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IAIKuPers- Saturday (15 June 2024) Participants in the Advanced Scout Basic Level Course for the alert group carry out the Standby Stage practice in the Langitan Village field ,Tunjungan District,Blora. Before the practice began, Ms. Suyatno, as the Siaga Group course assistant, gave directions to the course participants. "The Siaga coach is the main role model from which a Siaga person looks, imitate, and adopt scouting values ​​and skills. Alert skills need to be presented in attractive packaging so that they foster excitement," he said. After explaining the material about Alert Scout Skills, KMD participants immediately went out into the field to carry out standby practical training with a supervisor who explained the technicalities of the training that would be carried out. The supervisor divides several posts for the participants, from the post 1-4 At each post there will be a game that lasts for 15-20 minute. In the first post ( garden of piety) invites the participants to be alert to memorize several prayer readings. In the second post ( Patriotism Park) the standby participants were tested for Baris - line up, starting from right facing left facing,turn right turn left and walk in place. In the third post ( garden of sensory intelligence) alerts were asked to arrange the Pancasila symbols in the correct order. At the fourth post ( playground ) invites the standby to play ball. So each group member must put the ball into the bucket by throwing it. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKuPers- Saturday (15 June 2024) Participants in the Advanced Scout Basic Level Course for the alert group carry out the Standby Stage practice in the Langitan Village field ,Tunjungan District,Blora. Before the practice began, Ms. Suyatno, as the Siaga Group course assistant, gave directions to the course participants.
  "The Siaga coach is the main role model from which a Siaga person looks, imitate, and adopt scouting values ​​and skills. Alert skills need to be presented in attractive packaging so that they foster excitement," he said.

   After explaining the material about Alert Scout Skills, KMD participants immediately went out into the field to carry out standby practical training with a supervisor who explained the technicalities of the training that would be carried out. The supervisor divides several posts for the participants, from the post 1-4 At each post there will be a game that lasts for 15-20 minute.
 In the first post ( garden of piety) invites the participants to be alert to memorize several prayer readings.
  In the second post ( Patriotism Park) the standby participants were tested for Baris - line up, starting from right facing left facing,turn right turn left and walk in place.
  In the third post ( garden of sensory intelligence) alerts were asked to arrange the Pancasila symbols in the correct order.
   At the fourth post ( playground ) invites the standby to play ball. So each group member must put the ball into the bucket by throwing it.

Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKuPers- Saturday (15 June 2024) Participants in the Advanced Scout Basic Level Course for the alert group carry out the Standby Stage practice in the Langitan Village field ,Tunjungan District,Blora.

Before the practice began, Ms. Suyatno, as the Siaga Group course assistant, gave directions to the course participants.

“The Siaga coach is the main role model from which a Siaga looks, imitate, and adopt scouting values ​​and skills. Alert skills need to be presented in attractive packaging so that they foster excitement," he said.


After explaining the material about Alert Scout Skills, KMD participants immediately went out into the field to carry out standby practical training with a supervisor who explained the technicalities of the training that would be carried out. The supervisor divides several posts for the participants, from the post 1-4 At each post there will be a game that lasts for 15-20 minute.

In the first post ( garden of piety) invites the participants to be alert to memorize several prayer readings.

In the second post ( Patriotism Park) the standby participants were tested for Baris – line up, starting from right facing left facing,turn right turn left and walk in place.

In the third post ( garden of sensory intelligence) alerts were asked to arrange the Pancasila symbols in the correct order.

At the fourth post ( playground ) invites the standby to play ball. So each group member must put the ball into the bucket by throwing it.



Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni






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