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Student organization ( ORMAWA) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora distributed donations to victims of Grobogan floods

IAIKUPers- Monday (3 February 2025) In order to provide assistance to flood victims in Grobogan Regency, Representative of Student Organizations (Ormawa) From IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora visited the Social Service for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA Dinsos) Blora Regency. This activity is a form of community service carried out by students as part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which includes education, study, and devotion.


Fundraising activities carried out on Thursday (31 January 2025) succeeded in gathering donations from various parties, including students, lecturer, market visitors, as well as motorists who pass in traffic signs. The funds collected are then channeled through the Indonesian PPPA Social Affairs and the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Blora.


Yusron, one of the student representatives, express their movements to help others, especially in difficult situations like today. "As part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, We feel this is our responsibility to provide direct benefits to the community, especially in challenging situations such as this flood disaster. We hope this activity can strengthen the relationship between the world of education and the community,he said.


Yusron also added that this social activity provides important learning about the values ​​of social care, solidarity, and the importance of cooperation between institutions in dealing with disasters. "Hopefully this assistance can ease the burden of our brothers and sisters affected by the flood. With the spirit of mutual cooperation, We are sure we can jointly face every challenge,he hoped.


The enthusiasm of the student's arrival was welcomed by Muhammad Iskak, SIP., M.Si., Blora Social Service Employee. In his speech, Muhammad Iskak expressed high appreciation for the care of students for flood victims. "We really appreciate the spirit of solidarity shown by IAI Khozinatul Ulum students. The assistance provided is not just material, but also provides new hope for the victims,” he said.


Further, Muhammad Iskak ensured that assistance would be distributed on target to those who needed. "Hopefully this collaboration can be an example for all of us to always care and help each other in difficult times,he added.


After receiving direction from the Social Service, Students continue coordinating with PMI Blora to ensure the distribution of donations on target. Yayuk Sri Utami, PMI Blora Employee, Also thank the students for the extraordinary concern. "The assistance provided, both in the form of material or moral support, very meaningful for victims who are facing difficulties. May this good deeds be rewarded from Allah Almighty,he said.


Cooperation between students, Social Service, and PMI Blora is expected to continue to be established to assist others in dealing with disasters and difficulties. With the spirit of mutual cooperation, It is hoped that the positive impact on the community can continue to be felt.


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni




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