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IAIKUPers- In preserving local culture, The Hadroh Khiznaya Albana team was invited to enliven the IAIKU Festival at Graha Nusantara. (23 December 2023) Hadroh is a type of musical instrument that has an Islamic nuance, sound art accompanied by tambourine (percussion of animal skin) as a musical instrument. Meanwhile, the songs that will be sung are songs with Islamic nuances, about praise to Allah SWT and praise to His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad SAW. It started from just displaying Hadroh at campus UKM activities in particular . Now the Hadroh Khiznaya Albana Team can be enjoyed by the community, not just limited to campus circles. Even though they only appear for a short time 2 jam, start at 13.00-15.00, but the Hadroh team was so united in singing the Prophet's prayer songs that sounded in tune with the musical instruments being played. The invited guests were amazed by the beautiful and melodious voices of the Hadroh Team, not only that, The audience also joined in chanting the prayers sung by the Hadroh Team because the enthusiasm of the audience really enjoyed and was entertained by their performance.. one member of the Hadroh Team hopes that Hadroh Kisnaya Albana will become more widely known, not only limited to the campus environment but can be accepted and enjoyed by various groups of society. Apart from that too, its presence can help in preserving culture and at the same time as a form of socialization from the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus "Hopefully our presence will provide a new nuance in the implementation of remembrance this time. Reason, "The aim of our presence here is not only to fill the event but also to promote the campus to the students who attend this activity." Said as a member of the Hadroh Team. Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


IAIKUPers- In preserving local culture, The Hadroh Khiznaya Albana team was invited to enliven the IAIKU Festival at Graha Nusantara. (23 December 2023)    Hadroh is a type of musical instrument that has an Islamic nuance, sound art accompanied by tambourine (percussion of animal skin) as a musical instrument. Meanwhile, the songs that will be sung are songs with Islamic nuances, about praise to Allah SWT and praise to His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
   It started from just displaying Hadroh at campus UKM activities in particular . Now the Hadroh Khiznaya Albana Team can be enjoyed by the community, not just limited to campus circles. 

  Even though they only appear for a short time 2 jam, start at 13.00-15.00, but the Hadroh team was so united in singing the Prophet's prayer songs that sounded in tune with the musical instruments being played. The invited guests were amazed by the beautiful and melodious voices of the Hadroh Team, not only that, The audience also joined in chanting the prayers sung by the Hadroh Team because the enthusiasm of the audience really enjoyed and was entertained by their performance..
   one member of the Hadroh Team hopes that Hadroh Kisnaya Albana will become more widely known, not only limited to the campus environment but can be accepted and enjoyed by various groups of society. Apart from that too, its presence can help in preserving culture and also as a form of socialization on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus

"Hopefully our presence will provide a new nuance in the implementation of remembrance this time. Reason, "The aim of our presence here is not only to fill the event but also to promote the campus to the students who attend this activity." Said as a member of the Hadroh Team.

Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

IAIKUPers- In preserving local culture, The Hadroh Khiznaya Albana team was invited to enliven the IAIKU Festival at Graha Nusantara. (23 December 2023)

Hadroh is a type of musical instrument that has an Islamic nuance, sound art accompanied by tambourine (percussion of animal skin) as a musical instrument. Meanwhile, the songs that will be sung are songs with Islamic nuances, about praise to Allah SWT and praise to His Majesty the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

It started from just displaying Hadroh at campus UKM activities in particular . Now the Hadroh Khiznaya Albana Team can be enjoyed by the community, not just limited to campus circles.


Even though they only appear for a short time 2 jam, start at 13.00-15.00, but the Hadroh team was so united in singing the Prophet's prayer songs that sounded in tune with the musical instruments being played. The invited guests were amazed by the beautiful and melodious voices of the Hadroh Team, not only that, The audience also joined in chanting the prayers sung by the Hadroh Team because the enthusiasm of the audience really enjoyed and was entertained by their performance..

one member of the Hadroh Team hopes that Hadroh Kisnaya Albana will become more widely known, not only limited to the campus environment but can be accepted and enjoyed by various groups of society. Apart from that too, its presence can help in preserving culture and also as a form of socialization on the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora campus


"Our presence hopefully provides a new nuance in the implementation of dhikr this time. Reason, "The aim of our presence here is not only to fill the event but also to promote the campus to the students who attend this activity." Said as a member of the Hadroh Team.


Information :Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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