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IAIKUPers- Monday (27 November 2023) Student General Election Commission (KPUM) IAI Khozinatul Ulum held the selection stages, namely drawing serial numbers. The drawing of candidate pairs was held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Campus, precisely in the Hall, attended by the Student General Election Commission Committee, Representatives of Dema Management and Representatives from the Student Party. In obtaining the results of the draw for the serial numbers of the Candidates for Chairman and Deputy of the IAI Student Executive Council Khozinatul Ulum Blora against 2 candidates who have been determined according to the Decree, namely, the couple Ali Anwar and Salma Nabila got the serial number 01. Meanwhile, Candidate Pairs, Lista Nur sholihah dan Lutfia ainun Ni'mah mendapat Nomor Urut 02. The drawing for serial numbers will be held directly and openly. And the determination of the serial numbers for Student Senate candidates will be determined by the KPUM committee.. Tia Dwi Aprilianti as Chair of the Student General Election Commission said that "the drawing of serial numbers was carried out openly to avoid any skewed issues that could hamper the progress of the General Election stages.. According to the steps that have been made, Today we are carrying out the agenda for drawing candidate serial numbers. We carry out the steps openly to prevent unwanted things" said Tia when leading the drawing of numbers". The student who is familiarly known as Nuril also appealed to the student presidential candidate pairs in carrying out socialization to continue to pay attention to the rules that have been set.. The reason, she said, Candidate pairs found violating will be subject to sanctions. “After this declaration, the peace campaign will last for as long as 7 day start date 28 November until 4 December , Socialization carried out by candidate pairs must remain in accordance with established rules,” he said He also stated that, to avoid unwanted things, The Unidayan Student General Election Commission asks all students to confirm directly if any skewed issues are found regarding the Election of the Student Executive Council and Student Health this year. 2023 This. "We ask all Unidayan students, If there are issues in the Presma election, immediately confirm them directly at the KPUM secretariat so that hoax issues do not spread., so that we can also clarify as soon as possible,” he concluded. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- Monday (27 November 2023) Student General Election Commission (KPUM) IAI Khozinatul Ulum held the selection stages, namely drawing serial numbers. The drawing of candidate pairs was held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Campus, precisely in the Hall, attended by the Student General Election Commission Committee, Representatives of Dema Management and Representatives from the Student Party. In obtaining the results of the draw for the serial numbers of the Candidates for Chairman and Deputy of the IAI Student Executive Council Khozinatul Ulum Blora against 2 candidates who have been determined according to the Decree, namely, the couple Ali Anwar and Salma Nabila got the serial number 01. Meanwhile, Candidate Pairs, Lista Nur Sholihah and Lutfia Ainun Ni'mah received Serial Numbers 02. The drawing for serial numbers will be held directly and openly. And the determination of the serial numbers for Student Senate candidates will be determined by the KPUM committee.. Tia Dwi Aprilianti as Chair of the Student General Election Commission said that "the drawing of serial numbers was carried out openly to avoid any skewed issues that could hamper the progress of the General Election stages.. According to the steps that have been made, Today we are carrying out the agenda for drawing candidate serial numbers. We carry out the steps openly to prevent unwanted things" said Tia when leading the drawing of numbers". The student who is familiarly known as Nuril also appealed to the student presidential candidate pairs in carrying out socialization to continue to pay attention to the rules that have been set.. The reason, she said, Candidate pairs found violating will be subject to sanctions. “After this declaration, the peace campaign will last for as long as 7 day start date 28 November until 4 December , Socialization carried out by candidate pairs must remain in accordance with established rules,” he said He also stated that, to avoid unwanted things, The Unidayan Student General Election Commission asks all students to confirm directly if any skewed issues are found regarding the Election of the Student Executive Council and Student Health this year. 2023 This. "We ask all Unidayan students, If there are issues in the Presma election, immediately confirm them directly at the KPUM secretariat so that hoax issues do not spread., so that we can also clarify as soon as possible,” he concluded. Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers- Monday (27 November 2023) Student General Election Commission (KPUM) IAI Khozinatul Ulum held the selection stages, namely drawing serial numbers.

The drawing of candidate pairs was held at the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Campus, precisely in the Hall, attended by the Student General Election Commission Committee, Representatives of Dema Management and Representatives from the Student Party.

In obtaining the results of the draw for the serial numbers of the Candidates for Chairman and Deputy of the IAI Student Executive Council Khozinatul Ulum Blora against 2 candidates who have been determined according to the Decree, namely, the couple Ali Anwar and Salma Nabila got the serial number 01. Meanwhile, Candidate Pairs, Lista Nur Sholihah and Lutfia Ainun Ni'mah received Serial Numbers 02. The drawing for serial numbers will be held directly and openly. And the determination of the serial numbers for Student Senate candidates will be determined by the KPUM committee..


Tia Dwi Aprilianti as Chair of the Student General Election Commission said that “The drawing of serial numbers is carried out openly to avoid any skewed issues that could hamper the progress of the election stages. According to the steps that have been made, Today we are carrying out the agenda for drawing candidate serial numbers. We carry out the steps openly to prevent unwanted things” said Tia when leading the drawing of numbers”.


The student who is familiarly known as Nuril also appealed to the student presidential candidate pairs in carrying out socialization to continue to pay attention to the rules that have been set.. The reason, she said, Candidate pairs found violating will be subject to sanctions.


“After this declaration, the peace campaign will last for as long as 7 day start date 28 November until 4 December , Socialization carried out by candidate pairs must remain in accordance with established rules,” he said

He also stated that, to avoid unwanted things, The Unidayan Student General Election Commission asks all students to confirm directly if any skewed issues are found regarding the Election of the Student Executive Council and Student Health this year. 2023 This.

"We ask all Unidayan students, If there are issues in the Presma election, immediately confirm them directly at the KPUM secretariat so that hoax issues do not spread., so that we can also clarify as soon as possible,” he concluded.


Information : Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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