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Socialization of Filling in Even Semester RPS at the Islamic Institute of Islamic Religion Khozinatul Ulum Blora

IAHIPIAPS - Monday,( 10 February 2025 ) The Islamic Institute of Islamic Religion Khozinatul Ulum Blora held a socialization of filling out the semester learning plan (RPS) For even semester, which was attended by lecturers and educators in the campus auditorium.

This activity aims to ensure the preparation of a more systematic RPS, In harmony with academic standards, and increase the effectiveness of the learning process in the campus environment.


The event was opened with a response by the Academic Rector I Representative, Ahmad Saifullah, M.Pd.I. In his speech, He stressed that the preparation of a good RPS has an important role in creating a structured and directed learning experience. “We hope this socialization can facilitate lecturers in preparing quality RPS, Supports the smooth lecture, and increase student academic achievements,” he said.


Ahmad Saifulloh M,Pd.I. Also expressed his hope that the RPS compiled not only follow academic rules, but also oriented to the outcome-based education approach (OBE). “With a structured RPS and focuses on learning achievements, We believe that academic quality will be increasing and students can be better prepared to face challenges in the world of work,” he added.


This socialization includes the explanation of the latest guidelines in the preparation of RPS, Implementation of OBE -Based Education Systems, and interactive discussions between participants and speakers. In this activity, The lecturers are given an understanding of how to design RPS that focuses on learning achievements, competency -based teaching strategy, and more effective evaluation methods.


Through this activity, It is hoped that all lecturers at the Islamic Institute of Islamic Religion Khozinatul Ulum Blora can apply the OBE approach in the preparation of their RPS. Thus, The resulting learning will be more relevant, measured, and in accordance with the needs of the world of work and the development of science.


Information: Yusron Ridho Nurfatoni

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