sharia Business Management , instructed that there needs to be synergy between Study Program Student Associations (HMPS) which exist in all Study Programs at the Islamic Faculty of Economics and Business in preparing the structure, budget plan, as well as the programs that will be implemented, It is hoped that with this activity the program of activities that will be implemented by HMPS will be more focused and structured.

The HMPS FEBI inauguration activity is planned to be held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Hall, Thursday 13 July 2023.


And this meeting also discussed the formation of committee management as well as technical guidelines for the work of each designated committee division. In addition, Mr. Abdul Aziz M, Pd. explained the items that must be prepared, including the HMPS MBS flag, ES and PS , Projector, Great Indonesia Song, Mars IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora and Letter of invitation.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni





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