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IAIKUPers- at the end of 2023, the IAIKU Festival Committee held a national webinar with speakers Ning Muhim Nailul Ulya and Ning Nadia Nely Amalia Abdurrahman with the theme" The Role of the Al-Quran Mushaf in Building Islamic Civilization and Humanity " ( Saturday 23 December 2023) don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya which was guided by Ainur Rohmah Tasila Indana Zulfa as chairman of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema, saying thank you very much to the participants who took the time to attend this national seminar., as we know Al-Quran is a guide and guidance for mankind, In my opinion, for each generation there are definitely differences in the characters. Hopefully after participating in this activity, In the future we will gain knowledge and insight into the Al-Quran. This webinar was moderated by Ali Anwar ( PAI IAI student Khozinatul Ulum Blora) attended by Lecturers, among students, Islamic boarding school students and the general public outside campus. This webinar will be part of a series of IAIKu festival events to increase knowledge sharing for students and the general public who participate via Zoom meetings. Ning Muhim Ulya said "that the role of the Al-Quran Mushaf in building civilization is motivated by the history of the codification of the Al-Quran, the existence of the Ottoman Mushaf, Mushaf in Indonesia, Racial differences and differences in Mushaf for the people. Khulafaur Rashidin's phase during the burning of the ashes, there was a tragedy of yamamah, dozens or even hundreds of huffadz were killed,Meanwhile, during the time of Usman bin Affan, there was a dispute because there was a reading that ended in takfir. Meanwhile, the history of Mushaf in Indonesia began with the development of Mushaf writing in the 16th century , Likewise in Indonesia there is the oldest Mushaf written by Afifudin Abdul Baqi and perfected by Nur Cahya in 1590. In fact, this ancient Mushaf began to develop in 2003, the Mushaf that is widely used in Indonesia is the Bombay printed Mushaf, india. The Bombay Indian Mushaf is used in Indonesia because it has thick letters and lots of waqf marks. The popularity of the Al-Quran manuscripts printed in Bombay India is also inseparable from the role of Indian traders. In essence, the role of mushaf for Muslims includes providing education about philology and codicology , providing education about the science of the Koran starting from rasm, qira'at,dhabt/Syakl. Ning Nadia Nely Amalia Abdurrahman, Lc. explained that the Prophet Muhammad took the verse without using a Mushaf, but when Prophet Muhammad SAW memorized he did not write, but,His friend was afraid that he would lose his memorization, then his friend wrote down his memorization with fronds or sticks. Meanwhile, female traveler clerics started with Aisyah bint Abu Bakar, Umm Salama, sayyadah sukainah, Zainab Al-Ghazali, Naylah Hasyim Shabari, Harimah Hamzah bint Abdul Lathif and Aishah Abdurahman. Similarly, in Indonesia there are female traveling scholars including Sultanah Safiatundin, Prof. D.R. Amani Lubis. MA. and Prof. Dr. Huzaemak Tahido Yanggo, MA. " Finally, he advised that women must be able to educate themselves, before educating their children." The enthusiasm for the discussion became even more interesting because many of the participants who attended asked questions about these two materials. It doesn't feel right 13.07 The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs by the IAIKU Festival committee to the two presenters. Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.


IAIKUPers- at the end of 2023, the IAIKU Festival Committee held a national webinar with speakers Ning Muhim Nailul Ulya and Ning Nadia Nely Amalia Abdurrahman with the theme" The Role of the Al-Quran Mushaf in Building Islamic Civilization and Humanity " ( Saturday 23 December 2023) don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya which was guided by Ainur Rohmah Tasila Indana Zulfa as chairman of the IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Dema, saying thank you very much to the participants who took the time to attend this national seminar., as we know Al-Quran is a guide and guidance for mankind, In my opinion, for each generation there are definitely differences in the characters. Hopefully after participating in this activity, In the future we will gain knowledge and insight into the Al-Quran. 
    This webinar was moderated by Ali Anwar ( PAI IAI student Khozinatul Ulum Blora) attended by Lecturers, among students, Islamic boarding school students and the general public outside campus. This webinar will be part of a series of IAIKu festival events to increase knowledge sharing for students and the general public who participate via Zoom meetings. 
  Ning Muhim Ulya said "that the role of the Al-Quran Mushaf in building civilization is motivated by the history of the codification of the Al-Quran, the existence of the Ottoman Mushaf, Mushaf in Indonesia, Racial differences and differences in Mushaf for the people. Khulafaur Rashidin's phase during the burning of the ashes, there was a tragedy of yamamah, dozens or even hundreds of huffadz were killed,Meanwhile, during the time of Usman bin Affan, there was a dispute because there was a reading that ended in takfir. Meanwhile, the history of Mushaf in Indonesia began with the development of Mushaf writing in the 16th century , Likewise in Indonesia there is the oldest Mushaf written by Afifudin Abdul Baqi and perfected by Nur Cahya in 1590. In fact, this ancient Mushaf began to develop in 2003, the Mushaf that is widely used in Indonesia is the Bombay printed Mushaf, india.  The Bombay Indian Mushaf is used in Indonesia because it has thick letters and lots of waqf marks. The popularity of the Al-Quran manuscripts printed in Bombay India is also inseparable from the role of Indian traders. In essence, the role of mushaf for Muslims includes providing education about philology and codicology , providing education about the science of the Koran starting from rasm, qira'at,dhabt/Syakl.
  Ning Nadia Nely Amalia Abdurrahman, Lc. explained that the Prophet Muhammad took the verse without using a Mushaf, but when Prophet Muhammad SAW memorized he did not write, but,His friend was afraid that he would lose his memorization, then his friend wrote down his memorization with fronds or sticks. Meanwhile, female traveler clerics started with Aisyah bint Abu Bakar, Umm Salama, sayyadah sukainah, Zainab Al-Ghazali, Naylah Hasyim Shabari, Harimah Hamzah bint Abdul Lathif and Aishah Abdurahman. Similarly, in Indonesia there are female traveling scholars including Sultanah Safiatundin, Prof. D.R. Amani Lubis. MA. and Prof. Dr. Huzaemak Tahido Yanggo, MA. 
 " Finally, he advised that women must be able to educate themselves, before educating their children."

    The enthusiasm for the discussion became even more interesting because many of the participants who attended asked questions about these two materials. 

    It doesn't feel right 13.07 The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs by the IAIKU Festival committee to the two presenters. 

Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.

IAIKUPers- at the end of 2023, the IAIKU Festival Committee held a national webinar with speakers Ning Muhim Nailul Ulya and Ning Nadia Nely Amalia Abdurrahman with the theme” The Role of the Al-Quran Mushaf in Building Islamic Civilization and Humanity ” ( Saturday 23 December 2023) Don't forget to sing the song Indonesia Raya led by Ainur Rohmah

Tasila Indana Zulfa as chairman of Dema IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora expressed his thanks to the participants who took the time to attend this national seminar., as we know Al-Quran is a guide and guidance for mankind, In my opinion, for each generation there are definitely differences in the characters. Hopefully after participating in this activity, In the future we will gain knowledge and insight into the Al-Quran.

This webinar was moderated by Ali Anwar ( PAI IAI student Khozinatul Ulum Blora) attended by Lecturers, among students, Islamic boarding school students and the general public outside campus. This webinar will be part of a series of IAIKu festival events to increase knowledge sharing for students and the general public who participate via Zoom meetings.

Ning Muhim Ulya said “that the role of the Al-Quran Mushaf in building civilization is motivated by the history of the codification of the Al-Quran, the existence of the Ottoman Mushaf, Mushaf in Indonesia, Racial differences and differences in Mushaf for the people. Khulafaur Rashidin's phase during the burning of the ashes, there was a tragedy of yamamah, dozens or even hundreds of huffadz were killed,Meanwhile, during the time of Usman bin Affan, there was a dispute because there was a reading that ended in takfir. Meanwhile, the history of Mushaf in Indonesia began with the development of Mushaf writing in the 16th century , Likewise in Indonesia there is the oldest Mushaf written by Afifudin Abdul Baqi and perfected by Nur Cahya in 1590. In fact, this ancient Mushaf began to develop in 2003, the Mushaf that is widely used in Indonesia is the Bombay printed Mushaf, india. The Bombay Indian Mushaf is used in Indonesia because it has thick letters and lots of waqf marks. The popularity of the Al-Quran manuscripts printed in Bombay India is also inseparable from the role of Indian traders. In essence, the role of mushaf for Muslims includes providing education about philology and codicology , providing education about the science of the Koran starting from rasm, qira’at,dhabt/Syakl.

Ning Nadia Nely Amalia Abdurrahman, Lc. explained that the Prophet Muhammad took the verse without using a Mushaf, but when Prophet Muhammad SAW memorized he did not write, but,His friend was afraid that he would lose his memorization, then his friend wrote down his memorization with fronds or sticks. Meanwhile, female traveler clerics started with Aisyah bint Abu Bakar, Umm Salama, sayyadah sukainah, Zainab Al-Ghazali, Naylah Hasyim Shabari, Harimah Hamzah bint Abdul Lathif and Aishah Abdurahman. Similarly, in Indonesia there are female traveling scholars including Sultanah Safiatundin, Prof. D.R. Amani Lubis. MA. and Prof. Dr. Huzaemak Tahido Yanggo, MA.

” Finally, he advised that women must be able to educate themselves, before educating their children.”

The enthusiasm for the discussion became even more interesting because many of the participants who attended asked questions about these two materials.

It doesn't feel right 13.07 The event closed with the presentation of souvenirs by the IAIKU Festival committee to the two presenters.


Information:Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni.





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