IAIKUPers- Saturday (20 July 2024) Representatives of the HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora delegation attended the themed National Seminar “Meningkatkan Kualitas Kredibilitas dan Profesionalitas Lulusan PAI”. at the Islamic High School ( STAI) Also.
Hundreds of students from various universities in Central Java were also present. They discussed the fate of the Islamic Religious Education department (PAI) in the future.
Chairman of the Indonesian Private Teachers Association (PGSI) Central Java,Muh Zen, Become a speaker at the seminar. He had the opportunity to provide guidance to prospective Islamic Religious Education graduates to become more professional and of better quality.
“Ini rutin, They toured campuses. Mereka mengkaji soal perkembangan materi pembelajaran PAI untuk mahasiswa”.Kata Muh Zen.
It explains, hundreds of students from 15 These colleges come together to exchange ideas. That is, discussing their future direction to become professional PAI graduates.
“Ini Juga untuk melihat pandangan mahasiswa bahwa PAI menjadi salah satu jurusan yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan”Jelas Muh. Zen
Berbagai kebijakan pemerintah tentang pendidikan pun menjadi perbincangan dalam forum tersebut. They do not want PAI graduates to become victims of impartial government policies.
“Mereka juga tidak elergi dengan isu tentang kebijakan pendidikan. This is important, mereka harus mengerti kebijakan pemerintah.jangan sampai mereka menjadi korban kebijakan yang tidak pro kepada guru.”ucap dia.
This man who is a member of Commission E DPRD Central Java hopes, The PAI major is not looked down upon by society. According to her, PAI also has the same role as other majors which are considered more flashy.
“Jurusan PAI saya rasa juga mempunyai peran untuk memajukan bangsa. The quality should not be underestimated. We have our own qualities.” said Muh Zen.
On the same occasion, Pasca attended the event, Ahmad good ajidin hope ” In the future, HMPS PAI IAI Khozinatul Ulum will be better and more developed in the future and can produce quality PAI graduates, have credibility, and professionalism that is no less competitive with PAI graduates from other campuses in Central Java. ” PAI students responded.”
Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni