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STAI General Studium Khozinatul Ulum

Tuesday, 17 September 2019. The event which took place on the grounds of the STAI Khozinatul Ulum campus was attended by all students and their guardians, with a theme “Establishing Synergy between the Central Java Provincial Government and Universities in Improving Human Resources”. Although the main resource person, Mr. Taj Yasin, was unable to attend the event, because it replaced Mr. Ganjar's event in Kudus, The event still ran smoothly and was quite lively.

In his speech, the chairman of STAI Khozinatul Ulum, Dr. Nur Ihsan Shaleh Lc. MA, deliver “Studium General is an activity that is usually carried out at the beginning of the semester, with the aim of creating cooperation between the campus and the government, and also encourage students to take part in social activities”. Nur Ihsan also added “To improve human resources three items are needed, namely intelligence, social skills and prayer”.

Also present were the founders of the Khozinatul Ulum Al-Amien foundation, Romo KH Muharror Ali, he told the history of the founding of the STAI campus from the beginning to the present. “The early history of the establishment of this campus began with a proposal from the parents of Madrasah Aliyah students, and also the twists and turns have been passed by the foundation manager”, he said.


The first to stand was the IAT study program (Ilmu Al-Qur’an Tafsir) and ILHA (Hadith Science) which was formerly the Ushuluddin Study Program. Now the STAI campus has developed and has eight study programs, including PGMI (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teacher education), PIAUD (Early Age Islamic Education), ES (Sharia Economics), MBS (Sharia Business Management), PS (Sharia Banking), and PAI (Islamic religious education). “Students depend on the quality of their lecturers, So the suitability/discipline of the field of science must be taken into account” added Father Yai.

On that occasion, Also present was the deputy regent of Blora, Arif Rahman. He hopes that the STAI Khozinantul Ulum campus will become the first institute in Blora, and participate in building Blora better. Apart from Studium General, At the end of the event there was the launch of the STAI Khozinatul Ulum Blora website (
“Because the majority of students on this campus are Islamic students, So apart from mastering the Yellow Book, you must also be able to master IT and multimedia technology”, said Mr Ahmad Saiful Rizal, M.Pd in ​​his launch speech.

Apart from launching a website, STAI also launched UKM (Student activity units) which was named FKDM (Digital and Multimedia Communication Forum). This UKM will later concentrate more on improving students' abilities in communicating digitally and also being proficient in mastering multimedia technology.

The hope, The birth of this UKM is able to produce Islamic preacher cadres who are not only proficient in religious knowledge but also agile in mastering technology..


Reporet: Ahmad Muwafi Nur Hasan
V semester IAT study program students

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