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Security Coordination Meeting and Licensing Futsal Tournament Febiku IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora

IAIKU Press – Friday, (21 February 2025), a coordination meeting has been held related to the security and licensing of futsal tournament activities that will be held by the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business (FEBI) IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora.

The meeting took place in the meeting room of the leadership of IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora and was attended by various related parties, Including from Kota District, police officers, TNI, Blora District Health Office, and other agencies.


Febiku Futsal Tournament IAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora is planned to take place on Sunday, 23 February 2025, start at 09.00 WIB until 18.00 WIB at GOR Mustika Blora. On this occasion, The activity committee conveyed several matters related to the implementation of the event, including the number of participants as many as 9 The team divided into two groups, namely group A. (5 tim) and group b (4 tim). The match will use a half compilation system, followed by the knockout system, and the committee limits the number of supporters per team as much as 50 people.


The committee has also prepared a screening team to check each supporter who enters, to make sure no prohibited items are brought into the contest area. Besides that, The committee is also committed to maintaining the smooth running of the event and appealed to all parties to comply with the applicable rules.


Related parties who attended the meeting provided various input and support for the smooth running of the event. Bamin Uryanmin Satintelkam Blora Police suggested that licensing requirements immediately be completed and reminded the importance of supervision of clubs that have a bad record in the previous tournament. Blora Regency Health Office said he was ready to assign medical teams and ambulances, While Blora Police and Blora Koramil will also deploy personnel to secure the event.


The agreement of the results of the meeting includes the readiness of the committee in preparing health workers, medical vehicle, and firefighters. The committee is also committed to maintaining security and order during the tournament and is ready to stop the activity in the event of a situation that endangers safety. All related agencies present expressed their support for this activity, and the TNI/Polri will carry out security to ensure the event is safely.


The meeting was finished in an orderly manner at 10.50 WIB, And all parties agreed to jointly support the smooth running of the futsal tournament which will be held on Sunday, 23 February 2025.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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