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DemaPers- Minggu ( 22 October 2023 ) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Representative Participates in the Santri Day Ceremony at Blora Square. By using a sarong and cap , Regent H. Arief Rohman , Directly leading the Call to commemorate Santri Day with participation from Forkopimda ranks, OPD Leader, Ministry of Religion, The students , The PCNU management along with the IPNU Banom, IPPNU,FATAYAT,PMII, Banser, and all participants in the opposite ceremony wore sarongs. In his mandate, Regent H. Arief Rohman read the Minister of Religion's remarks, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said that through presidential decree Number 22 Year 2015 has set a date 22 October commemorates Santri Day. Determination 22 October refers to the enactment of the "Jihad Resolution " Which contains a fatwa on the obligation to fight jihad to defend Indonesia's independence. " This jihad resolution then gave birth to a heroic event 10 November 1945 which we commemorate as Heroes' Day. Since set in the year 2015 , Every year we regularly hold Santri Day commemorations with different themes " Obviously , MingSunday/10/2023) . According to him for years 2023 This, Santri Day commemoration has a theme " Jihad Santri Jakan State " Which we raise on the commemoration of Santri Day this time , Has the deepest meaning. " The word "Jihad". " In Islam it is not limited to physical fighting , But rather the overall struggle which includes the struggle to strengthen faith, deepen knowledge, and improve yourself. Today, we reflect on how the role of Santri as religious and scientific pillars can be a driving force for the nation's progress " Imbuhnya. As Santri we are not only obliged to understand religious teachings well, but also responsible for making religious values ​​the basis of our daily actions and behavior. " Santri must have a good example in society , menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kebaikan , toleransi dan persaudaraan. Naturally, We also have to remember how big a role the Islamic boarding school students play in the history of this nation " tuturnya. Not only that, Santri must be good exampuphold good valuesi-ntolerance and brotherhooddan persaudaraan. " Of course, we also have to remember how big a role the Islamic boarding school students played in the history of this nation's struggle. They were involved in various important events that shaped Indonesian independence " Imbuhnya. Santri Day che addedtion does not belong to Santri alone, Santri Day belongs to all of us, belongs to all components of the nation who love their homeland, belongs to those who have the steadfastness in upholding national values. "Because of that, I invite all Indonesian people, especially Blora , what is the background, to join in celebrating Santri Day. Celebrate by tracing the struggle of Santri and maintaining human dignity for Indonesia&quohe saidnya. On this occasion, Santri Day is the right moment to reflect on our role in making this country successful. As the next generation , We must continue to learn and strive to achieve perfection in religious knowledge and general knowledge. " Let's reflect and practice the spirit of Santri Jihad in our daily lives. Our struggle is not just a physical struggle , but the struggle to fight ignorance, injustice, poverty, and all forms of unhappiness. together- together we can make this state a success by bringing positive changes in the future " he explained. Currently our country is facing various complex challenges and changes. In the midst of ever-changing global dynamics, Santri have a key role in maintaining the integrity of religious and moral values ​​in society. " Let's unite , keep fighting, and carry out the role as an agent of change that brings progress to this country. "Close it." After the call , The event then closed with the handover of assistance from the Blora Regency Basnaz in the form of scholarships for students who memorize Al- Quran. Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


DemaPers- Minggu (  22 October 2023 )  IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Representative Participates in the Santri Day Ceremony at Blora Square.   By using a sarong and cap , Regent H. Arief Rohman , Directly leading the Call to commemorate Santri Day with participation from Forkopimda ranks, OPD Leader, Ministry of Religion, The students , The PCNU management along with the IPNU Banom, IPPNU,FATAYAT,PMII, Banser, and all participants in the opposite ceremony wore sarongs. 
   In his mandate, Regent H. Arief Rohman read the Minister of Religion's remarks, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said that through presidential decree Number 22 Year 2015 has set a date 22 October commemorates Santri Day. Determination 22 October refers to the enactment of the "Jihad Resolution " Which contains a fatwa on the obligation to fight jihad to defend Indonesia's independence. 
  " This jihad resolution then gave birth to a heroic event 10 November 1945 which we commemorate as Heroes' Day. Since set in the year 2015 , Every year we regularly hold Santri Day commemorations with different themes " Obviously , MingSunday/10/2023) . 
  According to him for years 2023 This, Santri Day commemoration has a theme " Jihad Santri Jakan State " Which we raise on the commemoration of Santri Day this time , Has the deepest meaning. 
  " The word "Jihad". " In Islam it is not limited to physical fighting , But rather the overall struggle which includes the struggle to strengthen faith, deepen knowledge, and improve yourself. Today, we reflect on how the role of Santri as religious and scientific pillars can be a driving force for the nation's progress " Imbuhnya. 
   As Santri we are not only obliged to understand religious teachings well, but also responsible for making religious values ​​the basis of our daily actions and behavior. 
  " Santri must have a good example in society , menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kebaikan , toleransi dan persaudaraan. Naturally, We also have to remember how big a role the Islamic boarding school students play in the history of this nation " tuturnya. 
   Not only that, Santri must be good exampuphold good valuesi-ntolerance and brotherhooddan persaudaraan. 
  " Of course, we also have to remember how big a role the Islamic boarding school students played in the history of this nation's struggle. They were involved in various important events that shaped Indonesian independence " Imbuhnya. 
   Santri Dhe addedmoration does not belong to Santri alone, Santri Day belongs to all of us, belongs to all components of the nation who love their homeland, belongs to those who have the steadfastness in upholding national values. 
  "Because of that, I invite all Indonesian people, especially Blora , what is the background, to join in celebrating Santri Day. Celebrate by tracing the struggle of Santri and maintaining human dignity for Indonesia&quohe saidnya. 
   On this occasion, Santri Day is the right moment to reflect on our role in making this country successful. As the next generation , We must continue to learn and strive to achieve perfection in religious knowledge and general knowledge. 
  " Let's reflect and practice the spirit of Santri Jihad in our daily lives. Our struggle is not just a physical struggle , but the struggle to fight ignorance, injustice, poverty, and all forms of unhappiness. together- together we can make this state a success by bringing positive changes in the future " he explained. 
  Currently our country is facing various complex challenges and changes. In the midst of ever-changing global dynamics, Santri have a key role in maintaining the integrity of religious and moral values ​​in society. 
  " Let's unite , keep fighting, and carry out the role as an agent of change that brings progress to this country. "Close it."
  After the call , The event then closed with the handover of assistance from the Blora Regency Basnaz in the form of scholarships for students who memorize Al- Quran. 

Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

DemaPers- Sunday ( 22 October 2023 ) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora Student Representative Participates in the Santri Day Ceremony at Blora Square.

By using a sarong and cap , Regent H. Arief Rohman , Directly leading the Call to commemorate Santri Day with participation from Forkopimda ranks, OPD Leader, Ministry of Religion, The students , The PCNU management along with the IPNU Banom, IPPNU,FATAYAT,PMII, Banser, and all participants in the opposite ceremony wore sarongs.

In his mandate, Regent H. Arief Rohman read the Minister of Religion's remarks, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said that through presidential decree Number 22 Year 2015 has set a date 22 October commemorates Santri Day. Determination 22 October refers to the outbreak “Resolution Jihad ” Which contains a fatwa on the obligation to fight jihad to defend Indonesia's independence.

” This jihad resolution then gave birth to a heroic event 10 November 1945 which we commemorate as Heroes' Day. Since set in the year 2015 , Every year we regularly hold Santri Day commemorations with different themes ” Obviously , Sunday (22/10/2023) .

According to him for years 2023 This, Santri Day commemoration has a theme ” Jihad Santri Jakan State ” Which we raise on the commemoration of Santri Day this time , Has the deepest meaning.

” Say “Jihad ” In Islam it is not limited to physical fighting , But rather the overall struggle which includes the struggle to strengthen faith, deepen knowledge, and improve yourself. Today, we reflect on how the role of Santri as religious and scientific pillars can be a driving force for the nation's progress ” he added.

As Santri we are not only obliged to understand religious teachings well, but also responsible for making religious values ​​the basis of our daily actions and behavior.

” Santri must have a good example in society , uphold good values , tolerance and brotherhood. Naturally, We also have to remember how big a role the Islamic boarding school students play in the history of this nation ” he said.

Not only that, Santri must be good examples in society, uphold good values , tolerance and brotherhood.

” Of course, we also have to remember how big a role the Islamic boarding school students played in the history of this nation's struggle. They were involved in various important events that shaped Indonesian independence ” he added.

Santri Day commemoration does not belong to Santri alone, Santri Day belongs to all of us, belongs to all components of the nation who love their homeland, belongs to those who have the steadfastness in upholding national values.

“Therefore I invite all Indonesian people, especially Blora , what is the background, to join in celebrating Santri Day. Celebrate by tracing the struggle of Santri and maintaining human dignity for Indonesia” he said.

On this occasion, Santri Day is the right moment to reflect on our role in making this country successful. As the next generation , We must continue to learn and strive to achieve perfection in religious knowledge and general knowledge.

” Let's reflect and practice the spirit of Santri Jihad in our daily lives. Our struggle is not just a physical struggle , but the struggle to fight ignorance, injustice, poverty, and all forms of unhappiness. together- together we can make this state a success by bringing positive changes in the future ” he explained.

Currently our country is facing various complex challenges and changes. In the midst of ever-changing global dynamics, Santri have a key role in maintaining the integrity of religious and moral values ​​in society.

” Let's unite , keep fighting, and carry out the role as an agent of change that brings progress to this country. “The lid.”

After the call , The event then closed with the handover of assistance from the Blora Regency Basnaz in the form of scholarships for students who memorize Al- Quran.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni


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