IAIKUPers- Directorate of Belief in Almighty God and Indigenous Peoples, The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, in collaboration with the Blora Regency Government, held a Spiritual Cultural Festival during 3 day, namely the date 8-9 July 2024.
On the first day it opened with art performances and folk performances held in Blora Square.
Hari kedua diisi dengan sarasehan budaya dengan tema ‘Ajaran Samin dan Relevansinya di Era Kekinian’ took place at the Blora Regent's Hall, and in the evening the Sangkan Paran Dumadi Theater Performance took place at Tirtonadi Reborn Blora.
Hari ketiga sekaligus hari terakhir diisi dengan Rembug Sedulur Sikep ‘Ngukuhi Wonge Nutugno Babadane’ at Pendopo Pengayoman Ploso Kediren, Randublatung, Blora. Then the evening continued with the Mapag Mbah Suro procession on Pulul 23.30 until finish.
“Acara sore hari ini dihadiri oleh para pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Blora, Rembang Regency, Bojonegoro Regency, and Grobogan Regency, Pati County, and Kudus Regency with the aim of the public knowing the government's commitment to carrying out cultural activities that must be preserved.” Said Dalhar Muhammadun as a Blora cultural figure. The third day of the event was also attended by several IAI Khozinatul Ulum students, yaitu Luthfia Ainun Ni’mah, Bilqis Saylirohmah, Afida Nurlaili, Rohmad Sofyan Ali, and M Amirul Huda to participate in knowing the Blora Regency government's commitment to the cultures of Blora Regency so that they remain sustainable, especially the teachings of sedulur sikep taught and delivered by Mbah Samin Surosentiko. “Saya bangga terhadap sinergi antara Direktorat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan YME dan Masyarakat Adat dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Blora yang mengadakan rembug sedulur sikep yang mendapatkan apresiasi dari pemerintah Kabupaten sekitar, namely indicating that the teachings of Sedulur Sikep must truly be preserved.” Said Bilqis, an IAI Khozinatul Ulum student who took the time to attend the meeting earlier.
Reporter: Luthfia Ainun Ni’mah