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IAIKuPers- Basic Advanced Course (KMD) organized by Kwartir Branch (Kwarcab) Blora has entered its fifth day, Jum'at (14/06/2024). This activity is carried out on the Golf Course , Kunden Village, Blora Regency. On this occasion, KMD participants were prepared to become scout leaders. They are equipped with a variety of course materials, including understanding and appreciating the basic statutes and bylaws of the scout movement, Scouting principles and methods, among system, honor system, practice how to train skills, and the formation of students' character in accordance with their physical and psychological development. It is hoped that this KMD can produce quality scout leaders, meet certain qualifications, strong front group builder, educational character, and can be a role model,"said Kak Sutarno when giving an introduction to the participants before carrying out the practice of becoming a coach. Further,Sutarno explained that it was hoped that the participant's assessment in carrying out the practice of developing scouts would be more in-depth,The basic principles of scouting are more internalized, including the development pattern of scout movement units, how to build in the front group, processes and activities that take place in a happy and enjoyable scout spirit and family. In accordance with the assessment aspects of coaching practice, among others: ability to open coaching material, quality of building plans (RM), the attraction of “ice breaking”, method, group management, smooth communication, use of media. “As well as appearance and neatness, the ability to provide reflection at the end of coaching and the ability to close coaching material," he concluded." The coaching practice is carried out by 87 participants divided above 12 group. They were given their own time 10 minute. And witnessed directly by the coaches. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

KMD IAI Khozinatul Ulum Participants Practice Building Scouts

IAIKuPers- Basic Advanced Course (KMD) organized by Kwartir Branch (Kwarcab) Blora has entered its fifth day, Jum'at (14/06/2024). This activity is carried out on the Golf Course , Kunden Village, Blora Regency.    On this occasion, KMD participants were prepared to become scout leaders. They are equipped with a variety of course materials, including understanding and appreciating the basic statutes and bylaws of the scout movement, Scouting principles and methods, among system, honor system, practice how to train skills, and the formation of students' character in accordance with their physical and psychological development.
  It is hoped that this KMD can produce quality scout leaders, meet certain qualifications, strong front group builder, educational character, and can be a role model,"said Kak Sutarno when giving an introduction to the participants before carrying out the practice of becoming a coach.

   Further,Sutarno explained that it was hoped that the participant's assessment in carrying out the practice of developing scouts would be more in-depth,The basic principles of scouting are more internalized, including the development pattern of scout movement units, how to build in the front group, processes and activities that take place in a happy and enjoyable scout spirit and family.
   In accordance with the assessment aspects of coaching practice, among others: ability to open coaching material, quality of building plans (RM), the attraction of “ice breaking”, method, group management, smooth communication, use of media.
“As well as appearance and neatness, the ability to provide reflection at the end of coaching and the ability to close coaching material," he concluded."

  The coaching practice is carried out by 87 participants divided above 12 group. They were given their own time 10 minute. And witnessed directly by the coaches.

Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni
KMD IAI Khozinatul Ulum Participants Practice Building Scouts

IAIKuPers- Basic Advanced Course (KMD) organized by Kwartir Branch (Kwarcab) Blora has entered its fifth day, Jum’at (14/06/2024). This activity is carried out on the Golf Course , Kunden Village, Blora Regency.

On this occasion, KMD participants were prepared to become scout leaders. They are equipped with a variety of course materials, including understanding and appreciating the basic statutes and bylaws of the scout movement, Scouting principles and methods, among system, honor system, practice how to train skills, and the formation of students' character in accordance with their physical and psychological development.

It is hoped that this KMD can produce quality scout leaders, meet certain qualifications, strong front group builder, educational character, and can be a role model,"said Kak Sutarno when giving an introduction to the participants before carrying out the practice of becoming a coach.


Further,Sutarno explained that it was hoped that the participant's assessment in carrying out the practice of developing scouts would be more in-depth,The basic principles of scouting are more internalized, including the development pattern of scout movement units, how to build in the front group, processes and activities that take place in a happy and enjoyable scout spirit and family.

In accordance with the assessment aspects of coaching practice, among others: ability to open coaching material, quality of building plans (RM), the attraction of “ice breaking”, method, group management, smooth communication, use of media.

“As well as appearance and neatness, kemampuan memberikan refleksi di akhir pembinaan serta kemampuan menutup materi pembinaan.”he closed.”


The coaching practice is carried out by 87 participants divided above 12 group. They were given their own time 10 minute. And witnessed directly by the coaches.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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