IAIKUPers – Thursday (6 March 2025) Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora began to hold a general study in order to fill the Holy Month of Ramadan 1446 H. This activity was carried out at the Al-Hamidah Mosque with the theme “Digging the meaning of Ramadan with a show.”
On this occasion, Muhammad Shaiful, M.Ag, lined up as a speaker in the general recitation of the first round, Saiful, Lecturer of Ihaku Blora who is also the Chairperson of the Hadith Science Study Program (ILHA).
This activity was attended by h. Agus Susanto, Lc., M.Ag., Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, H. Akhmad Mubadillah, M.Ag., Head of Islamic Business Management Study Program (MBS), Ahmad Makki, S.H.I., M.H., Chairman of the Sharia Economics Study Program (ES), Rohmatun Nafiah, M.E., Chairman of the Sharia Banking Study Program (PS), Muhammad Zainal Abidin, M.Pd., Secretary of the Sharia Economics Study Program (ES), and Nani Feliyani, M.H, Secretary of the Islamic Business Management Study Program (MBS ) and IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students.
In his speech, H. Agus Susanto, Lc., M.Ag., As Dean of Febi, said that this recitation activity was held to enliven and fill the holy month of Ramadan 1446 H with theme “Digging the meaning of Ramadan with a show”, The theme was chosen to provide a deeper understanding of the essence of Ramadan.
General Studies, This activity will be held every Thursday during the holy month of Ramadan 1446 H after the tadarus activity held by the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK). Besides that, This recitation activity is also the result of cooperation between Febi and FU and FITK.
Although at this first meeting the number of participants who attended was somewhat a little, with around 15 students but the activity took place very wisdom and gayeng. Dean Febi hopes that subsequent meetings can be attended by more students. “His hope for the meeting next Thursday, This activity can be more effective and more IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora students are present,” said h. Agus Susanto.
Further, The Dean of Febi also emphasized that the purpose of this activity was to care for and revive holy activities during the month of Ramadan. “Ramadan is not just about enduring hunger and thirst, but also a moment to dig a deeper meaning. In this era, Many people consider the month of Ramadan, Even though Ramadan gives innumerable rewards by human reason. This is the right time for Muslims to practice being a better person in the future,” he said.
This recitation activity is also expected to provide more benefits to students in exploring the meaning of Ramadan and strengthen friendship between faculties in the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora environment.
Agus Susanto added, In addition to these general recitation activities, In a series of Ramadan Febi activities 2025, "It is Febi Pesantren Ramadan in SMAN 1 Ngawen Starting Today, Thursday to Friday date 6-7 March 2025, tadarus activities/ ecobic discussions and HMPS Raker at Febi Date 20 March 2025 and Ramadhan Bazaar Activity Date 25 March 2025, "he concluded,
Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni