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IAIKUPers-You don't have to wait long after being officially inaugurated, Saturday (13/01/2023) The administrators of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum student organization were immediately given guidance with the title of upgrading intra-campus student organizations for the academic year 2024 di Auditorium. The aim of holding this activity is to increase solidarity, and increasing member capabilities as indicators that support organizational performance. This Upgrading activity was opened by Tasila Indana Zulfa as Moderator. The first material about Organizational Management was presented by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III, he said that one of the determining factors for the success of an organization is its leader. "Leadership is a determinant of the success of an organization. The management of an organization will run well if the leaders are qualified. A leader must provide a good role model and example for each of his members, where he must be able to embrace and accompany his members.". He said. In the presentation of the second material, Secretarial and Financial Administration. H.Muhammad Nabil,S.Sy., M.Ag. as Deputy Chancellor II for Finance and Personnel Affairs said "It's the same with employees, Ormawa administrators are also one of the budget users who must be accounted for. Apart from being a place to improve skills, interests and talents, Organizations are also required to have orderly administration. All activities that use budgets originating from the campus must be accounted for. That every activity must be in accordance with its responsibilities. For example, there is a training activity but the responsibility is to print hundreds of reams of paper, This will be out of sync and has the potential to become a discovery of budget misappropriation. So the administrators of ormawa, especially the treasurer, must be orderly in administration, frequently consult with the finance department," he said. The enthusiasm for the discussion became even more interesting because many of the participants who attended asked questions about these two materials. It doesn't feel right 16.26, The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs by the committee which were given to the presenters. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers-You don't have to wait long after being officially inaugurated, Saturday (13/01/2023) The administrators of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum student organization were immediately given guidance with the title of upgrading intra-campus student organizations for the academic year 2024 di Auditorium. The aim of holding this activity is to increase solidarity, and increasing member capabilities as indicators that support organizational performance.    This Upgrading activity was opened by Tasila Indana Zulfa as Moderator. 
The first material about Organizational Management was presented by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III, he said that one of the determining factors for the success of an organization is its leader. "Leadership is a determinant of the success of an organization. The management of an organization will run well if the leaders are qualified. A leader must provide a good role model and example for each of his members, where he must be able to embrace and accompany his members.". He said.
  In the presentation of the second material, Secretarial and Financial Administration. H.Muhammad Nabil,S.Sy., M.Ag. as Deputy Chancellor II for Finance and Personnel Affairs said "It's the same with employees, Ormawa administrators are also one of the budget users who must be accounted for. Apart from being a place to improve skills, interests and talents, Organizations are also required to have orderly administration. All activities that use budgets originating from the campus must be accounted for. That every activity must be in accordance with its responsibilities. For example, there is a training activity but the responsibility is to print hundreds of reams of paper, This will be out of sync and has the potential to become a discovery of budget misappropriation. So the administrators of ormawa, especially the treasurer, must be orderly in administration, frequently consult with the finance department," he said.

The enthusiasm for the discussion became even more interesting because many of the participants who attended asked questions about these two materials. 

    It doesn't feel right  16.26, The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs by the committee which were given to the presenters. 
Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers-You don't have to wait long after being officially inaugurated, Saturday (13/01/2023) The administrators of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum student organization were immediately given guidance with the title of upgrading intra-campus student organizations for the academic year 2024 di Auditorium. The aim of holding this activity is to increase solidarity, and increasing member capabilities as indicators that support organizational performance.

This Upgrading activity was opened by Tasila Indana Zulfa as Moderator.

The first material about Organizational Management was presented by Ahmad Saiful Rizal M, Pd. As Deputy Chancellor III, he said that one of the determining factors for the success of an organization is its leader. "Leadership is a determinant of the success of an organization. The management of an organization will run well if the leaders are qualified. A leader must provide a good role model and example for each of his members, where he must be able to embrace and accompany his members.". He said.

In the presentation of the second material, Secretarial and Financial Administration. H.Muhammad Nabil,S.Sy., M.Ag. as Deputy Chancellor II for Finance and Personnel Affairs said “It's the same with employees, Ormawa administrators are also one of the budget users who must be accounted for. Apart from being a place to improve skills, interests and talents, Organizations are also required to have orderly administration. All activities that use budgets originating from the campus must be accounted for. That every activity must be in accordance with its responsibilities. For example, there is a training activity but the responsibility is to print hundreds of reams of paper, This will be out of sync and has the potential to become a discovery of budget misappropriation. So the administrators of ormawa, especially the treasurer, must be orderly in administration, Frequently consult with the finance department.”he said.


The enthusiasm for the discussion became even more interesting because many of the participants who attended asked questions about these two materials.


It doesn't feel right 16.26, The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs by the Head of SEMA to the Speakers.

Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


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